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medicine and diSpoSable conTacT lenSeS wiThdrawn from Sale

Three types of medication have been withdrawn from the market by the health authorities according to a report by ThinkSpain,com.

The anti-blood clotting drug Sintrom, the anti-inflammatory Junifen – which comes in syrup format and the main ingredient of which is Ibuprofen – and Acuvue daily-use contact lenses have been removed from sale, says the Spanish Medication and Healthcare Products Agency (AEMPS).

Not all varieties of these drugs have been taken off the shelves – for Sintrom, manufactured by Novartis, batch number T5484 - containing boxes of 20 pills of four milligrams each - has been withdrawn due to ‘a foreign object’ detected in one of the tablets, meaning it has been returned to the laboratory for testing.

Junifen, marketed by Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare, has seen batch G07 – syrup of 40 milligrams per millilitre – taken off sale

due to ‘results outside normal specifications’, and returned to the laboratory for a ‘recount of total yeast and fungus’, or analysis of the bacteria which is the active ingredient of the drug.

And Acuvue’s 1-Day Moist (Etafilcon A), and Acuvue Advance with Hydroclear (Galyfilcon A) have been removed from the shelves as a limited number of individual packs of contact lenses were found not to have been correctly sealed, meaning the solution inside the pack could have leaked out and made the lenses less sterile, potentially causing eye infections.

Spain’s ministry of health has instructed pharmacies and opticians to stop selling these three products immediately and for patients to stop using them.

They should go to their doctor or optician as applicable in the event of any adverse effects suffered.

Ryanair Flight From Valencia Makes Emergency

Landing In GenoaA Ryanair flight from Valencia to Bergamo in northern Italy

had to make an emergency landing in Genoa this morning when the pressurisation system failed.

Ryanair have issued a press release confirming the incident and apologising “sincerely to all our passengers for any inconvenience caused”.

The low-cost airline’s statement said that its pilot had reacted “as soon as a warning light came on to indicate a possible problem with cabine pressure. In line with standard operating procedures, oxygen masks were deployed and the pilot began his controlled emergency descent to an altitude where air pressure was not an issue”. Afterwards, the plane “landed without incident at Genoa airport at approximately 09.50 hours”.

With the aim of minimising disruption, passengers were transferred to Bergamo by bus whilst Ryanair’s engineers inspected the Boeing 737-800 aircraft, the statement confirmed.

Sources within Ryanair said that two of the 93 passengers on board flight FR4632 had been taken to a local hospital as a precaution.

The Italian media have confirmed them to be two women, who had complained of chest pain. There are unconfirmed reports of scenes of panic within the aircraft.


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2 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES

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SpEEd LIMIt to bE REducEd to 90kMph on SEcondaRy RoadS

The Interior Minister, Jorge Fernández Díaz, announced last week “imminent” changes to the national traffic regulations, that would almost certainly see the speed limit on secondary roads being reduced from 100kmph to 90kmph.

Fernández Díaz, who made the announcement at the Traffic School in Mérida, said this decision came in response to the fact that “77% of road accidents, including fatal accidents, occur on the country’s secondary roads”.

He confirmed that the “main objective and priority” of speed limits was to guarantee road safety, whilst allowing for maximum mobility. For this reason, the Minister has decided to reduce the speed limit on secondary roads to a maximum of 90kmph.

Furthermore, on stretches of roads that are 6.5 metres wide or less, the speed limit will be reduced to 60kmph. With regard to the motorway network, the minister confirmed that he was studying the possibility of increasing the maximum speed limit from 120kmph to 130kmph.

Any change to the maximum speed limit on motorways would, he said, have to take into account a number of variables, including the condition of the road surface, the amount of traffic, weather conditions, etc. with a variable speed limit linked to each of these the most likely solution.

With regard to cyclists, the Minister underlined the fact that bicycles were not to be used on pavements around town and said he was looking at making the use of safety helmets obligatory in town as well as on main roads

NuN charged iN ‘stoleN baby’ cases dies iN Madrid

unemployment reaches new record high for 2012 year end

Unemployment figures in Spain reached a new record high of 5,965,400 at the close of 2012, equating to 26.02% of the labour force out of work.

According to the latest data published today by the Natonal Institute of Statistics (INE), the number of people unemployed rose by 291,700 (13.12%).

In the last quarter of 2012 alone, employment dropped by 363,300 (2.1%).

The number of people in employment dropped by 176,000 between October and December, and was especially noticeable amongst those under 25, and by 158,700 compared with the same period in 2011.

The number of men out of work increased by 11.77% during the course of 2012 and 2.29% in the last quarter. Women fared even worse, with the number out of work

going up by 14.69% across the year and by 4.34% in the last quarter.

The number of foreign workers out of work actually dropped by 4,000 across the year, although it increased by 39,400 in the last quarter to reach a total of 1,221,800 (36.53%).

The service sector has been the worst hit over the past 12 months, with 1,737,300 people losing their jobs.

In the construction sector 387,900 people lost their jobs, 64,800 fewer than in 2011.

Region by region, unemployment went up in 15 autonomous communities, headed up by Andalusia, where 194,100 more people joined the dole queue last year, and Catalunya (109,700), and only fell in the Balearic Islands (12,500) and in La Rioja (1,200).

The nun, María Gómez Valbuena, better known as Sor María, who has been accused of involvement in “stolen baby” cases, has died in Madrid.

The news was confirmed by a spokeswoman for the convent where she lived - Las Hijas de la Caridad de San Vicente Paúl.

Sor María, who, according to the same source, was “very ill”, did not appear before the judge on January 18th, citing “health reasons” as grounds for not giving evidence in the case brought by Purificación Betegón for the alleged disappearance of twins born in the Santa Cristina Clinic in 1981.

Although the news has only broken today, Sor María actually passed away on Tuesday and has already been buried according to the charitable association SOS Bebés Robados (SOS Stolen Babies).

Sor María did give evidence on April 12th last year after María Luisa Torres accused her of having stolen her newborn daughter off her in 1982.

Discounts of between 30% and 70% are set to be introduced for tickets on Spain’s high-speed trains (AVE) over the next few days, according to

The Spanish national railway company, Renfe, will offer the discounts on the basis of how full the trains are and how far in advance customers buy their tickets

- in a similar way to that in which the low-cost operate.

The Minister for Public Works, Ana Pastor announced in December that steps were going to be taken to to make the AVE “more competitive”, adding that tickets for the high-speed trains were currently “very expensive”.

In an interview with Antena 3, Pastor said that

cominG Soon: diScounTS of beTween 30% and 70%

on aVe TickeTSunder the new system there would be a basic price for an AVE ticket, and other offer prices depending on train occupancy levels and purchase dates.

“We are going to try to make sure that the many people, particularly young people, who can’t currently afford to travel by AVE, will start having access to this service”, confirmed Pastor, stressing that her priority was to see the AVE operating in “the most profitable way possible”.

“The AVE is currently the model for efficiency and competitiveness [...] is punctual, of high quality and covers long distances”, the Minister highlighted. For this reason, she said, Spain’s AVE “could and would be both competitive and efficient”.

Pastor also confirmed that the AVE would reach Galicia by 2018, as announced recently by the prime minister Mariano Rajoy.

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4 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES

Condado de alhama Resort (polaris world Resort)




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merkel SayS europe muST STick To auSTeriTyEuropean nations must

stick to continuing austerity measures to reduce government debt levels, the German Chancellor has said.

In a report by the BBC, speaking at the World Economic Forum, Angela Merkel said that Europe “must implement the structural reforms today so we can live better tomorrow”.

She added that it was also vital for European countries to keep up work to improve their economic competitiveness.

Earlier, the Dutch prime minister had called for more work to boost growth.

Also speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Mark Rutte said he found it “frustrating” that eurozone nations were “so much” focused on crisis management.

However, in her speech, Mrs Merkel said economic growth and structural reforms had to go hand-in-hand.

She said: “Budget consolidation and economic growth are two sides of the same coin.”

Mr Rutte said the European Union needed the UK and Denmark to “inspire” fresh debates over boosting growth.

He also said that he wanted the UK to remain an “active”

EU member.“I can be extremely

frustrated that the debates in the eurozone group are so much focused on the troubles we have. We should move to spend time on getting growth going,” Mr Rutte told a panel of speakers including Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti, his Danish counterpart Helle Thorning-Schmidt, and the Republic of Ireland’s Enda Kenny.

“We need countries like Denmark, Sweden and the UK... to stay not just in the EU but to be active, because they are focused on bolstering [their economies] and that is a very different debate we are having in the eurozone,” he added.

“So I’m always trying to liaise with non-eurozone countries. We need them to be with us because we need their inspiration.”

Prime Minister Thorning-Schmidt also echoed his views, saying that Europe had “to move on to practical issues right now” such as improving competitiveness, as the “prospect for getting jobs and growth in Europe is enormous.”

The comments came as the International Monetary Fund recently warned that the euro area, struggling from austerity programmes, continued to hinder an already weakening

global economic recovery.But Ireland, which has pushed

through six austerity budgets since 2008 after its property bubble burst, has been facing recovery, albeit fragile, and won the confidence of international investors.

“When you have a strategy and you follow it, you have results,” said Irish Taoiseach Kenny, adding that he expected his country to exit the bailout programme this year.

“But our people have had to take really serious challenges...The central issue is that people see that leaders follow through with the decisions they’ve made.”

“It’s important in terms of international reputation for them to understand that their money is not wasted.”

Three held oVer brazil club fireBrazilian police arrest three people in connection with a fire at a nightclub that killed 231 people in the southern city of Santa Maria on Sunday.

raid breakS up Greek meTro STrikeGreek police storm a sit-in by striking Athens underground train workers, enforcing a government order requiring them to return to work.

french courT orderS TwiTTer To hand oVer raciST daTaA French court orders Twitter to hand over details of users who spread anti-Semitic messages, months after offensive tweets were removed.

ukraine and Shell SiGn GaS dealUkraine signs a major shale gas deal with Royal Dutch Shell - a move seen as an attempt by Kiev to reduce its dependency on Russian gas imports

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6 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES

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isabel pantoja knew She was laundering money for muñoz Says prosecutor

The State Prosecutor maintained, that singer Isabel Pantoja (pictured) did indeed help Julián

Muñoz, the ex-mayor of Marbella, hide his ill-gotten funds in her maze of companies with the specific intention of laundering the money.

In her summary, María del Mar López-Herrero, confirmed that the singer, who is facing a jail term of up to three and a half years for her part in the money-laundering enterprise, offered the use of her own private companies to conceal the source of the money and actually received funds directly into others.

With regard to the apartament Pantoja allegedly bought in the Hotel Guadalpín in Marbella, the prosecutor maintains that it was paid for by Julián Muñoz, who made contact with the construction company Aifos even before the property was built.

The prosecutor also maintains that the purchase of the luxury chalet ‘La Pera’ was another money-laundering exercise by Pantoja and Muñoz. She also pointed out

that Pantoja used to work in Marbella town hall and that there are photos of her together with Julián Muñoz at the Fitur Tourism Fair, which is where the chalet purchase was brokered.

Evidence was also presented that Pantoja had made numerous, substantial cash payments to agricultural workers in her employ, which “suggest further attempts to launder funds made available to her by Julián Muñoz”.

The state prosecutor in this anti-corruption trial maintained today that Julián Muñoz was the “cornerstone, the source, the one who orchestrated and organised,... the one who utilised the people around him to hide this money”, but insisted that Pantoja was well aware of what she was doing when she helped him conceal the illicit funds.

two aRREStEd In GaLIcIa FoR kILLInG bRown bEaR

Animal protection officers with the Guardia Civil have arrested two people - 50-year-old J.M.A.A., and 30-year-old N.R.F. - for allegedly killing a brown bear in the town of Porley in Asturias.

According to a report by, they have been charged with contravening nature conservation laws on two accounts: first of all for using a steel lassoo, an outlawed method of hunting, and secondly for killing a protected animal (brown bears are in danger of extinction).

The investigation began back in August last year, when it was revealed that a brown bear had been caught in an illegal steel lassoo in a rural area known as Las Frezalinas, in the town of Porley.

Specialist agents with Seprona, the Guardia Civil’s Nature Protecion Service, collected samples from the area in order to hunt down the those responsible for the kill.

200 metres away from where the bear was found, agents found a sack containing the remains of a wild boar, whose hairs were also found on the steel lassoo later used to trap and kill the bear.

Samples from the lassoo where sent to police crime labs, where specialists were able to establish that the lassoo used to capture and kill the wild boar, was later re-used, this time to capture a bear.

A label on the sack containing the remains of the wild boar led the police to a distribution company in Gijón, and then to one of the men now charged with this crime. The second defendant is the owner of land right next to where the sack and the lassoo were found.

The latter was the one who initially alerted the authorities to the presence of the dead bear, but concealed relevant data from the police right from the start of the investigation, like, for example, the time the bear was found, which could have led to the animal’s safe release. It is believed that the stress suffered by the bear during the hours it was trapped, coupled with an illness it was suffering, contributed to its untimely death.

The last time someone was arrested for killing a bear in Spain was in 1991, in the town of Villaux (Pola de Somedo), where Seprona agents detained a man for being in possession of two brown bear skins.

baqueira beret in northern Spain photographed on 18th january: the resort recorded the most snowfall in four days for 10 years (2.5m at 1800m) photo: baqueira beret

send your

news & views to editor@

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real Madrid still World’s richest Football clubReal Madrid has topped Deloitte’s football rich list

for the eighth year in a row, with revenues breaking 500m euros (£420m) for the first time.

Barcelona, Manchester United, Bayern Munich and Chelsea make up the rest of the top five spots, based on data for the 2011/12 season.

Chelsea’s revenues were boosted significantly by winning both the Uefa Champions League and the FA Cup.

Manchester City was joint top riser, jumping from twelfth to seventh spot.

The club’s revenues rose to 286m euros from 170m euros the previous season, thanks to winning the Premier League and a controversial sponsorship deal.

The club has signed a 10-year deal with Etihad Airways worth a reported 480m euros.

Etihad is the flag-carrier of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and is based in Abu Dhabi. Manchester City is owned by Sheikh Mansour, a member of the ruling family of Abu Dhabi, which is one of the emirates that makes up the UAE.

Critics have argued the deal is designed to circumvent Uefa’s financial fair play rules, designed to stop clubs spending more than they earn. The club has refuted the claims.

Arsenal dropped one place to sixth due to Chelsea’s success on the pitch, but recorded a 40m-euro jump in revenues.

Liverpool held on to ninth spot, with revenues growing by 30m euros despite a disappointing season in the Premier League and a lack of European football for the first time since 1999/2000. This was due in

part to two domestic cup final appearances and the new owners focusing on increasing commercial revenues.

Italian giants AC Milan and Juventus, which won Serie A, took the other places in the top 10 list.

With total revenues of 513m euros, Real Madrid equalled Manchester United’s record of topping the list for eight consecutive seasons.

“Real have led the way in the phenomenal level of revenue growth enjoyed by the sport’s top clubs over the past two decades,” Deloitte said. “The Spanish club’s revenue growth has been remarkable. In 1996/97, the first season for which we published our Money League analysis, Real generated revenues of 85m euros, one sixth of the revenues they generated in 2011/12.”

Deloitte also highlighted the fact that the club enjoys a balanced revenue stream, with 25% coming from match days, 39% from broadcasting and 36% from commercial sales.

1. real madrid: 513m euros2. barcelona: 483m euros

3. Man Utd: 396m euros4. bayern munich: 368m euros

5. chelsea: 323m euros6. Arsenal: 290m euros

7. manchester city: 286m euros8. ac milan: 257m euros

9. Liverpool: 233m euros10. Juventus: 195m eurosSource: deloitte: 2011-12

Transport Commissioner Siim Kallas says he is introducing targets for the number of charging points that EU countries must install, to boost the use of electric cars.

Presenting his Clean Power for Transport package on 24 January 2013, he pointed out that 94% of all European transport was reliant on oil, the majority of which is imported.

He said that electric car charging points will have to feature the same plug format, introducing a European standard.

In the UK there are currently around 703 charging points, although plans could see this increased to over 120,000 by 2020.

Commissioner Kallas has estimated the cost of building green infrastructure of transport at €10bn until 2020, compared with the the EU’s €1bn a day cost of importing oil.

However he said that “member states will be able to implement these changes without necessarily involving public spending”, pointing to the potential use of EU funding.

Other measures contained in the package include greater use of Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) in the shipping sector and greater use of biofuels.

eu commiSSion propoSeS new TarGeTS for elecTric carS

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8 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES

muSic wiTh mark

You can listen to Mark Davies on Costa Calida International Radio, Mon, Wed and Fri evenings

7.00 till 9.00 on 90 and 100 FM or

DATES FOR OUR GUEST MEDIUMS:30th January - Mercedes Garcia

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Meetings held every Wednesday from 7pm - approx 8.30pm: The Old School House

Canadas del Romero


Centre for Spiritual Awareness

Dire Straits were a British rock band, formed in 1977 by former journalist and teacher Mark Knopfler, initially composed of Knopfler (lead vocals and lead guitar), his younger brother David (rhythm guitar and backing vocals), John Illsley (bass guitar and backing vocals), and Pick Withers (drums and percussion).

Dire Straits’ sound drew from a variety of musical influences, including jazz, folk, blues, and came closest to beat music within the context of rock and roll. Despite the prominence of punk rock during the band’s early years, the band’s stripped-down sound contrasted with punk, demonstrating a more bluesy influence that emerged out of the pub rock scene. Many

of Dire Straits’ compositions were melancholic. The group’s first album, “Dire Straits”, was recorded at Basing Street studios in West London in February 1978, at a cost of £12,500. Produced by Muff Winwood, the album had little promotion when initially released in the United Kingdom on Vertigo Records, a division of the Phonogram Record Corporation, and was not well received. However, the album came to the attention of A&R representative Karin Berg, working at Warner Bros. Records in New York City. She felt that it was the kind of music audiences were hungry for and championed the band to the company. Recording sessions for the group’s second album, took place in December 1978 at Compass Point Studios in Nassau, Bahamas. Released in June 1979, “Communiqué” was produced

by Jerry Wexler and Barry Beckett and went to Number1 on the German album charts, with the debut album “Dire Straits” simultaneously at Number 3. Featuring the single “Lady Writer”, the second album continued in a similar vein as the first and displayed the expanding scope of Knopfler’s lyricism on the opening track, “Once Upon a Time in the West”. In the coming year, however, this approach began to change, along with the group’s lineup. In 1980, Dire Straits were nominated for two Grammy Awards for Best New Artist and Best Rock Vocal Performance by a Duo or Group for “Sultans Of Swing” which had become a massive hit. In July 1980 the band started recording tracks for their third album.

Produced by Jimmy Iovine with Knopfler also sharing credit. The third album “Making Movies” was released in October 1980.

During the recording sessions, tension between Mark and David Knopfler took its toll on the band, and David left over creative differences with his brother to pursue a solo career; he was uncredited on the album. The sessions continued with Sid McGinnis on rhythm guitar and keyboardist Roy Bittan from Bruce Springsteen’s East Street Band. After the recording sessions were completed, keyboardist Alan Clark and Californian guitarist Hal Lindes joined Dire Straits as full-time members for tours of Europe and North America. Dire Straits’ fourth studio album “Love Over Gold”, an album of songs filled with lengthy, experimental passages, was well received when it was released in September 1982, going gold in America and spending four weeks at number one in the United Kingdom.

Released in May 1985,and the definitive album of them all “Brothers In Arms” entered the UK Albums Chart at number 1 and spent a total of 228 weeks in the charts. It went on to become the best-selling album of 1985 in the UK. “Brothers in Arms” was similarly successful in the US, peaking at No. 1 on Billboard 200 for nine weeks, going multi-platinum, selling nine million copies .The album featured a more lavish production and overall sound than Dire Straits’ earlier work, and spawned several big chart singles: “Money for Nothing”, which reached number 1 on the US Billboard Hot 100, and number 4 in the UK Singles Chart, “So Far Away” “Brothers In Arms” , “Walk of Life” , and “Your Latest Trick” were all massive hits taken from the album. “Money for Nothing” was the first video ever to be played on MTV in Britain and featured guest vocals by Sting, who is credited with co-writing the song with Knopfler, although in fact, it was just the inclusion of the melody line from the Police single “Don’t Stand So Close To Me” that triggered the copyright credit, no actual lyrics were written by Sting. It also won a Grammy Award for Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal at the 28th Grammy Awards in February 1986.

“Brothers in Arms” was among the first albums recorded on digital equipment due to Knopfler pushing for improved sound quality. The album’s title track is reported to be the world’s first CD single. It was issued in the UK as a promotional item distinguished with a logo for the tour, Live in ‘85, while a second to commemorate the Australian leg of the tour marked Live in ‘86. Containing just four tracks, it had a very limited run. “Walk of Life” meanwhile was nearly excluded from the album when co-producer

Neil Dorfsman voted against its inclusion, but the band

members out-voted him. The result was Dire Straits’ most commercially successful hit single in the UK, peaking at number two.”Money for Nothing”, “Walk of Life”, and “Brothers in Arms” immediately became live concert favourites. The album is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the first compact disc to sell a million copies.

Dire straits made only one more studio album the 1991 “On Every Street” from which the single “Elvis Calls” was a minor chart hit. With Knopfler doing more solo work away from the band including a project with The Travelling Wilburys the writing was on the wall for the band. The last concert ever performed by the band was on the 9th of October 1992, in Zaragoza, Spain. Knopfler did not want to tour the band anymore and after their last album “Live at the BBC” which they were contractually obligated to complete for their contract release. Knopfler dissolved the band in 1995.

Dire Straits’ biggest selling album, Brothers in Arms, has sold over 30 million copies. They also became one of the world’s most commercially successful bands, with worldwide album sales of over 120 million. Dire Straits won numerous music awards during their career, including four Grammy Awards, three Brit Awards—winning Best British Group twice, and two MTV Video Music Awards. The band’ most popular songs include “Sultans of Swing”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Tunnel of Love”, “Private Investigations”, “Money for Nothing”, “Walk of Life”, “So Far Away”, “Your Latest Trick” and “Brothers in Arms”. I personally think that track for track “Making Movies” was better than “Brothers in Arms” but that aside they were a superb band with music that will be played for many years to come.

Dire Straits’ biggest selling album, Brothers in Arms, has sold over 30 million copies.[3] They also became one of the world’s most commercially successful bands, with worldwide album sales of over 120 million.[4] Dire Straits won numerous music awards during their career, including four Grammy Awards, three Brit Awards—winning Best British Group twice, and two MTV Video Music Awards.[4] The band’ most popular songs include “Sultans of Swing”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Tunnel of Love”, “Private Investigations”, “Money for Nothing”, “Walk of Life”, “So Far Away”, “Your Latest Trick” and “Brothers in Arms”.

Dire Straits’ career spanned 18 years. There were several changes in personnel over that period, leaving Mark Knopfler and John Illsley as the only two original band mates who had remained throughout the band’s career. Dire Straits disbanded in 1995 when Mark Knopfler launched his career full time as a solo artist.

dire Straits

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On Tuesday 22nd January Joan Mitchell, of HELP Murcia Mar Menor, presented Joanne Scott of La Zona Bar, Los Alcazares with a “Certificate of Appreciation” for hosting events at La Zona bar that raised money for local charities. The amount donated to HELP was the amazing sum of €2,932 during 2012. This was raised from the Charity Market held every second Tuesday in the month, from Bingo sessions held every Wednesday at 3.30 p.m., quizzes held every Thursday at 3 p.m., last year’s Easter Egg raffle, the Carnival held on May Day last year, plus Joanne’s kind donation of gifts as prizes, and from this year’s Christmas cake raffle.

The certificate expressed thanks for her efforts on behalf of all HELP’s members. Joanne does the same for many other charities and individual good causes. As well as running a busy bar, Joanne also teaches at a Spanish academy and is a member of Viva, a quartet associated with Spangles, a well-known 4-part harmony chorus. In truth, a very busy lady!

la zona’S fund raiSer, joanne

The New Year got off to a great start for MABS Cancer Support Group with Costa Calída Golf Tours confirming MABS Murcia as their nominated charity for 2013. “We’re absolutely delighted to be working with the owners, Andy and Donna Walsh, and Keith Morrison” remarked Lyn Baines, Director of MABS Murcia. “I know that they have always supported local charities and we are honoured to be nominated for 2013.”

On Friday, 25 January, they met at the Las Colinas Golf & Country Club on the Orihuela Costa, accompanied by the Director of Golf, Martin Eastgate, to hand over 300€ which was raised at a recent social function, held in the impressive Club House at Las Colinas. “We know what great support work MABS does here and that the money raised in Murcia stays within the region to help residents of all nationalities. I think that most people will have been affected by cancer or know someone who has, so it’s a cause close to many people’s hearts.” Andy commented.

MABS not only provides translators, drivers and equipment in the home, but also up-to-date cancer information, support, advice, counselling and various therapy treatments

are available at the MABS Centre in San Javier. “We cover a wide range of services and will always try to find solutions for the people that we help, so don’t be afraid to call and ask the question” said Lyn.

MABS Murcia is a registered charity (No. 7261) offering help and support to local people of all nationalities who have been diagnosed with or are being treated for cancer. If you or someone you know would like some confidential help or support call our HELPLINE 693 275 779 or visit their website:


THEIR NATIONALITYPhotographer: Alfonso Fernandez

Photograph: L to R: Andy Walsh (CCGT), Babs Burks (MABS Care Co-ordinator), Lyn Baines (MABS Director), Martin Eastgate (Director of Golf at Las Colinas).

coSTa calida Golf TourS SponSorS mabS murcia

966 717 028 calle el pino esq. calle abedul, ciudad [emailprotected]

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(Ex. of The Sportsman)with ROB

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10 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES

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and is authorised to give investment advice under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID). Some of the investment examples advertised may be unregulated collective investment schemes (UCIS) and may not be suitable for all investors. Investors should always speak with their advisor as to the suitability of these investments within their portfolio. It does

not constitute an offer to enter into any contract or agreement, nor is it a solicitation to buy or sell any investment.

Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (11) SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 11

On a very windswept day, ten ladies braved the elements and turned up for the Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers (SABS) ‘Sing Harmony in a Day’ course in Camposol. Some had not sung before and some hadn’t sung since they were at school, but all were keen to learn. SABS President and Spangles Musical Director, Gail Grainger, started them off gently with some vocal warm-ups and breathing exercises. They were then divided them into four sections (Lead, Bass, Baritone and Tenor) to learn a song in four part harmony which would be performed to family and friends in the evening. With the help of quartets ‘Chardonnay’ and ‘Viva’, the ladies soon got to grips with their part. “I’m amazed at how quickly they all learned” commented SABS Vice President, Lyn Baines.

There was some trepidation about their ability to sing competently to an audience of friends and family in the evening, but hard work and determination saw them through and they received rapturous applause from their audience. Everyone was keen to start a new barbershop chorus in Camposol and Gail and Lyn will help them see this through. “We are keen to see more people enjoy barbershop singing in Spain and we are delighted that the ladies wish to progress further after just one day” Lyn remarked.

The organisers received some great comments about how the event was well organised and professionally run, how friendly and helpful Viva and Chardonnay were during the learning stage and how much they had enjoyed the experience. One participant commented: “I didn’t know if I could sing – now I think I can!”

This is a new initiative for SABS to encourage more people to take up barbershop harmony singing in Spain and they are busily planning the next one on the Costa Blanca later this year. “We’re interested in hearing from men as well as ladies” commented Gail. If you would like to know more about this unique art form, please visit the SABS website: or contact [emailprotected] by email.

Photographer: Jean Weller

‘SinG harmony in a day’ comeS To mazarrón

Dates for your Diary

easter fayre23 March 2013 11am – 3 pm at

Marianos on sector a .Raffle tickets (2 Euros per ticket) on sale from 8th feb at the fast

bookstall on Sector Balso any donations for the tombola would be greatly appreciated please tell the

bookstall staff.

sponsoreD easter Walk31 March 2013 starts 11am at

Lower Car park on Sector BEaster Bonnets are optional (prize

for best bonnet)

Further events are being planned and will be advertised later

FAST would like to take this opportunity to thank all

Camposol residents for their continued Support.

Camposol seCtor aSpice VillaSpice Villa

Grand opening party night






Thursday 7th february - 7pm til late

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12 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES

record SpendinG for holidaymakerS in Spain Seen laST year

Holidaymakers are spending more money when they come to Spain than ever before, with last year seeing visitors part with a record 55.6 billion euros, according to research by the ministry of tourism, according to a report by

These figures beat the previous record – set in 2011 – by 5.7 per cent.

The ministry began keeping a register of holidaymaker spending back in 2004, but they say last year was only the third-highest in actual tourist numbers – travellers to Spain have fallen in recent times.

But although there are fewer of them and their holidays are getting shorter – falling to an average of nine nights per person - they are shelling out more cash, the survey reveals – an average of 966 euros per holiday, or 108 euros a day, an increase of 2.8 and six per cent respectively.

Hotel accommodation remains the most popular, but other types – such as rented apartments – rose in take-up numbers more in 2012 than hotels did.

Brits spent the most money last year, at 11.1 billion – a total of 7.4 per cent more than in 2011.

They were followed by Germans, whose spending

rose by five per cent to over nine billion, and the French at 5.19 billion.

Tourists from France actually forked out 1.1 per cent less money than in 2011, but still made it into the top three and account for 10 per cent of cash circulated by holidaymakers.

Those from the Baltic States were not far behind, spending just under 5.1 billion, but in their case, the amount of money they parted with last year was an impressive 9.7 per cent increase on that of the year before.

Spending by Italian tourists fell considerably – by 7.1 per cent – but they still account for over five per cent of the total, dishing out 2.73 billion.

Brits, Scandinavians (Norwegians, Swedes, Danes and Finns), Germans and Russians were the most prolific national groups who visited Spain in 2012, although tourists from Russia did not stand out for being flash with their cash – a situation which is expected to change in the medium-term with plans to offer automatic residence rights to any Russian citizens who buy property priced at 160,000 euros or more, following an unprecedented interest

from this country in purchasing luxury holiday homes along the coast.

More Scandinavians, French and Germans travelled to Spain last year, although fewer Brits and Italians did so.

Catalunya was the region with the most money spent in it, followed by the Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands, Andalucía and Madrid – all of which saw spending go up except the latter.

The Comunidad Valenciana was in sixth place out of Spain’s 17 federal regions, following a sharp rise in the amount of cash that exchanged hands – 9.7 per cent more in 2012 than in 2011.

Murcia is in 10th place, following a one-per-cent drop, falling behind the central and northern regions of Galicia, the Basque Country and Castilla y León, but ahead of Aragón, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla-La Mancha, Navarra, La Rioja and Extremadura.

In all, the areas where holidaymakers paid out the most money during their stay were the major cities and coastal areas, with land-locked central regions attracting less tourist cash.

Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (13)


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14 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES

I’m back again full of gigs coming the next weeks. First of all, let you know that La Mata’s gig has moved to La Zenia, which is called now Alfie’s Place. A warm place for lunch or dinner while you’re listening nice Jazz music. Attached is a flyer with a map. And from this week, we start playing at Alfie’s every Friday at night as well. We’ll be there from 9pm.

As usual, you can also find me with the trad’ original Dixieland band “All That Jazz” every tuesday (Marina Bar) and every sunday (Bar Carlos).Schedule:REGULAR GIGS:• Tuesdays at 1pm: All That Jazz in Marina Bar (La Torreta) • Fridays at 9pm : Eo Simon Trio in Alfie’s Place (La Zenia) new!!• Saturdays at 1pm: Eo Simon Trio in Alfie’s Place (La Zenia) • Sundays at 1.30pm: All That Jazz in Bar Carlos (Torrevieja) SPECIAL EVENTS:• Feb 15th&16th: 10pm-ish!Smooth Jazz with singer Eugene (Nautilus, Punta Prima) • Feb 23th: Eo Simon Piano Jazz Solo Concert in Chez Mary Posa

(Downtown Torrevieja, French Cuisine.9:30pm Please book in advance 693 58 32 38, special venue with a few tables) one day only!!

Further information at www.eosimon.comBest regardsEnrique Simon

enriQue Simon GiGS

SUNDAY MARCH 3RD WALK, RUN OR CYCLE! It’s the New Year… and with “A Step In The Right Direction” you can make every step count! It’s out with the old and in with the new and for your personal “Hat Trick” Get fitter and lose weight, keeping healthy is a great News Year’s resolution and you will also be supporting a worthwhile cause!

Now in its 5th year, participants can walk, run or even cycle the route, and it’s made even easier with no less than three distances to choose from. We have 5, 10 and 15km courses for the walkers/runners and a 20km course along the tracks and trails of the beautiful La Pedrera Reservoir, Torremendo for the cyclists. All those completing the 20km cycling route and 15km walk will receive a certificate with completed time, so if you took part last year, why not try to improve on your time. Alternatively if you managed the 5km walk why not try the 10km or even 15km distance

One of the charities benefiting is The Children’s Home in Elche we had around 300 participants last year and this year we would like even more. You

can download a sponsorship form from or collect one from Quesada Country Club, Paddys Point in La Zenia and Diamond Flores in Quesada more collections points will be available or you can email [emailprotected] to receive one by email. We would like everyone to have a minimum sponsorship amount of €20 however, if you do not wish to collect sponsorship you can just pay a €5.00 entrance fee on the day.

For those wishing to take part but not sure of their fitness level training days at Casa La Pedrera each Monday have already started – call Jenni Ray on 660 816 620 for details.

There will be fabulous entertainment from 1.00p.m. and a BBQ for everyone

We have been lucky with the weather but should it rain on 3rd March the event will be postponed until the following Sunday 10th March, but please check the facebook page (Casa La Pedrera Grand Design House) or telephone beforehand for a final decision as if there is only slight rain the challenge will go ahead!

chariTy lake challenGe 2013a Step in The right direction!

5th anniversary of this very popular walk! Starting on 10 February, some 10 to 12 craft stalls will set up shop each Sunday morning on the square in front of La Nucía Town Hall; the Town Hall provides the space, and the craft association Amata chooses the stalls. This way more visitors come to the centre of this delightful small town and the craftsmen and women get a chance to sell their work.

The idea for this collaboration came up after last July’s annual Medieval Market (also organised by Amata), in which some 70 stalls took part. Obviously you can’t hold such a big craft market every week, but just 10 stalls selling different articles each week, seemed to be a distinct possibility. And so these dedicated people will turn up every Sunday morning at about 10 o’clock, and stay on till lunch time at 2.30 or so. Already some 40 people have indicated that they want to take part, so that every week the visitor can look at something different. From hand knitted shawls to leather handbags, from original jewelry to hand forged steel coat hangers - nothing imported, nothing from a factory, everything individually designed and made. Like visiting an art gallery without art gallery prices.

Everything on the stalls is made by the people on the stall - a guarantee that the visitor is buying an original. It also becomes possible to order a special piece to suit a special person or special situation, and pick it up the next Sunday or the Sunday after.

Some of the stallholders will organise small workshops, every so now and then, at which children can make their own work piece, paying just a token price for the materials. Several musicians, jugglers and puppeteers have expressed interest and want to get in on the act; to keep costs down they will pass the hat at the end of the show. All in all this seems a good place to which to take the children and grandchildren on a Sunday morning.

On the first market, on February the 10th, a juggler and a merry-go-round will add a little zip to the event, and children and grown ups can participate in a workshop in which they learn how to make their own soap. The week after, two Czech puppeteers will bring along their live-size string puppets, playing a wide range of instruments and singing all the old songs that bring back happy memories.

So, starting on the 10th of February, every Sunday from 10 am to 2 pm, on the square in front of La Nucía Town Hall, till the first weekend of July when Amata organises the annual Medieval Market. Although the square itself is closed to traffic, you can easily get to the big parking just behind the old centre if you follow the Avenida Porvilla till the end (at the outside of the village on the Polop side). If you want to know more, ring 639 979 678 (English spoken) or have a look at the Amata web page which has an English section.

Sunday morninG crafT markeT in la nucia - eVery week

Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (15)


Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (16)

16 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES

ViewpoinTDid you notice that last week’s story about my encounter with

an automaton in human form, intent on denying me and my team of athletes our due share of breakfast baked beans had no conclusion?

If you did, I thank you for taking the trouble to read my account of our experiences, written for your delectation by the light of the midnight candle in my draughty garret, while the frost fingers formed across the inside of the broken window pane, through which the wind soughed a sorrowful dirge as hunger gnawed at my vitals. (Actually it was written on a sunny Sunday after lunch, in my kitchen, with a cup of coffee at my side).

What happened next? You might have asked. What did the fat man do?

For those of you who didn’t read last week’s story, and so have no idea at all what I’m talking about, here is a summary:

All outbound flights had been cancelled, and the airport departure lounge was filled beyond capacity with athletes intent on getting home as soon as possible. We were all to be given breakfast; poached egg on

toast, a sausage, two rashers of bacon and a

spoonful of beans.With my team behind me, we joined the breakfast queue,

and I was served the perfectly round poached egg on toast, the sausage and the two rashers of bacon by a girl who had all the charm of a gumboil and a rooted determination to ignore the presence of beans.

However, I stuck out for our right to be served beans. ‘Beans?’ I asked pleasantly, indicating the full tray of steaming hot beans.

‘No beans.’ She replied in a monotone. ‘We don’t have any beans.’

‘Those are beans.’ I indicated the steaming tray of beans.She said ‘No beans. Please move along, you are holding up

the queue.’I folded my arms. My team folded their arms. ‘We are not moving’ I said firmly, ‘Until we have our beans.’A fat man with a dirty apron, his dark hair streaked with sweat

emerged from the background, presumably the kitchen.‘What’s the hold-up?’ He enquired.‘They want beans.’ She intoned without emotion.‘Well, give ‘em beans, then. We’ve got plenty.’ He pushed her

aside and dolloped a generous scoop on beans on my plate. It was at this point that I woke up. There, now you know!I have no idea what international athletic event we were

attending, but, based on our bean-related experience, I am sure that my team came away covered in glory!

by jos biggs [emailprotected]

w h a T h a p p e n e d n e x T ?

i have always had a problem with cinema musicals.

i remember going to see my first one with a girl friend in the late sixties. it was West side story and i had been looking forward to the much acclaimed film that had been released some years earlier.

But not long into the movie as the polish-american street gang led by riff, are seen strutting their stuff and looking every inch the crowd of teenagers you would cross the road to avoid, they suddenly start prancing around like a load of jessies, popping their fingers and began chanting “We are the Jets!”

Well it all went downhill from then on for my taste, and so began my life- long dislike of musicals on the big screen.

it’s not that i haven’t made the effort, having tried to sit through such classics as the King and I; South Pacific; Fiddler on the roof and – heaven help me – the sound of Music, and done my very best to acquire a taste. But it’s no good; i just cannot get to grips with the genre.

even the movies made by elvis and cliff left me cold. okay, neither singer was ever on my top ten list – sorry presley fans and look-alikes; i know i am in the minority here – but even the Beatles, who i regard as the greatest song writers and contributors to contemporary music of any generation, made several films which had the same effect on me. there was even a hint of embarrassment on my part.

on the other hand, where music

by colin bird : [emailprotected]

on my own on ThiS?

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all shapes & siZes

is essential to the telling of a story as in the glenn Miller and Buddy Holly biographical movies, I find this perfectly natural. indeed one of my favourite films of all time, is the little known, ‘still crazy’, which tells of a fictional 1970s rock band named “Strange Fruit”, who, after being split up for two decades, are persuaded to get back together to perform at a reunion of the same concert venue where they played their last gig.

all of the music is original and is a necessary part of the plot.

in all of these cases, the acting and the music are individual entities

and separate parts of the whole, and therein lies the fundamental difference and perhaps the reason for my coolness to this form of entertainment.

unfortunately it’s not that simple, because paradoxically i love opera and stage musicals.

i cannot rationalise this and i am unable to offer a plausible explanation, other than that the atmosphere in live theatre is much more intense with a real sense of intimacy between the performers and audience. But that’s just me grasping at explanatory straws.

anyway, this all brings me to the film that everyone seems to be raving about right now – les Misérables.

I had hoped that this film would break my long sequence of disappointing encounters with silver screen musicals; indeed with all the hype, gushing reviews and talk of oscars, golden globes and guest appearances on loose Women, i had actually expected to enjoy this seemingly cinemagraphic masterpiece of Victor hugo’s book.

But oh looks again as if i am in the

small minority, because i have got to say that not only do i see it as a miserably poor relation to the stage version, but the singing for the most part, ranges from the mediocre to the grievous. even the opening scene and the ‘Work song’, which is a stirring number and opens the stage show with dramatic effect, falls short of the mark. indeed, the most dramatic part of this scene is the capsized galleon and the army of convicts hauling it painfully up the slipway because as soon as russell crowe opens his mouth, all credibility is lost.

the one exception in this poor exhibition of third rate vocals is samantha Barks who plays Éponine in both the stage and this film version. But then frankly, it’s hard to imagine another

alQueria - The diplomaTic efforT

actress who could come close to matching sam’s rendition of ‘on My own’.

having said that, how many singers – let alone actors - could attempt with confidence ‘Bring him home’? But hugh Jackman gives it a bash and in the process manages to crucify this poignant, moving and universally celebrated song. it’s just not good enough to say that he has given it a brave

shot, because this masterpiece calls for brilliance not courage.

i am not a musical expert and certainly not a musical snob – i have no time for stuff like that - i merely hear and enjoy, or not, as the case may be. Much of the time it’s simply a question of differing tastes.

But in this case, i am at a loss to understand the frenzied approval for this movie.


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the alquerian parliament wrote to all the countries

listed in poyato’s Junior book of world Flags. this was to ask their Foreign Ministers to present

their credentials at a reception held in the v i l l a g e ’ s

ayuntamiento on the calle

horno. the worthies of alqueria wanted to establish the

Republic in the ranks of the world’s nations and this was to be the initial

d i p l o m a t i c offensive.Very few

countries replied and even fewer

accepted. the americans accepted because the Iranians did and the Iranians because the americans did. the Spanish accepted as the ex-colonial power. the british accepted because the americans told them to and because the uS ambassador needed someone to carry his briefcase.

Rodriquez’s white Mercedes was pressed into service ferrying the delegates from their accommodation at the bar La casa devante to the ayuntamiento. to create the illusion of having a fleet of white Mercedes the car was driven in endless circles. a dignitary would be collected from the bar and driven sedately to the town-hall. the car would then race back taking corners on two wheels to collect another foreign minister.

the red, white, and green horizontal tricolour of alqueria with its Remitroot rampant charge hung everywhere. trestle tables offered the finest local cuisine including vol-au-vents filled with alquerian truffles and knurled Río Verde trout. a famous tV chef once said he would rather eat the toenails of an Ethiopian camel driver than these delicacies.

Manuela, resplendent in a body hugging flamenco dress which gave the impression of having been sprayed on dominated the reception. a high peineta protruded from her tightly tied raven black hair. her soulful almond eyes flashed with a seductive warmth that could melt a heart at a hundred metres. as alqueria’s secret weapon, she charmed and captivated the collected dignitaries.

Most of the foreign visitors had never been exposed to Remitroot in any of its varied forms. If the food was vile then the Remitroot based beverages were a revelation and enjoyed in vast quantity. all the ambassadors soon became worse for wear.

the american ambassador drunkenly threatened to invade Iran while the Iranians in a red mist of intoxication threatened uS interests in asia. the Spanish delegate tried to seduce Manuela and was never seen again. the british ambassador sank slowly to the floor, eyes glazed and legs buckling. he muttered over and over again “It’s a good deal for britain”. why was not clear, however he was probably working on the theory, if you say something often enough people will start to believe it.

they arrived with dignity but left a drunken giggling rabble. they all however signed large contracts to supply Remitroot Liquor to their respective embassies. It indeed was a good deal for alqueria.

Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (17)




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Written by Eric ArnoldWe are so fortunate here in Spain to be blessed with

beautiful weather most of the time, even in January when most of the rest of Europe is still gripped in the icy talons of a Northern hemisphere winter. Even here in Spain we had suffered bitterly cold high winds sweeping south from the Pyrenees. However on Sunday 27th January we woke up to clear blue skies and brilliant sunshine, a great day to take the beloved “Big Cat” out for a drive. This first meeting of the Jaguar Enthusiasts’ Club for 2013 took place at Restaurant Los Almendros in Torrellano, near Alicante Airport, our usual meeting place. I wish to thank all those who attended the meeting and brought along their beautiful cars. On arrival it was so warm we sat outside to partake of a “tipple” or two, while we waited for all the members to arrive.

Recently I appointed Ian & Uschi McMenemy as JEC Events Managers. This was the first meeting they had organised and what a terrific job they did. Eventually we had 25 beautiful Jaguars and 55 people. I would like to thank them both for all their hard work which helped make the day such a great success. Even with just 25 cars all lined up and glistening in the sun, it really was a sight to behold and it attracted quite a few ordinary members of the public admiring the cars and taking pictures.

The old regulars were there as usual, some good examples of XK’s and XKR’s. An E type’s graced the ranks, a new Jaguar XF saloon and a number of XJ’s in various models and of course “The Guvnors” XK8 Convertible. XJS’s, more XK8’s, and a number of S Types completed the line up this time. Where else can you see such a line up of perfectly sculptured steel? For those people who are about to give in to the urge to own a Jaguar, included in the line up were an E type, an XJS and a fabulous XK8 convertible which are all for sale. Not only did we have fantastic vehicles from across the Jaguar spectrum but we had a phenomenal range of different people, of course we had good old Brits but also we had people from Spain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Ukraine, Russia, Germany, France and even Scotland and the Isle of Man.

For this meeting, we had planned a presentation on ECU remapping from Roadstar but the representative cancelled at the last minute which was disappointing but these things happen. Restaurant Los Almendros looked after us as usual the lunch was exceptional, the famous Los Almendros bread with tomato and aioli, a plate of cured hams and salami, a salad stack, deep fried baby squid. The main course was a choice on slow roast pork on the bone or sword fish. Followed by dessert. Wine, water, beers and beautiful aromatic coffee. Just fabulous food at an amazing price. It is worth coming to the meetings just for the lunch alone!

After the group photographs and a last chat, people started to depart just after 4:30pm and it was still warm enough to sit outside, we finished our drinks then made our way home. One other piece of news, I am really pleased to announce the appointment of Damien Albaiges who has agreed to start a region of the Jaguar Enthusiasts’ Club in the Cataluna area. Damien, a lawyer by profession, lives in Reus, Tarragona. Damien can be contacted by Email at [emailprotected]

For the future, we are planning to hold the JEC meetings on the last Sunday of each month, therefore the next meeting will be on 24th February 2013 at our usual meeting place, Restaurant Los Almendros in Torrellano. For details of our future events contact Ian or Uschi at [emailprotected]

The Jaguar Enthusiasts Club is the largest of the worlds Jaguar Clubs, apart from the fun at the meetings, members also benefit from a monthly magazine, and a technical advice service second to none. Special insurance deals and approved service centres are also part of the benefits. The JEC in Spain is organised by Eric Arnold who can be contacted by email at [emailprotected] or by phone on 609931647 or alternatively check out the JEC web site or come along to our next meeting and have a chat, contact Eric by email to register your interest.

biG caTS & purrrrrrfecT weaTher

Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (18)

18 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES

look Good feel GreaT


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Smokers who quit before they hit middle age can live almost as long as people who never smoked, groundbreaking new research has found.

The habit is known to cut at least 10 years off a person’s lifespan.

However, a comprehensive analysis of health and death records in the U.S found that people who quit smoking before they turn 40 regain most of those lost years.

‘Quitting smoking before age 40, and preferably well before 40, gives back almost all of the decade of lost life from continued smoking,’ study leader Prabhat Jha, from the University of Toronto said.

‘That’s not to say, however, that it is safe to smoke until you are 40 and then stop,’ he added.

‘Former smokers still have a greater risk of dying sooner than people who never smoked. But the risk is small compared to the huge risk for those who continue to smoke.’

His findings were published today in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Jha’s team found that people who quit smoking between ages 35 and 44 gained about nine years and those who quit between ages 45-54 and 55-64 gained six and four years of life, respectively.

The study is unique as it examines the risks of smoking and the benefits of stopping among a representative sample of Americans.

Earlier studies had examined specific groups such as nurses or volunteers who are healthier than average Americans overall. Importantly, the study is among the first to document the generation of women who started smoking when they were young and kept smoking through their adult lives.

‘Women who smoke like men, die like men,’Jha said.For women, the risks of dying from smoking-related

causes are 50 per cent greater than found in the studies conducted in the 1980s.

Women and men who smoke both lost a decade of life. Current male or female smokers ages 25-79 had a mortality rate three times higher than people who had never smoked. Never smokers were about twice more likely to live to age 80 than were smokers.

This study adds to recent evidence from Britain, Japan and the United States that smoking risks involve about a decade of life lost worldwide.

While about 40 million Americans and 12million Britons who smoke, most of

the world’s estimated 1.3 billion smokers live in low- and middle-income countries.

On current trends, smoking will kill about 1 billion people in the 21st century as opposed to ‘only’ 100 million in the 20th century.

Jha’s research used data from the U.S. National Health Interview Survey in which a representative cross-section of the population is surveyed every year about a broad range of health topics.

More than 200,000 survey participants were linked to the National Death Index, which includes death certificate information for all Americans since 1986. The researchers related about deaths of about 16,000 people to their past reported smoking.

Jha advises various governments around the world on disease control strategies. He is the principal investigator of the Million Death Study in India, one of the largest studies of premature deaths in the world.

The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Disease Control Priorities-3 project of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

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Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (19)


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Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (20)

20 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES


For Class Info & Venues 635 584 431

This week the theme was based around tunes from the celebrities music from their school days and some tunes were a real blast from the past. There was also improvement from the weaker skaters and now the dark horses are starting to come forward.

Opening this weeks show were Shayne & Maria skating to Living La Vie Da Loca. Shayne showed improvement from last week and got into the character of the music and looked to enjoy his performance. He was much faster around the rink and his skating skills were much smoother than previously. I awarded him a 5.5 and the judges combined 20.0.

Next to skate were Luke & Jenna skating to When the Going Gets Tough quite apt for a boxer. For me he is still very weak and shows no musicality. I gave him a 4.5 and one of my bottom performers. The judges awarded him 20.0.

Following were Anthea and Andy skating to Puppy Love. This is such a ‘cheesy’ tune but Anthea portrayed it with her characteristic elegance. However for her to continue in the competition she is going to have to find her solo skating skills as she is still relying on her partner far too much. I gave her a 5.0 and the judges 18.5.

Keith & Olga then performed to I’ll Be There and even though his skating skills are going in the right direction I found his performance to be somewhat flat. I awarded him a 4.5 and another in my bottom 3 and the judges 21.5.

Gareth & Robyn followed skating to When Will I Be Famous. This was a good solid skate with all the strength lifts being used. Gareth is a good strong skater but lacks in performance and needs to address this as the competition goes on. He also carries tension in his shoulders which he needs to lose as it mars his lines.

Next out were one of my favourites in this years show Matt & Brianne skating to Slam Dunk Kerplunk. This was a performance full of attitude and difficulty of choreography skated with energy and speed. I loved it! He got my top marks and the judges top marks this week with 7.5 and 25.5.

Gymnast Beth and Daniel

then did a number to Steps 5,6,7,8 and this was certainly full of excellent choreography, it was fast and furious and full of tricks. Beth also needs to work on her performance skills but is going from strength to strength. The judges awarded her 23.0 and I gave her 7.0.

Comedian Joe and Vicky performed to The Things We Do For Love and left the comedy behind for this number. Joe has improved considerably from week 1 but he is still an awful long way behind his fellow celebrities despite still being entertaining. I had him in bottom place with 4.0 and the judges 16.0.

Closing the show were Samia & Sylvain skating to the Spice Girls Wannabe. Samia is certainly one to watch, she always performs and her skating skills are getting much stronger as this week she performed the dreaded head banger move. She showed great musicality, attitude and good speed and for me is one of the dark horses along with Beth.

The bottom 2 were Anthea & Keith and it was a very closely fought skate off but with a 3-1 majority Keith survived and Anthea lost her position in this years show. I’ll miss her elegance and grace. But who will improve and continue on next week and who will be the one to miss out? Tune in and find out. In the meantime Happy Dancing!

Week 4

In many countries, there are already plenty of organisations in place for the protection of all animals. These organisations do have a voice as they already work hand in hand with the police, the councils, and other officials. If you see an animal in distress in England, you can pick up the phone and contact any one of a number of societies to get help for that animal.

But what can you do here in Spain?Please think about it – if you saw an

animal in need here, an animal that was suffering and needed help, what would you do? Who would you call?

There is nobody in authority that would be willing or able to help. But you’d still have a choice – you could either take that animal home with you – or simply walk away. Is that a choice you’d want to make?

Animals have No Voice, No Choice - You Do!

As I am writing this article, yet another person has phoned me about 3 horses, and a number of dogs, that are in a terrible condition and have been left to starve. Apparently, the police cannot get involved, “This is how frustrating the situation is in Spain”.

As a Foundation have to find a way to stop this; we cannot sit back and let situations like this arise over and over again. Too many animals are left to suffer, and no help is available for them.

With your help, WE CAN CHANGE THIS. The EHCRC Foundation is already working

with communities, schools and local government agencies but with people power, the more members we have behind us the more effective we can be at initiating change in attitudes towards equine welfare and legislation throughout Spain by lobbying, and campaigning and giving animals a vote. SOME PEOPLE MAKE THINGS HAPPEN!SOME PEOPLE WATCH THINGS HAPPEN!AND SOME PEOPLE WONDER WHAT HAPPENED!WHICH ONE ARE YOU?• JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP (under 16 years) €10.00• INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP (16+ years) €25.00• FAMILY MEMBERSHIP for parents or guardians and their children €50.00Any donation or membership is tax-deductible to anyone with Spanish Residencia.WITH YOUR EHCRC MEMBERSHIP YOU WILL RECIEVE• 10% discount on EHCRC Merchandise• EHCRC Bumper Sticker• EHCRC Annual AGM Invitation• EHCRC Members Club Events• EHCRC Quarterly Email Newsletter• EHCRC Junior Pony Club MembershipTo join - please visit our Charity Shops or The Rescue Centre on Sunday Open Days 1pm-4pm

Membership forms are also available to download from our website www.easyhorsecare.netFor more information on the work of EHCRC Foundation please contact [emailprotected]

Or Call Sue on (0034) 652 021 980

become an ehcrc memberbecome one Voice


Captain & hope




Battle to keep her alive

Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (21)


For further information or advice on computing, contact Trevor on 689 892 745 or [emailprotected]

As with all the articles I write, the aim is to make them as clear as possible to as many readers as possible. So why the pre-amble? I was reading an article in another free english newspaper from last year which was entitled Why are geeks so thick? Apart from being condescending, self opinionated and extremely short-sighted, he was wrong! There are so many good, clear and intelligent computer professionals who’s mastery of the english language is such that even difficult and complicated subjects don’t drown in “geek speak”. So for a little more “geek speak” :-) and today’s article!Have you ever wondered what is in that magical box that you call your computer?

No, this isn’t a geek thing. It’s more of a little knowledge and a warning type of thing. Within your box is a labyrinth of boards, circuits, and embedded transistors. Head swimming yet? No, Good! Let’s start at the beginning. Your computer case contains everything that is needed to complete whatever task

you want. The list following is generalised but, in most cases, accurate. You will have a power supply, a motherboard (also called main-board), daughter-boards, hard drives and CD / DVD drives. The power supply does exactly what it says on the tin – almost. Most power supplies have a limited ability to stabilise the current and virtually no cleaning ability. This means that here, in Spain, you should have your computer / laptop / tablet powered through a surge protector to ensure the well known nasty power spikes don’t irrevocably damage your hardware. Now that you have a clean and safe power supply you need to start thinking about what is attached to this power supply. The largest single attachment to this power supply is the motherboard AKA

main-board. This is simply a platform for the many individual but integrated processes. All motherboards have on them, a processor chip and memory. To this, the motherboard must also have chips and circuitry for, sound production, video generation, network and USB connectivity as well as connections for the internal hard drive(s), CD / DVD drives.Over the next few weeks I will be describing the components and their actions.

But today I would like to start with the “brains” of the computer and this is the CPU (Central Processing Unit), Processor or Chip!We are told that our processors double in power every 18 months but without

this single piece of technology, a result of technology, we wouldn’t be able to do anything! This is simply because the processor chip is the brains of the computer. Did you know that your digital watch or pocket calculator has much in common with the fastest and most up-to-the-minute processing technology! It might surprise you that even the best all-singing, all-dancing processor can’t

even do basic subtraction! Doesn’t that give you a lovely smug sense of achievement? The truth of the matter is that the smartest part of the most expensive computer is still a simpleton albeit a VERY FAST simpleton!Having given you a taster of what is to come in the next weeks I

will leave you with the promise that before we are done, you will have a clearer understanding of the powers and limitations of the “magic box”.

“A Spielbergian radiance” emanates from start to finish.there is one certainty in life and that is we will all die at

some point in time. Sorry to be so morbid but somethings we have to accept as inevitable. Hopefully you’ll see my point soon.

Moggach’s novel was published in 2004 as these Foolish things. it is a cathartic experience for the readers as well as the retirees who seek a different life in their twilight years and their families who come to visit. the Marigold, Bangalore and india prove to be a turning point in their lives rather like Robert Frost’s crossroads in the Road Not Taken where the retirees can reflect on their lives, past, present and future. the Marigold may not be the best or most exotic of final destinations, it is a home for old people where the residents will contemplate their mortality and die peacefully.

“A little corner of Britain. An oasis of olde-worlde charm in the hustle and bustle of modern Bangalore.” this is how it is marketed and even though ironically, the hotel is shabby and not at its best, certainly not the quality they were expecting, it becomes a home where friendships and love blossom.

Moggach’s central idea was sociological considering the ever-growing ageing population in the U.K. the prospect of growing old and suffering poverty was not a thought to relish. What is going to happen to them and who is going to care for them?

Sonny and his cousin Dr Ravi masterminded the idea of opening up the indian hotel:“Why should they be mouldering away in rainy, dirty old Britain, when they could be sitting

under a palm tree, tanning their wrinkles and getting their false teeth stuck into a nice juicy mango?”

it doesn’t take much to persuade a mismatch of extremely interesting and diverse retirees to travel to india. the NHS is severely criticised, hospitals and services are being cut and black doctors are overworked. Randy Norman is infatuated with the idea that indian women don’t have hangups over sex and as long as he can get viagra out there and plenty of sex he won’t feel “incarcerated” into what he described as a “penal institution” aka a home for old people back in the UK.

Muriel is bigoted and totally reliant on Keith, her son who disappears after a dodgy business deal. Surprisingly, she warms to India and turns to spiritualism finding solace there. Evelyn sees it as an adventure and she becomes confident and more independent, ultimately finding love for the second time in her life. Madge too finds love and security. She quips: “Life begins at seventy. seventy’s the new forty, didn’t you know?” i am sure some of you will be relieved to hear that like me.

“people think we’re waiting to die. Well i’m starting to live.” Moggach moves away from the maudling thoughts of mortality to show happiness in friendship and love. the central characters have “refused to resign themselves to ending their lives in quiet despair.” Sadly, two of the characters die peacefully and this inevitability has an adverse effect on the others. Douglas Ainslie was gripped with panic and asked:”is this what it’s like?”His epiphany was to end his marriage to Jean and marry a second time for love. A new beginning, a new start. Unrealistic but optimistic.

Christmas was a time for reunions with families who were more than happy to send their parents to india to end their days cut off from their nearest and dearests. Sounds heartless, doesn’t it? evelyn’s son Christopher is grossly unhappy with his wife and their spoilt children. India gives him an opportunity to find love but he is bullied to return to America to play the family man and to keep up the pretence.

We are told of the charms of india: “the miracle of this reunion had affected them all…prodigal sons, daughters…drawn to india by its transforming magic.”

i found it very philosophical and refreshing. yes there are many moments of sadness but there is warmth, humour and more importantly, HOpe.

pUBLiSHeRS: Vintage Books. iSBN: 978-0-099-57202-2



reView it...

Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (22)

22 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES

LEGAL CORNERWith Michael DaVies, aBogaDo/solicitorif you wish us to print an article about a particular topic, please e-mail


Michael Davies is a spanish abogado and has been practicing law in almería since 1993. he is member of the Law societies of Almería and Madrid and has offices in Mojacar and Almeria High Street.

Q. Please explain the situations in which a resident qualifies for non-payment of capital gains tax

A: The first thing is to be able to prove to the notary the day of the sale that you are in fact a Spanish tax resident. It is very important to realize that having what everyone calls the “residencia” issued by the police does not in fact prove you are a tax resident of spain, and that if this is the only document you take to the notary to prove tax residency, the notary will consider you a non-resident and you will be subject to a 3% retention.

To prove you are a tax resident your solicitor needs to request a certificate from the tax authorities, which can then be taken to the notary. if you suffer the nasty surprise of them saying that in fact you are a non resident, you will need to get this amended by proving to them that you are in fact a resident before they will issue you with the correct certificate for the notary. The best way to secure tax residency status is making a resident income tax declaration in spain in June of every year. If you are going to sell shortly, request this certificate in advance to avoid last minute surprises.

1. the possible total or partial exemption from capital gains tax due to reinvestment (roll-over): if you are a resident and sell one property to purchase another of the same or higher price you can claim 100% exemption from capital gains tax. To benefit you have to have been a resident for at least 3 year before the sale takes place, and you must purchase the next property within 2 years of the sale. if you are moving to a smaller property, you can claim exemption of a percentage of the capital gains tax.

2. claim of total exemption if you are over 65 years old: if you are over 65 and sell your main home (where you must have lived for at least 3 years as a resident), you can claim 100% exemption from capital gains tax even if you do not reinvest. if the property is owned by a couple and one member is over 65 and the other is not, you are allowed to claim the exemption in respect to half the price.

If you do not qualify for any of the above exemptions the rate of tax applied to your profit is 21% for profit up to 6000 euros, 24% for profit between 6001 euros and 24000 euros and 27% of profit above 24,001 euros.

The emphasis in any bedroom is on relaxing and sleeping, but depending on what else you what you want to do in your own space – working, watching TV, etc. – there may be other elements that you wish to incorporate into your bedroom design.

You have the choice, of course, of fitted or freestanding bedroom furniture. Fitted furniture allows you to create your own, coordinated look, and can be useful if your bedroom is an odd shape, or there are awkward areas to be filled. Fitted wardrobes also usually extend from floor to ceiling, creating extra storage space for bedding, etc. that needs to be stored separately from your clothes, shoes and accessories. You do need to exercise a little caution when planning fitted furniture, however, as filling more than one of your bedroom walls with fitted wardrobes may make the room feel a little claustrophobic. If you prefer the flexibility – in terms of being able to rearrange various items, at will – of freestanding furniture, you can mix and match pieces that suit your needs, both externally and internally. If you wish to store long winter coats, or party dresses, for example, you’ll need the full height of a wardrobe to hang them in, and don’t forget drawers and shelves, for sweaters, shoes, etc..

The bed is the focal point of any bedroom, of course, and dressing the bed is as important as your choice of furniture. The trend in bed linen this year is likely to be towards brighter and warmer styles, which are reflected in colour and texture in curtains, blinds and other soft furnishings to create a sense of style in the bedroom.

The easiest and most straightforward way of opening up any room is to whitewash the walls. White helps to redefine the space available in a room by distorting the mind’s perception of where the boundaries actually lie – in effect, white walls can make a small room look spacious and airy.

A well-designed bedroom can not only provide

a calm, tranquil environment in which you

can escape the pressure of modern living, but

also add value to your property through its

appeal to potential buyers.

Bedroom BasicsIn contrast, dark walls have the effect of closing the boundaries in considerably, therefore

giving the impression of less space than there is in reality.Nevertheless, refreshingly white walls ought to be complemented by bold bedroom furniture

colours. The bed in particular must be a focal point in the room, therefore it is advisable to opt for rich, deep colour schemes with vivid and imaginative patterns that will instantly draw the eye’s attention. Furthermore, it is essential that the bedroom is clutter-free and, unless it is absolutely necessary, electrical equipment in the room should be limited to a radio alarm clock and television – peace is essential.

And, when it comes to bedroom furniture, a cabinet with multiple drawers or a chest or ottoman placed discretely at the end of your bed can provide crucial extra storage. You need not be restricted solely to bedroom furniture either; bookshelves and/or a small desk area in a guest bedroom, for example, can be an excellent method of using the available space to maximum effect.

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Friday 15th and Saturday 16th February

Casa de Cultura, San Miguel de Salinas, at 8.00pm.

As February approaches, it is once more nearing the time when strains of Grand Opera will be heard in San Miguel de Salinas. Opera San Miguel is returning to present its 5th Opera Workshop under the guidance of Tom and Katy Pargeter.

After the last very successful production of Purcell’s “Dido and Aeneas”, set in ancient times in what is now Tunisia, the staging moves across the Mediterranean to late 19th century Sicily, with this wonderfully melodramatic opera

Undoubtedly the composer’s best known work, it takes place, almost in real time, in a rural Sicilian village on the morning of Easter Sunday.

The full range of human emotions are played out in this One Act opera – love, hate, jealousy, revenge and death. The setting of the story to Mascagni’s beautiful music catapulted the composer to international fame after its first performances in 1890.

The music is as fresh and powerful today

as it was when it was written, the best known item being the glorious “Easter Hymn”, sung in the village church while the drama unfolds outside.

As ever, singers from the United Kingdom come to San Miguel to join together with singers from the Costa Blanca area to rehearse and present the fully staged opera in a week – a cast of 30 will take to the stage. Quite an undertaking!

Rehearsals start in the Casa de Cultura in San Miguel on Sunday 10th February, and continue every day during the course of the week. These rehearsals are open to the public to come and watch the work in progress. Please call in at any time – there is no charge for this.

As the last two productions have been “Standing Room Only”, for the comfort of the ever increasing audience, it has been decided to hold two performances of the opera, on Friday 15th and Saturday 16th February.

The Box Office is now open. Telephone 659 616 356

Tickets are €5 and are also available from the Tourist Information Office in San Miguel.

opera San miGuel preSenTS “cavalleria rusticana” by pieTro maScaGni

Calling all Ladies and Gentlemen too!! To the very first Afternoon Tea at La Terraza Cafe Bar in Bigastro – supporting The Royal British Legion Afternoon Tea and a Fashion Show is on the menu and Afternoon Teas will be served from 1.00p.m. until 4.30p.m. on Wednesday February 6th at La Terraza Cafe Bar – The Fashion Show will start at 3.00 p.m at just €4.95 per person for Afternoon Tea and a Selection of Sandwiches followed by a generous slice of one of Katharine’s Famous Cakes!! This is sure to be a popular event, Bling Bling Fashion and Accessories will be putting on a Fabulous Fashion Show! There will be a selection of sandwiches on a combination of brown and white bread - if you have a particular preference of all brown or all white sandwiches then please email [emailprotected] or call in and see Darren or Hazel.

If you would just like to “see the show” you can book your seat for just €1 with Darren or by emailing [emailprotected] or [emailprotected] your €1 ticket will guarantee your seat and is a token for your first drink to the value of €1. Additional tea will be at the special price of just 75 cents per person and Pink “Champagne” will be just 1.50 a glass! & wine €1.20 a glass. We also hope to have a colour consultant joining us who will chose one lady from the audience to show colours really do make a difference! Do join us for this exciting afternoon and support RBL at the same time – if you like speciality tea and your tea in a tea pot then you can bring one along and Darren will supply the hot water!! Darren wants to make this a monthly event and to have a selection of interesting tea pots so if you would like to donate one or you see an unusual tea pot in a charity shop call in and see Darren and Hazel – La Terraza Teas could be The Talk of The Town!!!

faShion Show & afTernoon Tea for Trbl iS The Talk of The Town in biGaSTro...

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24 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES

take a drive along the cv 905...

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A new and exciting leisure activity for the community started last year at Cartegena Oval Track. Promoted by Velocity Racing Cartegena the event has interested many drivers and spectators. The fortnightly organised events are pencilled in as a community get together for everyone to enjoy. The fast dynamics and passion amongst all drivers on the track spark off rush’s of anticipation and thrills for spectators off the track. With a combination of speed, quick witted manoeuvring and an odd collision, drivers and spectators alike are charged with adrenalin.

Last year’s track winner, David Belcher, otherwise known as BELCHI to his fans was awarded Best Driver 2012. Winning the Trophy by over 100 marks he is was also presented with Sportsman of the Year. BELCHI is currently getting his car all ready for the 1st race of this season following a major crash in the last race of last season which saw the car, otherwise known as “BELCHI’S BEAST” being written off totally. With a new engine installed the “BEAST” will be ready to rock ‘n’ roll and will be in tip top condition ready for the 1st race on Sunday 10th February.

Participation in the event for BELCHI is a passion for fast driving. It is a hobby that businesses, sponsors and the local community have supported throughout the year. It has been calculated

bechi’S beaST 2012 winninG car and driVer aT VelociTy racinG carTeGena oVal

that over last year’s season the cost of each meeting, consisting of transport, entry fee’s, new parts, mechanical work, insurances, licenses, new tyres, petrol and printing, works out to around 300e. Much of these costs are offered in kind or through sponsorship. Major funder, Ken Sherwood Garage contributes to 50% of these costs with support of a garage and mechanic to carry out repairs and some parts. Ken and Lindsay Sherwood are also huge fans and have attended all meetings bar one.

Other sponsors include Costa Calida Transport who

enable “BELCHI’S BEAST” to get to the race meetings each fortnight, Fuente Alamo Car Parts Sumistros and Fuente Alamo Tyres. Other funding and in kind support has come from Banners, MisterPrint and individuals Malcolm Rushton, Karl Skitt and Helen Marron.

Paintwork is currently being restored on the “BEAST” and new business logo’s are ready to be offered for anyone that would like to support this exciting community event and advertise their work at the same time. BELCHI also has his own website kindly sponsored by KeyWeb

Designs. The website is soon to be updated and will be available for sponsors. A new Facebook page will also be produced. BECHI is looking forward to getting back to racing next weekend stating “the camaraderie amongst drivers is exceptional, we all in it for a bit of weekend fun, it’s great to see so many people spectating and enjoying the sport and I would like to thank all my friends that come and support me and all the other drivers at each meeting”. For more information please telephone 6 55 421 120.

To ADvERTiSEon ThiS fEATuREin A fuTuRE iSSuE


[emailprotected] CALL

966 719 647

Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (25)


...close to torrevieja and discover a treasure trove of hidden gems – Fabulous san luis, lovely la siesta, elegant el chapparal and the delightful el limonar.these areas offer an

aquapark, a quaint little church, two bowling greens and of course the pink lake, together with.a wealth of local businesses to cater for your every need.

take a drive along the cv 905...

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To ADvERTiSEon ThiS fEATuREin A fuTuRE iSSuE


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San Luis

so whether you need to hire some baby equipment, get a top class haircut, have your computer repaired, stop for lunch or a coffee, or perhaps book a special dinner venue, then take a drive along the cV905.

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26 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES


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leaky roof ? - we haVe The SoluTion

It seems that since I wrote last week´s article, energy is on top of everyone´s agenda and that it is because they are putting up prices in Spain again! It is quite confusing as different sources are quoting different percentages. According to one report, Electricity bills are set to increase three to six percent for around 20 million families this year and those exceeding the average consumption will have to pay a surcharge of up to eight percent. According to Rueter, ¨power prices would rise by 7 percent to help contain an accumulated 24 billion euro deficit due to utilities selling

electricity below nominal costs . This is quite shocking as it reveals the true extent of the problem and it only means one thing! Prices are going to rise even more in the coming years, so the days of cheap energy and electricity are over!

Now, I also mentioned last week, the fact that we are not connected to the grid but we have relied on fuel for a generator for many years and as the prices have climbed we have had to make sharp changes to our ´Campo´ lifestyle and we treat our electricity with great respect. For example, I never use an iron as that takes far too much electricity and its a great excuse as I really did hate ironing in the first place. The second item I never use, is an electric kettle. None of my family drink tea or coffee anyway, but those who do relish a cuppa in our tea garden will notice that we use gas. When it comes to getting food from the fridge, my family know that they are not allowed to open and stare vacantly into the fridge wondering what they should eat, wasting electricity by keeping the door open. Finally I do not use a hair dryer or a straightener so maybe now you can understand why I sometimes look like a tramp with crumpled clothes and sticky-uppy hair!

Not being connected to the grid is not by choice I might add, as we have tried for many years to get an electricity project together. Some of you have probably experienced the same difficulties as we have, as here in Spain you cannot just cross someone’s land without their consent. Getting their consent is very difficult and many want money to cross over their land or to be connected for free. There is actually a privately owned transformer just over the road from us, but the owner will not let us join, despite us offering him 25 000 euro’s to do so. Even more frustrating is the fact we actually had an electric project finalized with paperwork and deposits paid but the electric engineer did a runner with all of the money. Fortunately we did finally manage to get some of the funds back after 2 years but the damage was done and we never managed to get the project back on track again.

Apart from our wind generator we have now fitted 13 Solar panels as the prices for the panels have dropped dramatically. Panels that cost over 200 euros a year ago have dropped to half that and they have proved very effective in keeping our batteries charged. We have

gone one step further and have ordered a solar system for our hot water as we waste 15 euros a week, just heating the water. For those of who are connected and get your monthly bill every month don´t have to worry about such things but because of rising costs I think it is in everyone´s interests to be aware of what´s happening with our European neighbours as it could so easily happen here.

In Germany electricity prices for households have increased 61% since 2000. One quarter of household costs now stems directly from renewable energy. Also, the increase is *not* because of increasing production costs (which have actually slightly declined since 1978).The increase is due to dramatically increasing taxes, most noticeably from the Renewable

Energy Act (EEG). In 2013 the EEG will increase 50% to 6.28 euro-cent (5.28 cents plus 19% VAT).

The side effect of this is an increasing number of German people turning to wood-burning stoves for warmth, 400 00 thousand in one year alone. The hard pressed Greeks have done the same as the deep economic crisis faces its fourth year of recession as well as the new fuel taxes introduced by the government, have caused a sharp increase in the price of heating fuel.

As a result, the old wood-burning stoves and fireplaces have seen a revival, creating a lucrative market for legal importers and salesmen of firewood, but even more so for illegal loggers who collect and sell their product without a permit.. Deforestation has become a real threat in both countries due to illegal logging, The official figures suggest that thousands of hectares of forest have already suffered severe damage,

Even back in the UK, Birtons are increasingly turning to wood-burning and other solid fuel stoves to heat their homes. Last year more than 180 000 UK homes had a stove installed and although wood is one of the most environmentally friendly fuels, it can also come at a cost as seen in Greece and Germany above. Fortuantely Spanish winters are not as long as those in other parts of Europe but it is wise to look at alternatives, especially if you end up with more money in your pocket at the end of the month.

Remember we are walking again every Monday at 10.30am for experienced walkers and again at 2pm for those who need to build up their fitness to participate In the lake Charity Challenge on March 3rd in aid of HAH and Elche Children´s Home.For all those requiring a sponsorship form or needing more information please email [emailprotected]


Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (27)


VARIETIES OF WINDOW BLINDSWith so many different types of blinds

available, here’s a quick guide to find the best one for you; it’s easiest to distinguish them by their construction and the types of materials that they use.

VENETIAN BLINDSThese are what most people think of when

they hear the word blind.These blinds are constructed with slats, most often made from metal or plastic.

When bamboo or wooden slats are used they are called either bamboo or wooden blinds instead of Venetian blinds.

The widths of the slats can vary, but they are most commonly about 50mm.

Wider slats look better on larger windows. There are a couple of variants to the Venetian blind which have become very popular – mini blinds and vertical blinds.

Mini Blinds ~ The slats of these blinds are never more than 19mm. They get their name from their very narrow slats.

Vertical Blinds ~ The slats of these blinds hang vertically instead of horizontally, as their name implies. The slats of these blinds are often constructed from stiffened fabric.

SOLID BLINDSThese blind open and close by pushing

and pulling. These types of blinds have a solid piece of material instead of slats.

HOLLAND BLINDSThese are blinds constructed using woven

wood. They open and close by being rolled up using the attached strings. These are great at controlling sunlight and thus very popular in tropical locations. They provide a

tropical ambience wherever they are used.


These blinds are constructed using pleated fabrics. They can be pulled up to open and usually contain a recess at the top to hold the material.


Due to their unique construction, honeycomb blinds are known for their superior performance.

Honeycomb blinds are also referred to as cellular shades and are made with two panels of pleated fabric shades have become one the most popular window treatments. The two panels of fabric form air pockets, or cells, which are honeycomb shaped, thus giving these blinds their name.

When raised the honeycombs collapse and expand when the blind it is released. Because the honeycombs or cells form a vacuum and trap air, they provide energy efficient insulation and sound absorption. Due to their unique construction, honeycomb blinds are known for their superior performance. With their soft textured fabrics, however, they bring a sense of luxury to any room.

Honeycomb blinds come in single, double, and triple honeycomb design as well as a variety of pleat sizes and colored fabrics to offer anyone a customized look. Depending on the thickness of the fabric will determine the degree of light control within the room.



While blinds do an excellent job of blocking out unwanted light, they are also great at providing privacy. In the hot summer

months blocking out sunlight also means blocking some of the heat. Venetian blinds are by far the most popular types of blinds, although

there are several other types on the market.

Blinded ByThe LightBlinded ByThe Light

CALIDA HOMES PROPERTY CONSULTANCYTel: 950 430 763 or 697 875 717 Email: [emailprotected]

january has been an exceptionally busy month in terms of sales and we have a large database of belgian and dutch clients

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3 BED 2 BATH VillA WiTH POOl arboleas €169,000

3 BED 2 BATH VillA WiTH iNTEGRAlgarage& pool arboleas €169,000

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from your current agent?is it realistically priced?

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We urgeNtlY require fully leGal VillaS wiTh SwimminG pool To 160,000 euroS

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We urgeNtlY require

Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (28)

28 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES

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whaT’S on? Where to go? What to do?

local buSineSS direcToryAll your local businesses at your fingertips

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Our new website has been running for a while now, and this column is to introduce the new additions, explain what’s already there and to answer any questions you have...DiD YOu KnOw...That anyone holding

an event can post the information directly online for all to see.

All you need to do is visit and choose the whats on link in the area of your choice and you will find instructions on how to do so.

we accept Birthday & Anniversary Greetings, Public A n n o u n c m e n t s , Charity Events and Voluntary Requests.

You can also advertise a Business event by phoning our sales team on

902 750 190if you have any questions or ideas please email me

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Spain again ranks among The 20 most

Globalised economiesAccording to the report, ‘Looking beyond the obvious:

globalization and new opportunities for growth’, Spain has improved its score this year in three of the five categories analysed in the Index (commercial activity, labour mobility and cultural exchange) and has declined in two (capital flow and technology exchange).

Thus, in this classification the Spanish economy stands above countries like Australia, the United States and Italy, but is below some of its neighbours, such as Britain (which this year lost a couple of positions) or Germany and France (who climb several places).

According to Cinco Dias, this annual report notes that, with regard to the global situation, despite the weak global economic growth in 2012 and the uncertain outlook for 2013 in many markets, “Globalization continues to advance in the majority of the 60 largest economies in the world.”

The global ranking, presented on Sunday on the occasion of the World Economic Forum meeting being held in Davos (Switzerland) this week, is led by Hong Kong, Singapore, Ireland, Belgium and Switzerland, while the rest of the top ten positions are held by the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Hungary and the United Kingdom.

The Ernst & Young Index also suggests that, while most of the forecasts see global GDP in 2013 increasing between 3% and 3.5%, with modest growth in subsequent years, globalisation will continue to advance, driven by technology and the cross-border flow of ideas. The Index also highlights the advancement of mid-sized markets, such as Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines; and of smaller European countries such as Belgium, Slovakia and Hungary.

Spain has once again been placed

among the 20 most globalised

economies in the world,

after climbing a position after

three years at no. 21 in the ranking

prepared by ernst & young. however, this improvement

has occurred even though their

overall score (4.45 points) is “substantially similar” to that

obtained last year.






M - FO





Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (29)


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The ability of

such delicate, i n s u b s t a n t i a l

creatures to hold the balance is striking.

The days are gone when butterflies could be thought of as just pretty additions to our gardens. Butterflies are fussy eaters. Despite appearances, they don’t flit indiscriminately from one flower to another, or lay their eggs any old where, but depend on a specialised diet. When they lose the habitat that produces their favourite source of nectar, or the specific leaves needed to sustain their caterpillars, they die.

Sir David, president of the charity Butterfly Conservation, is concerned that urbanisation

and pollution are squeezing butterflies out of the ecosystem with potentially dire consequences. He is behind a nationwide campaign, run by Butterfly Conservation and supported by Marks & Spencer, that aims to reverse their fortunes before it is too late – by encouraging people to grow butterfly-friendly plants.

“By planting wisely, gardeners can help the cause of butterflies in a considerable way. Butterfly conservationists have demonstrated that these declines can be reversed. And when you change the environment to help butterflies, other wildlife benefits too. Nature comes back to life.”

Sir David, 85, belongs to an age of environmental innocence when it was permissible to collect birds’ eggs, pick wild flowers and proudly mount butterfly specimens on boards. Then, children learnt as much by acquisition as by observation: “We are talking of 75 years ago,” he says, “that was the way you discovered things. You collected flowers, you

collected butterflies, birds’ eggs and fossils. But that was a time when a third less people lived in this country. It is amazing that in my lifetime, the world population has tripled.

“There is lots to be done,” he says. “By planting the right plants in the garden, by planting seeds, by seeing things grow. Children and adults in Britain today are separated more and more from the natural world. There are some people who do not see a living animal from one month to the next, unless it is a pigeon or a rat.

“You might say: ‘Does it matter?’ Yes, it matters hugely. We depend on the natural world for the food we eat and the air we breathe. If it becomes impoverished, we make ourselves impoverished.”

Sir David believes it requires a national effort to save Britain from a post-butterfly era. He worries about the threat to butterflies and other wildlife from loss

of flower-rich grasslands. Housing and the concreting of front gardens are also huge concerns. According to the RHS, 12 square miles of front gardens in London have been lost to car parking, and in the North-East, a quarter of front gardens have been paved. The result is flash flooding and poorer air quality, as well as the loss of plantlife.

“The population of this country is accelerating in an alarming way,” says Sir David. “Perhaps another two million people are going to have to be housed. It will mean the loss of gardens. It will mean taking land from the countryside. We are only just beginning to realise what a great loss it is that front gardens are disappearing.”

Butterflies are in trouble. Such serious trouble that Britain’s foremost naturalist, Sir David Attenborough, not a man given to rash or alarmist statements, believes that unless they are helped to survive, the whole delicate, interconnected ecosystem could suffer a “catastrophic breakdown”. An alarming 70% of Britain’s butterflies are in decline, and almost half are threatened with extinction. In the past century, four species have disappeared altogether. The most dramatic drop in numbers has happened, inexplicably, in the past three years. Even the “common” small tortoiseshell, with its lovely splodges of black on orange and the distinctive blue chain edging its wings, is disappearing at an uncommonly fast rate – there are 65% fewer than 10 years ago.

“The ecosystem is extremely complex,” says Sir David, “and because of the knock-on effect, if butterflies became extinct, the consequences would be almost incalculable. Without butterflies and other insects to fertilise flowers, there would be no fruit or seeds. And caterpillars are essential for the diet of many small birds.”

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30 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES

The inn aT The greenThe inn aT The green

622 400 321677 617 434





commercial centre



Sunday KaBarOKEwith matt christianin wales

The entertainers choice of the best singer 9pm

mondayThurSdaypop Quiz

with Lynden B, from 9pm

dominoeS club 3pm new memberS welcome

eeeeVery TueSday

ken’S General KNOwLEDGE QUIz 9PM

fab duo sounz from 9pm

February is national Heart Month and we’re

going to kick it all off with a bang!

on Friday 1st February, whether you’re at work,

school or in your local community,

rock up In red to help fight heart disease!

healThy eaTinG for your hearTEating a healthy, balanced diet can help

protect your heart!

eaT plenTy of freSh fruiT and VeGeTableSEating a healthy, balanced diet which

includes at least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables a day will make sure that you get a combination of vitamins and minerals to help keep you healthy.

Eat a wide variety of fruit and vegetables. They can be fresh, frozen, chilled, canned, dried, cooked or raw. There is no evidence that taking vitamin tablets or supplements has the same benefits as eating fruit and vegetables.

chooSinG healThier faTSFoods containing fat contain a combination

of saturated fats, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. Choosing healthier fats can help to protect your heart. But remember that all fats are high in calories. So, if you are watching your weight, you should limit the amount of all the fats you eat.

• Reduce the total amount of fat you eat by cutting down on foods such as pastries and fatty crisps, and replacing them with healthier fruit and vegetables. Fill up on wholegrain versions of starchy foods instead, such as bread, rice, and pasta.

• Cut down on saturated fats such as butter, cheese, sausages and fatty meats, which raise cholesterol levels. Replace them with healthier monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. See page 38 for examples of foods containing all these fats.

• Cut down on foods containing trans fats as they can increase your total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels. Trans fats are formed when vegetable oils are ‘hydrogenated’ and can be found in processed foods like some cakes, biscuits, crackers and hard margarines. Foods that have ‘hydrogenated oil or fat’ or ‘partially hydrogenated oil or fat’ in the list of ingredients are likely to contain trans fats. Trans fats are also found naturally in very small amounts in dairy foods and meat.

eaT oily fiSh reGularlyEating oily fish regularly can help reduce

the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke, and help protect your heart. Oily fish provides a rich source of a particular type of omega-3 polyunsaturated fat.This type of fat is found mainly in fresh and canned

oily fish such as herring, mackerel, pilchards, sardines, trout and salmon, and in fresh tuna (but not canned tuna). Aim to eat at least two portions of fish a week. One of the portions should be oily fish. (One portion of fish is 140 grams or 5 ounces of fish.)

cuTTinG down on SalTPeople who have a lot of salt in their diet

are more likely to have high blood pressure. Most people eat far more salt than they need. It is recommended that adults have no more than 6 grams of salt a day – that’s about one teaspoonful. It is the sodium in salt that contributes to high blood pressure.There is sodium in all types of salt, whether it’s salt in

• Cut down on processed foods that contain a lot of salt. Three-quarters of the salt we eat is hidden in processed foods such as ready meals, packet and canned soups, instant noodles, ketchups and sauces, sausages and burgers, and salty savoury snacks.

• Don’t add salt to your food at the table.• Cook without adding any salt. Use extra

pepper, herbs, garlic, spices or lemon juice to add flavour to your food instead. Within a few weeks, your taste buds will change and you will get used to less salt and appreciate other flavours more.

oTher ThinGS you can doALCOHOL: If you drink alcohol, make sure

you drink within the recommended limits and avoid binge-drinking. It is better to have just a small amount regularly rather than large amounts in one go.

• Men should not regularly drink more than 3 to 4 units of alcohol a day.

• Women should not regularly drink more than 2 to 3 units of alcohol a day.

These guidelines apply whether you drink every day, once or twice a week, or just occasionally.

1 unit of alcohol = a small glass (100ml) of wine (10% ABV [alcohol by volume]); or half a pint (about 300ml) of normal-strength lager, cider or beer (for example, 3.5% ABV); or a pub measure (25ml) of spirits.

Moderate drinking – 1 or 2 units of alcohol a day – may offer some protection from coronary heart disease for some people. However, if you don’t already drink alcohol, there is no need for you to start, as there are much healthier ways to look after your heart. Drinking more than the recommended limit does not protect the heart and can lead to damage to the heart muscle, high

blood pressure, stroke and some cancers. Alcohol is high in calories too, so it can lead to weight gain.

REDUCING STRESS: Challenges can help to keep us motivated, but when we feel unable to cope with the high demands that are placed on us, we experience stress. Feeling isolated can make you feel even more stressed. The way you deal with stress can encourage unhealthy behaviour, such as smoking, drinking too much alcohol, eating unhealthily or being less physically active.These can all increase your risk of developing coronary heart disease or having a stroke. It’s important to learn how

to relax and deal with stress effectively.• Try to identify situations that make you

feel stressed, and avoid them if you can.

• Be realistic about what you can achieve and learn to say ‘no’ to unnecessary demands.

• Doing something active – such as going for a brisk walk or a run – can help you let off steam.

• Try relaxation techniques or join a yoga class.

• If you feel overwhelmed, talk to a friend or a partner, or ask your GP for advice.

one in Three people in Spain ‘are clinical ShopaholicS’

A third of Spain’s adult population is addicted to shopping, and their ‘condition’ gets worse during the sales or at Christmas.

This was revealed recently by Dr Manuel Armayones, professor of psychology at Catalunya Open University (UOC).

He said mass purchases and impulse buys are more ‘socially-acceptable’ during sales and at Christmas, which means closet addicts tend to ‘let themselves off’, their guilt subsiding and their problem going unnoticed.

Shopping addiction is usually a hidden ‘disorder’ and is only discovered when the addict can no longer pay their credit card bills, or has no money left over after constant

shopping for general living.

In even worse cases, the addiction can cause serious problems in personal, social, family and working life, says Dr Armayones.

He says he and other experts in his field are seeing a growing number of clients suffering from shopping addictions, which are said to be largely due to depression, loneliness or isolation, and a general lack of satisfaction in life.

Conversely, the economic crisis and recession is a help for these people, since they do not have the money to spend and cannot get credit – and also because there is greater awareness with campaigns aimed at encouraging responsible consumerism.

Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (31)



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EMAiL youR fAvouRiTE RECiPES To [emailprotected]

Valentines NightValentines NightThursday 14th February 2013Special

MenuSizzling Garlic PrawnsChilli and Cheese NachosFine Herb PateHomemade Soup

Chicken and Bacon CarbonaraRoast Duck Breast in Orange sauceFreshSalmon Fillet Rib Eye Steak

Medley of miniature homemade dessertsCarafe of house wine per couple

€15.99per person

few things evoke home and hearth as soulfully as a bowl of soup. Soup

is grandma’s hugs, gossip with a best

friend, and therapy

all rolled into one. So how can you make better, more

flavourful soup?

First, allow yourself to be inspired by soups from around the globe, from the homespun Jewish chicken soup, to the gumbos, made from okra, chicken, seafood or meat, of the American South. India has countless dahls (lentil soups); Middle Eastern Muslims break their Ramadan fast with harira, made from lentils, chickpeas, and lamb; and Japan is famous for soups based on miso (fermented soybean paste).Eastern Europe boasts goulash (a beef and paprika stew that

started life as soup) and borsch (beetroot and meat soup). Spanish gazpacho is always fashionable; Greeks love avgolemono (egg and lemon soup); and Italy has numerous bean and pasta soups, such as minestrone.

Soup SpecificSThe word ‘soup’ comes from the Latin ‘suppare’, which means

‘soaking’, and once described a dish of meat or vegetables that was soaked in the liquid in which it was cooked.

In ancient times, soup was referred to as either broth (meaning ‘brewed’) or pottage (‘cooked in a pot’). Bouillon, from the French word for ‘boil’, simply means stock. Consommé, a French word meaning ‘consummated’, describes the process in which an ingredient is simmered for a long time to acquire a concentrated flavour; its modern meaning is ‘clear soup’.Chowder, which comes from

chaudrée, a Breton word for cauldron, is a thick soup that’s associated with New England and the American north-east. Depending on where it’s made, it can have clear stock or a tomato base, or a creamy milk base, into which seafood (usually clams) are added.Possibly originating in the Bay of

Biscay near Spain, bisques are rich, thick soups that were once made from poultry and game birds, but are now normally cooked with crustaceans. Velouté, literally ‘velvety’ in French, is soup that’s thickened with cream, egg

yolks, flour and butter.makinG STockTo make a good soup, it’s essential to use good stock. It’s fine to

use stock cubes in a pinch but for the best-flavoured soups, it’s best to make your own. Use fresh vegetable trimmings or frozen peelings - you can accumulate these in freezer bags and use them as needed.Dried or fresh mushrooms, carrots, celery, pumpkins, corn cobs,

meat bones, inexpensive cuts of meats or unused ingredients (such as chicken carcasses or shells from shellfish) make excellent bases for stock.For flavouring the stock, herbs such as parsley and thyme

add depth. Bay leaves are practically a must, because they add a haunting background flavour. Asian-style stocks can be made from miso paste, dried bonito fish flakes or seaweed and

flavoured with fresh ginger and lemongrass.Brassicas (the cabbage family, including broccoli and Brussels

sprouts), spinach, artichokes, and asparagus can leave a bitter, metallic taste, so it’s best to avoid using these as the basis for your stock. Likewise, onion skins and strongly flavoured herbs and spices will overwhelm. Vividly coloured ingredients such as beetroot, turmeric, saffron and soy sauce, while fine in a soup, are best left out of a stock.For an extra depth of flavour, sauté or roast the vegetables or

meat before use. Put the ingredients in cold water (half solids to half water is a good ratio), bring to boil, and simmer. Vegetable stocks takes 30min-1 hour to cook, while chicken and meat stock take between one and five hours. Skim off the whitish foam that appears on the surface regularly, and strain as soon as possible after cooking.

ThickeninG SoupSOnce you’ve mastered the art of stock-making, you’ll be making

soup regularly. But what if your soup is too thin? The best remedy is to thicken the soup with the purée of a central ingredient you’re using in the soup. Root vegetables, tomatoes, beans or lentils are particularly good for this.Alternatively, you can use cornflour, arrowroot, rice, tapioca,

semolina, cornmeal, bulgar wheat, breadcrumbs or crushed nuts. Egg yolks, milk, cream, yoghurt, crème fraîche or béchamel sauce are also suitable.To avoid lumps or curdling, add your chosen ingredient first to

a ladleful of soup in a bowl, amalgamate well, and then pour the mixture back into the soup pot.

GarniSheS & accompanimenTSIn addition to using croutons, chopped fresh herbs or a swirl

of cream, you can decorate soup with finely diced or shredded vegetables, deep-fried wafer-thin vegetable slices, deep-fried herbs, toasted nuts and seeds, cooked quail’s egg, or a spoonful of caviar.Serve your soup creations with crusty breads or elegant grissini,

float croûtes (largish bread slices) on top, or serve with fritters or savoury biscuits and muffins. Most Asian soups are served with rice and pickles. As ever, experimentation is the key, and with the wealth of local ingredients here, you can create your very own taste of Spain!




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32 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES

EASy EnTERTAininGraymond blanc challenGeS ‘hypocriTical’ aTTiTude

To food followinG horSe meaT reVelaTionSBeef burgers sold by several

supermarkets – almost all of them part of the big chains – have been found to contain meat other than beef. A total of 27 beef burger lines were analysed by scientists in Ireland. Ten contained horse DNA while, more worrying for some religions, 23 contained pig DNA.

Most revealed only small traces of horse but, in one sample, horse accounted for around 29 percent of the meat content. Pig content was low but, just as with horse, it shouldn’t have been there at all. As you would imagine, the supermarkets concerned have apologised and have withdrawn the contaminated

burgers. It is not illegal to buy or sell

horse meat, or pig meat for that matter, in the UK. What is illegal is not declaring every ingredient on food labels. But it appears as though the supermarket chains were caught by surprise. I mean, it is unimaginable that they would knowingly allow this.

So, how did it happen? Tim Smith, technical director of the supermarket chain, Tesco, said, “We are working with the authorities and with the supplier concerned to urgently understand how it has come about and how to ensure that it does not happen again.”

Smith, who is a former head of the Food Standards Agency, added, “The presence of illegal meat in our products is extremely serious. Our customers have the right to expect that the food they buy is produced to the highest standards. We understand that many of our customers will be concerned by this news and we apologise

sincerely for any distress.” The plant at the centre of

the scandal has suspended all production after new tests confirmed that contamination is rife. The Irish company, which makes burgers for many of the big supermarkets, said fresh tests have confirmed that the source of contamination is a European processing company.

The processing company, which supplies meat bulking protein powder used in burgers made for supermarkets in both Ireland and Britain, said its investigations have so far centred around two third party European suppliers.

Irish agriculture minister Simon Coveney said its own investigation will continue until the source of the contamination is established conclusively. In Britain, watchdogs are under pressure to test all supermarket frozen beef burgers for the presence of horse meat.

The scandal has lifted the

lid on some of the more distasteful ingredients used to produce cheap food for families on a budget. Professor Chris Elliot, director of the Institute for Global Food Security at Queen’s University, Belfast, said, “What goes into a burger is all the low quality meat that cannot be sold in any other form. It is the bottom of the chain.”

Irish researchers, who identified the horse meat contamination in beef burgers, also found that a number of other beef products, such as ready meal cottage pies, contained pig meat that was not declared on the label. This has serious implications for Muslims and Jews for whom eating pork is forbidden.

Horse meat is, of course, eaten in many countries around the world. China, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Argentina, Italy, Brazil and Kyrgyzstan eat almost five million horses between them every year.

Britain, where eating horse

meat is almost taboo, exports as many as 10,000 live horses a year to Italy, France and Belgium for human consumption.

They are mainly ponies that have reached the end of their working lives. This whole saga has led top French chef Raymond Blanc to suggest that the British have a hypocritical attitude to food. He asks the question, “Who exports their old horses to be eaten on the Continent?” His answer, “Yes, it’s the British. So it seems hypocritical.”

Blanc, who owns a restaurant in Oxfordshire, said he detects an unappetising taste of hypocrisy, adding, “Many British people like to pretend food doesn’t come from animals. Horse is a good source of protein. I love horses but I also love horse meat. I feel the same way about pigs and pork, cows and beef, hens and chicken.”

The chef may have a point. But if you go to the supermarket and buy beef burgers, you would not want or expect to find horse meat, pig meat or any other meat except beef in them.


La Vista Deli Cafe Bar The Deli with a Difference!!

Friday 1st

Feb 2013

L/C9 La Finca Golf, algorfa,

Telf: 634 331 098

FROM 8PM - DJ aNDY JaMESFREE nibbles with all drink orders!

eaT, drink, dance and be merry!!

fresh foods & drinks served dailyGreat Prices! Great Service! Friendly Atmosphere!

FREE wifi, TV & Kids corner, disabled facilitiesFREE Parking, FREE Entertainment, Buffet nights

and much much more...............

The inn aT The greenThe inn aT The greenmonday ThurSday

pop Quiz with Lynden B, from 9pm


677 617 434672 033 676





commercial centre



The entertainers choice of the best singer 9pm

Sunday KaBarOKEwith matt christian

eVery TueSdayken’S General


dominoeS club 3pm new memberS welcome

chef’S SpecialSwednesday from 1pm Special menu del dia

3 courSeS includinG Small GlaSS of wine or Small beer

menu changes weekly

SaTurday Special for 2choose from 8oz Sirloin Steakor hunters chicken,chips, mushrooms, fresh tomatoes.includes bottle of house wine per. couple or small beer or water €14.95

our Sunday luncheS are GreaT Value

2 courses €5.953 course €7.95

includes glass of beer or wine or small bottle of water

all for €4.95

beef or pork

by popular demand our Sunday lunch will include lamb Shank (€3 SUPPLEMENT) PLEASE BOOK BY FRIDAY.

Valentines Day in style. Our fabulous menu and entertainer will

be announced shortly.

Bookings may be made at the bar



Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (33)


meThodIn a bowl, combine the

vegetables with the eggs, parsley, nutmeg and season with salt and pepper.

Heat a few tablespoons of oil on medium to high heat and when warm, add a heaped tablespoon of vegetables. Use the back of a flat spatula to flatten the râpé.

Cook for 3 to 4 minutes and

then flip on the other side. Cook for 3 more minutes, or until golden brown and crispy. Keep them in the oven preheated at 250 F while you keep working.

Serve topped with crème fraiche spread on top, a slice of smoked salmon and one of pear. Add salmon roe too, if you like. And enjoy!

Root Vegetable


inGredienTS(Makes 10 râpés)1 carrot, peeled and finely grated1 parsnip, peeled and finely grated1 sweet potato, peeled and finely grated2 small eggs, lightly beaten with a fork1 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg1 tablespoon chopped parsleySea salt and pepper, to tasteVegetable oil, to frySmoked salmon, to serveCrème fraiche or mascarpone, to serveSlices of pear, to serve

FlouRless Walnut


meThodUsing a food processor, chop the walnuts

coarsely (medium rather than fine) with the icing sugar.

In a bowl, place the soft butter, add the nuts and the raw egg whites, and mix with a whip.

Beat 4 egg whites and before they are too firm, add the cane sugar and mix. Fold the whites delicately into the previous preparation.

Place pieces of parchment paper at the

bottom of ramekins and grease them. Sprinkle with sugar and fill the ramekins with the batter (the cakes will rise slightly). Level the top of the batter with the blade of a knife and place the moulds in the preheated oven at 350 F for 20 mins (the recipe indicates 10 mins, but I thought it was not long enough.) Wait for 5 mins before unmoulding the cakes. Sprinkle with icing sugar and eat lukewarm, it is even better.

meThodIn a large flameproof

casserole or Dutch oven over medium heat, heat 1 tablespoon of the oil. When it is hot, add the butter. When it melts, add half the meat to the pan. Cook, without moving the meat, for 3 to 4 minutes or until it is brown. Turn the meat and brown the other sides for 3 to 4 minutes. Remove the meat from the pan and brown the remaining meat in the same way; remove it from the pan with any juices from cooking.

Add the remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil to the

pan. Add the onion and 1 spring of thyme. Cook, stirring often, for 5 minutes.

Add the carrots and celery and cook 2 minutes more. Add the white wine and return the meat and its juices to the pan. Add the water - it should just cover the meat - with the bay leaf, salt, and pepper. Bring to a boil, lower the heat, and cover the pan.

Simmer, stirring occasionally, for 2 hours or until the meat is very tender when pierced with a skewer. Serve with brown rice. Garnish with remaining thyme




inGredienTS10 oz walnuts halves4 egg whites, whipped2 raw egg whites

2 2/3oz icing sugar3.5 oz butter, very soft1.5 oz fine cane sugar1 pinch of salt

inGredienTS 2tbsp olive oil2tbsp butter2.5lbs boneless stewing beef, cut into 1.5” pieces1 red onion, thinly sliced3 sprigs fresh thyme1lb carrots, cut into 1” pieces1 stalk celery, cut into 0.5” pieces½ cup dry white wine4 cups (or more as necessary) cold water1 bay leafSalt & pepper to taste


EMAiL youR fAvouRiTE RECiPES To [emailprotected] ...fooD & EnTERTAininG

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34 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES


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ordACROSS1 Draw in Student’s Union with heartless crook (4)3 I’m OK, said Monty’s song (10)10 Put to use a branch of mathematics? (7)11 Display of bravery in not ending rave in graduate party (7)12 Outermost, almost additional key setter (7)13 Is set out without 6 coming back (6)15 Drink up in hearltess, rocky sort of race (5)16 Came after University College entered second church with new deed (9)18 Not permitted, because offered (9)21 Power for church (5)23 Fights second game (6)25 Part of Gavin’s tan thrilled for a very short time (7)27 Nothing in house ruler playing number 2? (7)28 One more heron at wreck (7)29 Wrongly screwed in new part of car (10)30 Requests a king on board ship (4)DOWN1 Vehicle which accepts far travelling? (10)2 A large letter starts to cause a problem in the American law (7)4 Naked university dean surprisingly lacks acceleration without woman’s garment! (9)5 Starts to believe in Brian, like endlessly famous book? (5)6 See that lies are bad (7)7 Modified dead Pat, perhaps (7)8 Be acquainted with

some punk? No way! (4)9 Rise anew in my wretchedness! (6)14 Escapades coming with sure failure (10)17 Someone running or standing? (9)19 A 100-company in Ronald’s creature (7)20 If your letters are in this, they’re probably leaning to the right! (7)21 Union somehow independent of NUS! (6)22 Stretches pain in insides of dress (7)24 Sweet stuff you reportedly put in flipping newspapers! (5)26 Demonstrate how to follow a point (4)

ACROSS1 Bought (9)6 Ledge (5)9 Incriminated (7)10 Doubter (7)11 Glanced at (7)12 Including everything (7)13 An officer (9)15 The mountain of the Ten Commandments (5)16 Breed of duck (5)19 Overburdens (9)22 Wrestle (7)23 Repeatedly drop bombs

(7)25 A parasitic disease spread by mosquitos (7)26 A southern state (7)27 Connecting points (5)28 Prolonged unfulfilled desires (9)DOWN1 Bogs (5)2 Repossess (7)3 A cry of praise to God (7)4 Aligned oneself with (5)5 Converse (9)

6 Searchers (7)7 Drag along (7)8 Abilities (9)13 Preacher (9)14 Camel (9)17 Spoke with an accent (7)18 Accounts (7)20 Spoof (7)21 Breed of horse (7)23 British Association of Film and Television Arts (5)24 Beloveds (5)

Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (35)


The New Year has brought with it a whole new group of volunteers, all from Gran alacant, each bringing with them their professional expertise to help push the foundation further forward in its quest to continue growing into a large organisation, that will ultimately help horses, ponies, and donkeys throughout Spain.

Karen Bull is developing the riding and education side of the rescue centre as she is a trained riding instructor and has her BHS Stable Manager and BHS aI, and has worked in many areas of the equine field.

a few years ago, she came to Spain after leaving university, with a Higher National Diploma in Horse Studies, level distinction. She wanted to carry on teaching and riding here in Spain; unfortunately she became disillusioned due to the lack of empathy to the horse and how to give basic care. She therefore left the horse world and worked in sales. She was later diagnosed with cancer, and after coming through the treatment of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and an operation, she realised life was too short.

She was discussing her situation with a friend who said that EHCRC may want to use her expertise. Karen met with the EHCRC founder, Sue Weeding, and they realised instantly that they were like minded. Karen’s aim now is to work with the centre, and share her knowledge. Many people, when they come to the centre, say that they’ve never been on a horse, and indeed never been around a horse. These people feel they are too old to start now, but Karen wants to show them that you’re never too old; her aim is to give the opportunity for the more mature

person to come to the centre on a Wednesday afternoon and have a gentle introduction using our more mature horses which will be of benefit to both humans and equines. as always, riding lessons are available daily, and the pony club continues on Sundays as normal.

Then we have Barry and Sandra Lane, along with their daughter Kelly, who are the owners of the Gran alacant advertiser. Not only are they promoting the rescue centre in their magazine and advertising for items for our five charity shops, they are actively organising a new charity shop for us in Gran alacant where already many members of the community are ready to help staff it when it opens.

Then of course there’s Gayle Thompson and Chris and Doreen Gibbs, all professional people in their previous lives, who now come here to volunteer doing bucket washing, mucking out, and anything else that’s needed throughout the week. This is certainly community spirit at its best. All of these new volunteers have definitely made a huge difference to the centre already this year. Thank you Gran alacant!

Don’t forget the Rescue Centre is open every Sunday between 1pm and 4pm for you to come and meet our Rescue Residents and find out more about the work of the EHCRC Foundation.

For more details please visit our website or email [emailprotected]

For riding lessons or info on our Junior Members Pony Club please contact [emailprotected]

ehcrc foundaTion GallopS inTo The new year wiTh The Grand folkS of Gran alicanT

We had our annual “Burns Supper” at the Los Rosales Restaurant on Wednesday 23rd Jan 2013, and all monies after expenses will be donated to the “TORREVIEJa STROKE SUPPORT GROUP”

a lovely evening was had by all, the meal was excellent with all the usual trimmings for a Burns Supper, the entertainment was very enjoyable, andy Ramage addressed

the Haggis with real spirit (Whisky), and entertained us with Song and poems,

Gerry Shaw was in charge of the music, and gave us a large variety of Scottish Ceildh and dancing to popular tunes.

We had our Founders with us, Mr Joseph Killeen and Mrs Louie Killeen, I am sure they enjoyed it along with everyone who greeted them on arrival with a standing

ovation, and Bagpipes played by Mr Barrie Waddington, who also piped in the Haggis and entertained us with some popular tunes on the pipes.

Our thanks must go to all who attended, 64 in total, as well as the people in the background who organised the event, the speakers who gave the usual toast’s, and the committee, a superb evening, well


If anyone would like to take up Scottish Country Dancing, we meet every Thursday at 15.00 until 17.30 at the Los Rosales Restaurant, on the Lemon Tree Rd (Guadamar) and you would be made most welcome, and taught the various steps, we do this because we enjoy ourselves, come and join us.

TorreVieja ScoTTiSh counTry dance Group

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36 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES

c o m m u n i T yn E W S

3 ChAnCES To Win!!! free compeTiTion

Every week 2 lucky couples can win a fabulous, 3 course meal, from our Winter Specials Board menu, with a bottle of wine … and … 1 couple can win a delicious, 9 item English breakfast, including tea or coffee (between 9.30am – 5pm)

AT MAnhATTAn, CABo RoiGJuST finD WhERE WE’vE hiDDEn A BoTTLE of WinE in ThiS iSSuE AnD SEnD ThE AnSWER To [emailprotected] oR DRoP youR AnSWER inTo MAnhATTAn’S DiRECTLy!

conGraTulaTionS To laST week’S winnerS:MEAL foR 2: ChARLES finLAy - MARiE MAhER BREAKfAST foR 2: CRAiG CRAWLEy

SPAcE FOR A LITTLE ONE?CARBONEl is approx 8 months old, he is a chubby, healthy kitten who was being fed by an elderly resident whose neighbour threatened to poison him. He is quite a dominant kitten who loves his food and wants everyone else’s. It would be better to re-home him where he would be an only cat.PANDORA is 8 months old, she arrived as a 10 week old kitten with her sister Nirvana, soaking wet and tied up in a plastic bag. The man who brought them in told volunteers he had fished the bag out of a swimming pool. Pandora is a delightful little cat, who desperately needs a home with someone who will care for her because she has a small skin problem which it is believed to be due to Cattery stress. Just recently her condition has improve greatly but she would love to find a home. For more information please contact Natasha on 616210850 or visit our website Please visit our website under urgent appeals to see our

other dogs and cats in need of finding a foster home. pandora



CEROC STylE MODERN JiVE............Thursdays 7pm Los Rosales Restaurant, Guardamar. Never Danced-No Partner-No Problem. Please note no class 14th Feb but class will be held on Wed 13th Feb same times for that week only.EVERY FRIDAY 10.30am at Bar Sofia, El Raso. Learn to line dance absolute beginners class with Adam. No dancing skills required but a sence of humour a must !!SALSA FUN FOR ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS.Every Tuesday 11am. Bar Sofia, El Raso.Learn the basics to get you on the dance floor. No partner or dance skills required.We at Paso A Paso Dance believe dance should be for everyone, even if you have never danced before...the hardest part of our classes is coming through the door for the very first time, the rest is easy. Tel 670711408 for more info.

Q&A SESSiON WiTH PEDRO MANCEBO...........................................On Wednesday 30th January at 6pm there will be a Question and Answer session with Pedro Mancebo, Councillor for the Coast at the Sophia Wellness Centre in La Regia. All are welcome. Those actually in attendance, whose questions have been sent in advance will be given priority. Please enter your questions on

Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (37)


c o m m u n i T y n E W S - EmAiL [emailprotected]

SuCCESSFul SliMMiNG..................Tuesday: Quesada,10am at Goyo’s Restaurant, opposite the town hall. Thursday: La Marina 11am at The Hillside Bar. A healthy eating food plan with very good results. Only 5 euros weekly with no joining fee or charge for missed weeks. For more information please ring Sian on 965 496 209 / 658 271 553. All are welcome

THE CHuRCH OF JESuS CHRiST OF lATTER DAy SAiNTS..................... (Mormons) meet at 10.00 each Sunday at their Torrevieja meetinghouse in the Torreaguas building on the corner of Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia 104, close to the windmill in Torrevieja, 667 533 597

‘STRiCTly DANCE’.................................‘Strictly Dance’ Monday ‘The Palms’ Punta Prima (old Asturias) 8:00-8:45 Tuition 8:45-10:15 Social Dancing Tuesday ‘The Club’ Quesada 8:00-8:45 Tuition 8:45-10:15 Social Dancing Saturday ‘Sophia Wellness Centre’ Cabo Roig Your Requests Social Night ballroom/latin american/old time & sequence/line dancing on a wooden floor 7:30-10:30. New courses every 3 weeks ballroom and latin american tuition for both beginners and intermediates, singles welcome. Come and join our fun nights. For further details contact Lyn on 635584431 or 966188430

This English-speaking evangelical Church is located on Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas 68, Torrevieja (opposite Maxi Dia). Sunday Service with Communion and Sunday School 10.30 am. Wednesday night Fellowship Meeting 6.00 pm. A warm welcome awaits you! Contact Secretary 966 788 771 for further information

TORREViEJA CHRiSTiAN FEllOWSHiP (TCF)..................

ROJAlES NEiGHBOuRHOOD WATCHThe next meeting of the Rojales Neighbourhood Watch Group will be held on Monday 4th March 2013 at 11am in the Municipal Centre in Ciudad Quesada. The meeting is open to all residents living in the 03170 postal area and we look forward to welcoming you. Please tell your neighbours and come and join us.For further information about Neighbourhood Watch in Rojales please see our website or contact: David East (LeadCoordinator) [emailprotected] or Helen Tudor (Secretary) [emailprotected]

THE SPiRiTuAliST CHuRCH, QuESADA............................................Meets at The Dojo, just off Avenida Las Naciones, Quesada (behind Clacton´s Bar). We hold a Sunday Service at 11.30 a.m., a Tuesday Evening of Mediumship at 7.30 p.m. And every Thursday there is an Open Circle where you can develop your skills commencing at 7.30 p.m. Spiritual healing is available every Sunday and Tuesday after the service. Marilyn Webb will take the Divine Service with Mediumship, on Sunday 3rd February followed by an Evening of Mediumship with David Darnbrough on Tuesday, 5th February. The Divine Service with Mediumship on Sunday, 10th February will be taken by Morag Bullock.. WE MOVE TO NEW PREMISES ON 3RD FEBRUARY. (SEE WEB FOR DETAILS)) Everybody welcome. Contact Wendy on 965323028.

STRiCTly SOCiAl CluB....................... Why not come and join us for an afternoon of entertainment, fun, quizzes and games. We also have speakers, and arrange meals out and coach outings. We meet on the top floor at The New Asturias Restaurant, Punta Prima between 2.30 p.m. and 5.00 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each Month. Open to all age-groups. For more info call Margaret on 966730569 or Brian on 678807159. Looking forward to meeting you

50+ SOLOS will be having their get togethers during February at the following locations and times Gentlemen and Ladies over 50 years and on their own are very welcome During March the get togethers will be in different locations. SATURDAY 2 FEBRUARY EL ESTABLO AVIENDA LOS PINOS NO 50 GUARDAMAR Opposite the Park and located near other bars and restaurants. 1.00 for 1.30 pm = Limited to 24 people SATURDAY 16 FEBRUARY CLUB NAUTICO ON THE HARBOUR GUARDAMARFor information AND TO BOOK contact RUTH on 966789063 Due to the limit in places available on 2 February there will be a STORY TELLER , coffee and chat followed by a homemade HOTPOT (4 EUROS) made by Yvonne at SACKOS EL LIMONAR La Siesta 11.00 until 1.30 pm on SATURDAY 23 February Contact Christine on 965077903 for information AND TO BOOK.

50+ SOlOS..............................................

AlCOHOliCS ANONyMOuS................Are concerned about your own level of drinking? Does your personal or professional life bring you into contact with a problem drinker? Members of ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS invite you to attend, without obligation, a special Open Meeting on Friday 25th January at Calle San Miguel de Salinas 2, (Corner of Calle Santomera), Torrevieja at 1.00pm. Helpline 625 912 078.

liNE DANCiNG..................................Every Friday 10.30am Bar Sofia, El Raso. Fun Learn to Line Dance for Absolute Beginners with Adam (all the basic dances to get you line dancing) No previous dance skills required, but a sence of humour a must.TEL 670711408

Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (38)

38 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES

BOATING LICENSES ARE NOW A LEGAL REQUIREMENT IN SPAIN Serenity Sailing RYa Training Centre, Competent Crew to Yachtmaster, VHF & ICC. Own-boat tuition on sail and power. If you have a yacht or powerboat get qualified and certified. Contact Richard +34 638 056 224 Email: [emailprotected] or visit:

ELECTRICIAN , AVAILABLE for all works. Small or large. Call Dave 693 251 562. [emailprotected]



Open Mon - Fri 10 - 18.00, Sat 10 - 14.00C/Pablo Neruda 2, Local 5, RojalesPLEASE CALL JAMIE ON:

966 713 075 OR 680 545


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existing business ready for immediate takeoverplease contactTel: 966 781 307


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BY TELEPHONEBetween 10am & 5pm

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DEADLINESAll adverts Friday at 5pm

prior to publication

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Calle Los Arcos No 7, Ciudad Quesada

Mon to Fri10am - 5pm


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Quesada Tel: 654 666 686 evenings SONY WIDE angle lens, vcl-0637h 37 mm thread 25€ 635 885 062 CampasolSINGLE BLOW up guest mattress, complete with foot pump 8€ 635 885 062 CampasolLEARN SPANISH for beginners, 5 hour oxford cassette course with manual 10€ tel 635 885 062 CampasolBOOK SALE 80+ best sellers nearly new condition 25 € Quesada tel: 966 716 599LARGE GARDEN table seats 6, heavy duty pvc 25€ cane basket chair 10€. Quesada, tel: 966 716 599


CLaSSIFIED902 750 190

ExT 330

Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (39)


properTy for Sale / renT


in Cabo Roig/Villamartin, Orihuela Costa & Costa Calida

We have clients enquiring in this area

ContactCASASOl REAl ESTATE TEl: 965 325 601

Email: [emailprotected]

FOR RENT, 3 bed, 3 bath spacious semi-detatched house with garage situated in the popular area of La Zenia, walking distance to shops, beaches and the new La Zenia Boulevard, Furnished, Long term, 550€ monthly plus electric & water, perfect family home Tel: 966 733 079 or 619 098 543



N A T A S H A , Divorced, diverse super sexy, private apartment, complete massage with massage bed. Very discreet. Call 677 676 554 San Policarpo No. 87 apt 1-17 Cerca Calle Orihuela. Can accommodate one person or accompanied.ELEGANT SLIM, SExY ITALIAN LADY availanble h o m e / h o u s e visits. Torrevieja, La Manga, Torre Pacheco & Mazarron. Escort available home & house visits Tel: 693 357 526


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plaSTerinGE N G L I S H P L A S T E R E R internal finishing, external rendering, 15 years experience, good rates. FULLY LEGaL IN SPaIN. Call Chris 671 444 246 / 965 078 866 email: [emailprotected]

limouSine hire

LENNy MITCHELL, Guitarist Singer, International, Professional, Solo Act. Lenny Mitchell & his Musical Time Machine invite

you on a trip back to the 60’s & 70’s. Available to play in any venue.

tel: 658 321 891 or Email [emailprotected]


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lockSmiThPrivate Sale €79,950

Tel: (0034) 676 534 978

4 bed, 2 bath, Large Terrace, Lounge, Sep Kitchen, Utility Room, Communal Solarium, Lift, Furnished

inc. White Goods, UK TV , 90m² Interior Living Space plus, 15m² Terrace / balcony with Awnings.

Overlooks a newly reformed Plaza, church & mountains, Unusually large terrace. 2 min walk away from the town’s attractive central square, all other amenities are also within easy walking

distance,12 mins drive from the resort of Guardamar del Segura. Close to La Finca Golf course

FOR SAlE APARTMENT (Top floor / Penthouse) Almoradi,Costa Blanca

inSuranceASSSA MEDICAL I N S U R A N C E S asssa Mazarron, Diane Nolan, Tel: 968 153 396, [emailprotected]

reduced €39,950

aparTmenTfor Sale


1 bed, 1 bath apartmentfully fitted kitchen,

white goods, parking,lovely views. Ideal golfing

holiday apartment. Close to Mojacar / Turre. T: 664 291 793 [emailprotected]

(0034) 667 235 205 (sp)(0044) 7850 575862




properTy Swap

FOR SWAPModern 2 bed / 2 bath 2nd top floor apartment in Dolores town Alicante. Roof top pool, private

solarium, secure garage parking, lift and balcony with great mountain views. 15 mins from beach, 25 mins to airport. Friendly international block and pets are allowed. Furnished inc all white goods, so ready

to move in immediately. Will swap for a country property to reform in the Costa Calida region.

Would also consider land / ruin in the same area. Cash either way

Tel: 968 157 268 or [emailprotected]


for Sale deTaTched corTijo 20mins from mojacar This is a unique spanish cortijo with 4 beds, 2 baths,

open plan living areas, kitchen & diningroom as well as a workshop, courtyard front & back & room for a

pool. mountain views. build 256 m², Terrace 100m²,

plot 1200m² €150,000ono Tel: 649 186 107


immaculate 2 bed, 1 bath ground apartmant situated in the very nice area of lomas De Campoamar Golf Resort. Very spacious accomadation of 86m2, furnished, walking

distance to la Fuente Commercial centre,

24 hour security, includes use of communal pools, tennis

courts etc, 395€ + bills, no offers

Ring now on 648 111 779 for immediate viewing

piano playerAble to play for small functions,

co*cktail music etc. Would suit over 50’s

Ex london Pub Pianist.

Can let you have demonstration if

required. john The piano Tel: 966 714 366

piano player


ClassIFIeD902 750 190 ext 330



2 bedrooms & Family Bathroom, Built on 3 Levels, Spacious Living/Dining Room, American Style Kitchen, Solarium & Terrace, Gated Complex,

Stunning Views of the Lake. Great Value €53,000

TEl: 693 806 409

CHEAPER THAN RENTING?All you pay is EUR 3,000 buying costs and the rest is mortgaged

at around EUR 250 per month. Cheaper than renting an apartment in the area. Some of these 2 bedroom apartments have 2 bathrooms and some with only 1. It’s a first come, first

served basis! Great deal!The apartments do not come with white goods but do have pre

installation air conditioning.

we have a key-ready block of apartments in Los Montesinos with full finance! all you pay is €3,000 to complete.

QUALITY AND LOCATIONThe apartments are finished to a very high quality with communal

areas decked out with marble floors and spacious corridors

which make the building very light. The location is second to none, on

the entrance to Los Montesinos overlooking the Torrevieja salt

lakes and every apartment has its own private roof garden but there

is no communal pool.

Prices are 59.900 €, the payment plan is 3.000 € deposit and straight to mortgage. If a client wants a 30 year

mortgage it works out at 266 € per month and if it is a 35 year mortgage it works out at 242 € per month.




REDuCED TO €53,000

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40 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES

car parTS

VEHICLE IMPORTS & and competitive rates. call 687 845 730

VehicleS reGiSTraTion




Don’t take a chance!Don’t break the law!

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(working or not working)


WANTED PRE 1960 British Football Programmes. Private Collector staying in San Pedro del Pinatar from 19th December - 16th January 2013. Pays good prices for programmes and other vintage sporting memorabilia. Please contact Tony on 07823 775900 during that period.

S A L O N MARGARETHAS 24 years in Torrevieja hair / wig specialist for medical illness and hair loss problems. We offer different hair replacements, top fillers, hair prostheses, toupees & wigs. Natural & artificial hair & much more. also fashion /festival accessories. TV/TS are welcome to our service. Call Margaretha on 966 921 846 for an appointment.



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advert on the news pages

SwimminG pool SafeTy

STEPTOE & SONWe will take anything you don’t

want from cars to clothes, electrical items working or

not. One man’s junk is another one’s treasure, so don’t delay

call today Tel: 634 383 298

TRADE BUSINESSES CAN ADVERTISE IN THE CLASSIFIED SECTIONClassified box from 9€. Lineage only 45 cents per word - Deadline 5pm Friday Contact Christine 902 750 190 ext 330 or 966 719 647


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42 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES

D D animals D D D D D D

The local pet hotel where your beloved petgoes when you are on holiday or just away...Domino Pet Hotel offers cattery with warm and cosy beds,

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SEE our Editorial oN pagE 12

A video of a dolphin apparently seeking help from a diver to free itself from a fishing hook has surfaced.

It shows scuba instructor Keller Laos tend to the stricken mammal’s injured dorsal fin in an eight-minute rescue captured off the Hawaiian coast.

Mr Laros was leading a group of snorkelers to observe

manta rays when the incident took place.While the group were in the water, a dolphin swam

towards them after it had earlier let out a cry that had been audible to Mr Laros and the company.

Having noticed the dolphin move strangely, Mr Laros realised that a hook had been embedded in its pectoral fin.

“The way he came right up and pushed himself into me there was no question this dolphin was there for help,” the instructor explained

As Mr Laros helped to untangle the mammal from the fishing line, the dolphin waited patiently as the diver did his work.

“I was trying to unwrap it, I got the line fishing hook out of the pectoral fin. There was a line coming out of his mouth,” said Laros.

“I was worried if I tugged on it, it might hurt him more. I was able to cut the fishing line and unwrap it.”


WiTh hooK

An Australian vet saved a puppy that was dying after drinking anti-freeze - by giving her vodka.

The puppy, an American Staffordshire named Cleo, licked radiator fluid off spare car parts in a garage in Truganina.

Within 30 minutes, she was swaying on her feet, rejecting food and at risk of kidney failure, according to

Owner Stacey Zammit, 27, rushed Cleo to the vet, who said the puppy was hours away from renal failure.

“It was only a 6.6lb dog, so it doesn’t take much of the anti-freeze for it to become poisoned,” said vet Scott Hall.

“The owners were straight on top of the money. They realised straight away that things weren’t right and came straight to us.”

Alcohol stops a chemical reaction in the liver that causes kidney failure. The vets used a bottle of vodka that a nurse had in her car.

The vodka was fed via drip through her nose and into her stomach. Cleo consumed more than a third of the bottle during her treatment.


GooGle faceS leGal baTTle from briTiSh

inTerneT uSerScomplain firm haS breached Their priVacyGoogle is facing a legal battle from iPhone users in the

UK who claim their online browsing habits were secretly tracked by the internet giant.

The landmark case could pave the way for up to 10 million Britons to sue Google for alleged privacy breaches.

A group of 12 people, all of whom use Apple devices, including the popular iPhone, are seeking damages in a case thought to be the first of its kind in the UK.

They say that cookies, small tracking files, were installed by Google on the Apple computers and mobile devices of those using the Safari internet browser without their knowledge.

Cookies are used by advertisers, and owners of other websites, to target advertising based on an individual’s internet use.

One example given by law firm Olswang - which is bringing the case - is that a person carrying out an internet search for an engagement ring could find that their partner, when using the same device, later encounters adverts for rings when browsing online.

Claimants thought that cookies would be blocked because of assurances given by Google in the time their devices were allegedly affected, from summer 2011 to spring 2012, and also because of Safari’s default settings.

Dan Tench, a partner at Olswang, said: ‘Google has a responsibility to consumers and should be accountable for the trust placed in them.

‘We hope that they will take this opportunity to give Safari users a proper explanation about what happened, to apologise and, where appropriate, compensate the victims of their intrusion.’

Judith Vidal-Hall, former editor of magazine Index on Censorship, has issued proceedings against Google after claiming they had covertly tracked her use of the internet.

The 74-year-old said: ‘Google claims it does not collect personal data but doesn’t say who decides what information is ‘personal’.

‘Whether something is private or not should be up to the internet surfer, not Google. We are best placed to decide, not them.”

A campaigning group, called Safari Users Against Google’s Secret Tracking, has been set up on Facebook and Olswang believes it could prompt others to come forward to take action. It is estimated there were 10 million users of Apple products in the UK at the relevant time.

Last year, Google was fined $22.5m dollars (£14.2m) in the US for using tracking cookies on Safari.


Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (43)


Andy WilsonPhotographer

SporTLast Sunday, Torry

entertained league leaders Novelda who included in their line-up ex-Torry favourite Manu. Torry had a threadbare squad to choose from and again were missing the influential Jorge. Vicente Boix was back after a one match suspension and new signing JuanFran was brought in for Jorge in central defence.

Manolo was re-called in goal in preference to Javi Tur. On the bench was Javi Tur, youngsters Sergio and Patri and a couple of other youngsters I haven’t seen before. The line-up was a bit questionable with the diminutive Manu Amores taking up a position in central midfield and Gasch wide on the right.

Torrys starting line-up: Manolo, Vicente (Juan Carlos, min. 82), Juanfran, Abel, Rafa (Patri, min. 68), Burguillos, Cuco Ros, Manu Amores, Luis Carlos (Sergio, mn. 68), Gasch , Koeman.

The gate was around the 400 mark including a group of noisy “drummers” from Novelda who got behind their team.

The game started slowly but Novelda started to show that they hadn’t come to defend. Novelda won a corner in the 8th minute and the delivery was met by a Novelda player with a downward header which Torry keeper Manolo did well to keep out but he could only parry it across goal and it was met by a Novelda player who gleefully headed the ball into the back of the net from close range for a GOALLLLL to Novelda 0-1.

A few minutes later a good break by Novelda culminated in a cross-shot which flashed just wide of

the far post with Manolo beaten. On 13 minutes after another good move by Novelda and a lofted pass, which Abel couldn’t get to, fell invitingly just inside the box and was seized on by the big Novelda no.9 and he lifted it over the advancing Manolo and into the back of the net for a GOALLLLL to Novelda 0-2.

Torry were shell-shocked but tried to lift their game and were given a life-line in the 25th minute when a mistake by a Novelda defender, let Luis Carlos in and he lobbed the ball over the keeper and into the back of the net for a GOALLLL to Torry 2-1and game on. On 28 minutes Burguillos was cautioned for an infringement which appeared to enrage the Torry players. It had the desired effect as Torry started to battle more.

On 33 minutes a bouncing ball forward deceived Rafa and Manu for Novelda struck a powerful drive just over the top. On 36 minutes, the turning point of the game, when Koeman received a straight red for a reckless challenge on the half-way line. It was a foul but should have earned a caution not a sending off. Captain Abel received a caution for protesting too much.

Torry re-shuffled with Manu Amores moving out wide on the right and Gasch moving into a central position up front. The game was heating up. Manolo then had to deal with a whipped in free-kick and a couple of corners which he did so competently. On 43 minutes after the best move of the match by Torry, Abel had a header strike the Novelda post but he was ruled offside.

The second-half started more evenly with Novelda

having took their foot off the gas but they still posed the biggest threat and after 60 minutes it was “game, set and match” when a ball into the box wasn’t dealt with by the Torry defenders and the loose ball was blasted into the back of the net off the crossbar for a GOALLLLL to Novelda and 1-3. Novelda then won a number of corners and there were a few near misses.

After 68 minutes Torry made a double substitution and took off Rafa and Luis Carlos and brought on the fresh legs of youngsters Sergio and Patri. 3 minutes later Vicente was replaced by, not the King of Spain, but youngster Juan Carlos. Novelda eased off and Sergio had a shooting chance but had a “rush of blood” and blazed wide.

In injury time Patri nearly got on the end of a through ball which their goalkeeper just got to first. The final whistle blew. Torry tried hard but without too much effect against a well drilled and confident side who posed a real threat up front.

Torry now have 2 way games on the trot, the first being at Muro next Sunday. They are again likely to be down to the absolute “bare bones” with Jorge missing through injury and Koeman suspended.

Lets hope Torry can get 2 or three half decent players in before the Thursday transfer deadline closes, preferably in midfield. Keep the faith but its getting hard.

An increasingly worried Darrylldinho following his adopted team in Spain get well beaten.

fc TorreVieja – TroublinG TimeS aT Torry

Advanced motorist Tim Saunders is the former Business and motoring Editor of the Bournemouth

Daily Echo. His regular test reports appear in numerous newspapers, magazines and websites throughout the uK, ireland & Gibraltar - and now here in Spain! For more information contact Tim

on: [emailprotected]

TeST driVe: cheVroleT orlando

Did you know that the people carrier concept was introduced over half a century ago?

In 1950 Volkswagen introduced its multi-seat Kombi vehicle and then a decade later Fiat introduced its own version. And there I was thinking that it was all down to Renault with its Espace in 1984.

The Espace is no longer but that hasn’t deterred other manufacturers from introducing their own take on this popular vehicle. But while many do the job admirably many lack style and character. It is this area in particular where Chevrolet, that famed and historic US car manufacturer, owned by General Motors, has sought to shake things up.

I don’t usually bat an eyelid at a people mover but as I take delivery of the Orlando it demands a second glance, so clearly Chevy has been successful. The curved brick shape is without doubt very appealing as you can see from the video at It’s like a modern day A-Team van.

Step inside and the black cabin is well appointed and comfortable; the dashboard, which slants at an angle towards the windscreen, has something of the future about it. An initial criticism is that the interior is very black although it feels hardwearing and well

put together. The driver’s seat is like an armchair and comes complete with a folding armrest. There is a foot rest for the driver’s left foot, which is welcome while all controls are close to hand and easy to operate.

Turn the ignition and the two-litre diesel unit is slightly audible from inside but when driving this is not noticeable. The six-speed gearbox is decisive. It becomes apparent that this vehicle, much like its driver, prefers clear roads as opposed to clogged up ones. At a crawl it prefers first gear to second where there is a feeling that it might stall. The diesel unit is gutsy and can be worked hard but then it does become vocal.

Unfortunately the test takes place when there are numerous flood warnings and the ensuing downfalls require frequent wiper and blower action. When turning the blowers to the medium setting they make an irritating whistling noise but turn them to a higher or lower setting and this disappears; this could be a glitch with the test car. The high up driving position is always welcome as it gives a commanding view of the road ahead allowing for forward planning when considering overtaking. Stuck at the lights and it is possible to see how waterlogged the fields

are. It will transport seven

people in comfort and there is a cavernous boot when the third row of seats are down. Another surprise is that it has a tight turning circle.

Parkers, the car experts, say: “The Orlando is Chevrolet’s first ever MPV and it’s a competent offering. It’s a reasonably priced, spacious and practical people carrier that puts function over form. The design might not be to everyone’s tastes but one might consider that a trif ling price to pay for a decent school-runner that won’t break the bank. The Orlando – the new kid of the MPV block, complete with a f ive-year/100,000 -mile warranty and attractive ownership benefits.”

I agree with Parkers, a very good family proposition and more economical than cars half its size such as the Mazda 2 hatchback!

specification2.0 LT VCDI

5Dr 6Spd Manual New price range: £17,600 - £25,165

Used price range: £7,393 - £15,876

Economy: 47mpgFuel tank: 64 litres0-60mph: 10 secs

Top speed: 111mphPower: 128bhp

Watch the video

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44 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES


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Advanced motorist Tim Saunders is the former

Business and motoring Editor of the Bournemouth Daily Echo. His regular test reports appear

in numerous newspapers, magazines and websites

throughout the uK, ireland & Gibraltar - and now here in Spain! For more information

contact Tim on:[emailprotected]

Alenda Golf – 22nd January 2013

What a gorgeous day blue skies, slightly breezy, but what could be better for a day of golf, in some cases the golf could have been better, but what the heck.

Every time we go to Alenda the course is always in really good condition and despite the cold spell we have had today was no exception, fast and pristine greens, so our thanks to the greens staff and golf director Jose.

It was a Stableford Competition and the Results from yesterday were:

Gold Category

1st: Ivie Davies 34 pts

2nd: Mick Hithersay 33 pts

3rd: Geoff Poyner 29 pts

Silver Category

1st: Ken Hopkins 41 pts

2nd: Ron Nicholson 37 pts

3rd: Malcolm Woods 34 pts

Winner of the Organiser Trophy for the with the highest score Ken Hopkins, his points score will result in Mademoiselle Guillotine calling with a handicap cut of a whopping 2.3 shots, he is now playing off 19.3

Two players scored 5 points on one hole they were Ron Nick & Ken Hopkins. Sometimes you have to admire the good fortune of golfers and in this instance a players shot was seen to Barnes Wallace across a lake onto the first cut at the far side of the green and then a chip in from 20 meters, rubbing shoulder with ‘Rocket’ should at least mean a lottery win!

Nearest the Pins

Hole 5: Malcolm Anderson. Hole 3: John Trailor. Hole 13: Ken Hopkins. Hole 16. Tom Richardson.

Longest Drive: Alan Moody Best Guest: Alan Barrett

There were two new

members who were welcomed by the members, Reid Kane and Alan Barrett

Sympathy should go to Ron Chamber who retired hurt after 9 holes with a ricked back, we are not sure how it happened, but information was received that at his birthday party on Monday, someone was trying to access the ‘family jewels’ which made him leap with delight.

Thanks to Tony and Roxy at Izzy’s Bar for the most welcome food.

Next game is at Vistabella Golf, Tuesday 12th February please be at the course for 08.15am the First tee is 09:00.

For more information or if you wish to play with the friendliest Golf Society contact Ron Nicholson on 678 849 142 or email [emailprotected]

ST. jameS’S GaTe Golf SocieTy


This week was a rare week for the club as the match was an open match.

The second and last one of the season. The venue was the Eden canal, the venue being switched from the Embalse de Pedrera due to the rain of the evening before.

The Pedrera is treacherous during and after rain, until the bank has dried out. Although the Eden has not been fishing too well, it did produce more fish than it has of late.

The wind was blowing a hooley and everybody settled for the feeder, which was really the only method available considering the conditions.

There were only 3 blanks from the 10 anglers, an improvement from the Pedrera!!!!!!!

The water did come up during the day as a result of the previous nights rain but it did not affect the fishing.

Top Rods on the day

1st Terry ( Swing E´m ) Screen fishing the feeder and using maggot with 6.32 kilo s.

2nd Tony ( The Flowerman) Price fishing the feeder using maggot with 3.58 kilo s

3rd Bill (The Master) Reade

fishing the feeder using maggot with 3.48 kilo s.PLEASE NOTE The club has some

vacancies at present, if you are interested in joining please contact Derek Swann on 966729293 or 603535771.ABBEY ANGLING RESULTSSupplied by Terry ScreenWe fished the 3rd round

of the Abbey Angling Cup on the 22nd January once again at the Embalsa de Pedrera, and this match also incorporated the 3rd round of the Round Town News Inter club trophy.The lakes water level is

constant at the moment, as the water being drawn off by the canal for irrigation equals the water being pumped in. The fishing is still hard going with five dry nets on the day (R & R also fished one man short ) and Hemp and Tares being the order of the day on the feeder.1st Dave (The Sweetie

Man) Hutchinson with 11.960kg AA2nd Mick (The Arsenal) Hill

with 7.760kg AA3rd Clive (No more golf)

Cleghorn with 3.800kg RR4th Terry (Swing em)

Screen with 3.660kg AA5th Bill (The Master) Reade

with 1.840kg RR6th Dave (Yours Truly)

Hoare with 0.640kg RR

With five dry nets

All fishing the feeder using hemp and tares

The winning team for the Round Town News Trophy on the day was Abbey Angling with 16pts and Rods & Reels with 13pts

Overall standing after three matches out of the six is

Rods & Reels 5pts

Abbey Angling 4pts

All details available from our website or from the Match Secretary Terry Screen on 965 328 368


The objective of Anglers Together was to introduce anglers to each other, who otherwise had no one to fish with or didn’t know where to fish.

It was successful in bringing together many anglers who established friendships and which continue to this day.

No meetings are held now but information is still available through our email address; [emailprotected].



maGGoTS end


were extended to Janice Penning as she was elected as the Commodore of SAMM (Sailing Association Mar Menor) a first for a woman. Janice is hoping that the new job does not interfere

too much with her love of yacht racing.The retiring

Commodore Mike Phillips was thanked for his stewardship in presiding over a very successful year of racing and social events culminating in the Christmas

Dinner. S A M M

continues to thrive with both the Spring and Autumn race series being keenly contested. All the groups welcomed newcomers to their brand of ‘messing about in boats’ The social scene was well supported with regular bowling

Members of the Balaton Group

John Down and Peter Cadwell

Robert hudson & Janice Penning

at Dos Mares as well as a three day trip to Cuenca, an informative visit to the mines at La Union, and some organised cycle rides. In addition each group follows their own full programme taking advantage of the opportunities afforded on the Mar MenorThe AGM was also the

opportunity to present the trophies for the Autumn racing series. Champion Trophy awarded to the Balaton Group Sirocco, Sailfish 18.75 points This boat competed in all 10 races with 11 helms and crew making the winning points of 7.75. Coming 2nd with 24.75

points the other Balaton Sailfish 18. However due to some gear failure this boat only managed to compete in 5 races with 11 helms and crew.In 3rd place Shoestring

Tres, a Laser 2000 which sailed in 6 races with 8 helms and crew and accrued 27 points. Robert Hudson achieved

top helm with our new Commodore Janice achieving top crew.Members look forward to a

new year with the potential of introducing match and class racing alongside the established handicap racing.SAMM welcomes anyone

interested in sailing, visit the web site at or come along to a meetings at 11.00 hours second Wednesday in each month at CAR, Los Narejos, Los Alcazares.

SailinG Samm

Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (45)



Thursday 10th January 2013A beautiful day, albeit

rather chilly first thing, welcomed an excellent turn out of 34 players for our first outing in 2013 which was at Peraleja Golf. Perfect golfing weather. This game was an Individual Stableford format with the additional challenge of winning the Annual ‘ New Year Cup”. The fairways were not in the best of condition but the greens played well, and certainly caught a few of us out! Many a grumble back in the Bar of 3 & 4 putts. One Par 3 being extremely tricky when many balls landing

near the pin only to be seen rolling off the green and into the water!

Our Winner of the New Year Cup was Les Vincent, our oldest Member but who can still manage to smoke his pipe whilst hitting a steady, long and straight shot. Well done, Les. Our Division winners were:-

Division 1 - 1st place John Storey 32pts, 2nd place Graham Hawley 30pts, 3rd place Andy Harvey 29pts.

Division 2 - 1st place Peter Robinson, 2nd place Ray Banks, 3rd place Sue Grewer ( on count back).

Division 3 - 1st place Les

Vincent 35pts, 2nd place Bill Nagle 32pts and 3rd place Ray Davies 28pts.

Nearest the pins went to: Hole 2 - Gary Bird, Hole 7 - Doug Oxlade, Hole 9 - John Storey and Holes 12 & 16 - Graham Hawley. Thanks go to the Great Golf Co who supplied our NTP prizes.

Our next meeting is at La Serena, on Tuesday 19th February. Start list is on the Noticeboard in Franc & Louise Bar, Sucina or contact any Committee Member. All details can be found on our website:-

Sucina Golf SocieTy

Font del Llop - 23.01.13The wind she was ablow’n up aqt Font del LlopGreat gusts of the Levante came screaming ov’r the topBut our members are a hardy bunch, with ne’er a thought to stopWe all trouped out onto the tees, this wind will stop us NOTStanding on the first tee was not an easy taskThis wind would knock you over it didn’t need to askSo off we go with fingers crossed that the balls we could findNext to a rock or tree or stump or even out of boundsKeep your head down he would say, you’re moving on the ball

Does he know what he asks I’m certainly going to fallFinally to the green we were so now we had to puttSome balls just kept on going and others they just stuckThe hole was an exclusion zone, it would not except the ballSo you tried with very great effort to see the blessed thing fallOn and on and on we went up and down the courseSome balls reached the water, does it matter a jot, OF COURSENearest the pins were organised, this was one of our little tasksWith balls going straight up in the air, how can we do this he asksBut finished we did with

cobwebs gone and sand and grit in our earsAnother day of golf has passed when is the next one please?The wind worshippers were:Gold Division: 1st Martin Collins, 2nd Brian Coultate and 3rd Colin RansonSilver Division: 1st Alan Crain, 2nd Paul Flanaghan and 3rd John FeatherstoneBronze Division: 1st Damien Elliot, 2nd Steve Harrington and 3rd Geoff DowsettNTP’s Hole 8 Paul Flanaghan, hole 12 George StewartThe free game draw was won by Geoff Dowsett.Gail CoultateLo Crispin Golf Society

Results from the Society’s game at Altorreal on

Wednesday, 23rd January 2013.

The format was Better Ball Pairs - Stableford.

What a Day gale force wind blowing and so cold but we still had a great turn out of 32 players many of them wishing that they had stayed at home with the weather. But we played and what a close competition it was with just 4points between the top six pairs with four places

being sorted on count back. The course was not in bad shape with the greens being very quick, not what you want with a wind of 35km. When we had all finished I think we felt we have done 18 rounds then 18 holes we where all batter by that wind.

From third to sixth the pairs all finished with 38pts so after a long sort out on count back Roy Herbert and Alan Clarke took the third place. In second place on 41pts came Bill McLaughlin

and Bernie Waspe just missing out by one point to the winners Mick Hardy and Frank Broadhurst on 42pts scoring 21points on both nines.

I would like to end by thanking everyone for playing and making it fun on a day that was not good to play golf being very cold and windy.

The next Society’s game is on Monday, 4th February 2013 at La SERENA.

The format is MEDALFORD (front holes - Medal, Back holes - Stableford & subtract the Stableford points from the Nett score).

Payday is on Saturday, 2nd February 2013 at La Serena, in the bar area, between 11.00 and 12.00 hours.

Diary Dates -

Monday, 4th February 2013 - La SERENA – MEDALFORD - 1st Tee – 10.00

Wednesday, 20th February 2013 – CORVERA - INDIVIDUAL STABLEFORD - 1st Tee –10.00

Monday, 4th March 2013 – VISTABELLA - INDIVIDUAL STABLEFORD - 1st Tee – 12.00

Wednesday, 20th March 2013 - La SERENA - CAPTAIN’s DAY - 1st Tee – 10.00



lo criSpin Golf SocieTy

San jaVier GSTen Pin Bowling League

Matches played January 22nd

This week all the teams were bowling in the first round of our

Cornish Pride sponsored knock-out cup competition. So instead of playing each other for points, a team simply had to get a higher team handicap pinfall to beat their opposition.

Los Lobos were the unlucky team to be drawn against Team Finland, again (as they played them in the first round last year). The result was the same aswell, with T.F. winning by 224 pins.

After the first game Cornish Pride were 55 pins up on

Split Happens, but S.H. comfortably out scored C.P. in the next two games to win the match by 90 pins.

Mainly thanks to a superb game (ladies highest scratch

of the season) 244, by Mirja Hakonen, Hall y Day led Mixers, by 51 pins. But after two more very close games, Mixers, last years beaten finalist’s eventually won the match by 37 pins. Splash went through to the

next round, easily beating Crazy Pinz by178 . Top scorer for Splash

with his highest hcp game of the season, 220, was Ivan Munoz.With only 2 bowlers it was

going to be difficult for Carp-r-us, but after the first game against Los Bandidos, the scores were level. In the next two games L.B. outscored the Carps by 187 pins, to go through to the quarter finals.Last years cup winners

Bandoleros were drawn against Caballo Negro. In a close

first game C.N. led by just 3 pins. But in their second

game, Paku and Heikki, bowling for C.N. both had their highest hcp games of the season, 223 & 243, it was also the teams highest hcp game 668.

Bandoleros lost the match by 121 pins.

In the match between Lucky Strike and Bar Mosquito, the scores were close after the first two games, L.S. had a lead of just 22 pins.

But in the third game Sue Duke bowling for L.S. bowled her personal best scratch scores of 217 game and 508 series, that gave her team a winning margin of 106 pins, and put them in the quarter final draw.

The winners of each tie and the losing highest scorers,

Hall y Day (1716), go through to th quarter finals.

Go through to the quarter finals

corniSh pride loS dolSeS

at Altorreal 21st.January

For our second major meeting this year we were back to another of our special courses and for those that had returned from the snow of the UK it was very warm, for the others a normal sunny winters day here on the Costa’s though it has to be said only 1 member turned up in shorts.

Another great day of golf with the course in good condition though very

wet under foot. However, something must have caused the scores to be very low with only 4 players scoring more than 30 points and I would suggest it was the putting, greens were very hard to read some fast some slow and as most will know the greens at Altorreal are not flat ones! and are very testing. Or maybe it was the wind which at times was very strong.The competition was our

normal Stableford one with

the winners

Group 1. 1st.Geoff Betts 28 points 2nd.Paul Hurrell 26 on c/b from David Gill. Group 2. 1st. Ken Holmes 35 points 2nd. Peter Kerr 31 3rd. Brian Coombes 29. Group 3. 1st. Christopher Rose 34 on c/b from David Winder 3rd. Steve James 28

Nearest the pin winners, Holes 5 & 8 Geoff Betts Holes 10 & 17 Ken Holmes

The photograph of all but one winner show L to R. Brian Coombes, Paul Hurrell, Geoff Betts, David Winder, David Gill, Steve James, Christopher Rose & Peter Kerr.

Our next game is our Saturday Fun Day at Vistabella on the 26th. and then La Peraleja on the 1st.February and Vistabella on the 9th. so if you are interested in joining our Club call David Winder on 626 774 157 or email him at [emailprotected].

Bill & Bernie

frank & Mick

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46 SOLTIMES JANUARY 2013 ...remember to say you saw it in the SOL TIMES


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Firstly, I would like to thank all team captains for promptly sending their reports, enabling me to submit a ‘full house’ of results this week. Space is of a premium, so it’s only initials instead of first names. Let’s start with Maples v Sycamores SABA league Greenlands derby, which resulted in a 10-4 double for the good guys! Maples winners: S Heath, S Hibberd, D O’Sullivan 22-18. J Clements, A Toozer, M Edwards 22-10. D Fryatt, S Mahomet, M Fryatt 19-16. C Thomas, J&B Poco*ck 20-13. Sycamores victors: E Merrick, Jim Oliver, Pete Tomkins 24-15. Joan Oliver, P Lockley, L Miller 20-16. Next on, were Chestnuts, hosting San Miguel Comets.

Although they lost 4-10, this little lot certainly did the biz: S Hewett, J O’Brien, C Langlois 24-15. H Lanlois, M Cassidy, G Watt 19-14.

The much delayed (funny how it always seems to chuck it down on a Tues!) internal trips league, threw up this impressive roll call: winners - H Langlois, D Bray, M Edwards. runners up - H Meston, B Miller, F Edwards.

As 60s group ‘Hedgehoppers Anonymous’ once sang - ‘It’s good news week’! Well, it certainly was for the guys & dolls in the much depleted winter/berleen teams. After 2 trouncings, it’s good to announce that they are back! An 8-2 victory for Winter leaguers: Bobby Sims, P Goodfellow, S Heath, A Goodfellow 24-

16. S Johnson, T Hodges, B Collins, D Greenland 32-9. Bill Sims, W Latham, L Greenland, B Latham 21-18, was aided by Berleeners 2 points: J Collins, D Watts, T Sambrook, G Watts 20-14.

Fed 4s update now. In the most horrendous weather conditions immaginable (and yes, it was a Tues!), the Bulls went down 3 points to 5 (50-50 shots) at Country Bowls. Playing against the Clarets, not only did these martyrs help earn their team points, but played the last 2 ends in strong winds & heavy rain, whilst the more sensible colleagues were under cover supping their favourite tipple: S Heath, Bill Sims, L Greenland & D Greenland 22-17. Two days later, the Bears recorded

a super 6-2 victory at La Marina. Give yourselves a hug: C Thomas, F Edwards, J Parker, M Edwards 25-8. F Tilley, T Sambrook, P Lockley, A Goodfellow 18-13.

Southern league results only (too much fingerrhea again!). El Rancho - 11, Oaks - 3 (J Clements, G Watt, C Lloyd 16-16. J Thompson, W Latham, B Latham 19-15. Elms - 4 (N Cork, Bill Sims, Bobbie Sims 21-18. T Coombs, V Mahomet, J Parker 17-16), Vistabella Lanzadores - 10. Cedars - 12 (N Bater, T Hodges, T Upham 26-14. E Merrick, M Dewar, C Langlois 45-4. B Doran, T French, Penny Tomkins 24-7. K Page, M Kilby, D Webb 19-14. F Tilley, C Dewar, Pete Tomkins 21-11), - Vistabella Conquistadors - 2.

GreenlandS bowlS reporT



This was a must win game for Daya to keep the pressure on the League Leaders, Cox.

Catral started strongly and had the home side’s defence under pressure forcing two quick corners in succession. Then on 6 minutes a great chance fell to Daya’s Jose, he was put clean through but his fierce shot cannoned back off the post.

It was end to end now with both sides committing to attacking football. Catral had the ball in the back of the Daya net on 15 minutes

but it was ruled offside.

The visitors were now having the lion’s share of the game and looking very dangerous. Very much against the run of play Daya took the lead on 25 minutes when a long range effort from Marcos alluded the keeper and went in off the post.

The home side went in at half time with their 1 goal lead but knew they were very lucky to be in front. Daya started the second half well taking the game to Catral.

It took just 7 minutes for the home side to double their lead when a cross/shot from Jose sneaked in at the far post. Daya were now playing

some good football but Catral were still dangerous on the break. As the second half wore on the home side became more dominant and well in control.

On 65 minutes a great through ball found Manuel whose shot from distance made it 3 - 0 and surely the game was safe. Youssef put the icing on the cake when in the dying seconds he headed home the 4th goal.

After a poor first half Daya thoroughly deserved their stunning victory, no team could have lived with their second half performance. Daya sit proudly on top of the division but Cox have a game in hand.

Man of the Match ?, well take your pick from any of the back four, Francisco, Jota, Jesus or Alberto, they were all outstanding. Danni also had another solid game in goal.

There was a little bit of an edge to the game as you would expect, being a local derby and given that the teams were second and third in the table at the start of the match.

The referee handled it all quite well though and the large crowd saw a thrilling game, especially the second half.

Daya Dave

Team Sponsor: Segurlab

daya nueVa 4 V. caTral 0

Torrevieja Masters prepare for Barcelona.

This Saturday saw 3 of the 5 Torrevieja Masters swimmers begin their preparations for the Spanish Winter National Competition to be held in Barcelona 7-10 February. The female members of the team travelled to the Municipal Pool in Elda for their 2nd time trials of this season. Due to injury the two male members of the team were not able to participate but girl power prevailed!

First of the races saw Beth Altabas claim 1st place in the 65yrs+ 50m backstroke event with a time of 50:70 followed quickly by Gillian McNeice with 3rd position in the 35yrs + category and a new PB of 39:35. Next up was Vicki Connolly and Gillian again in the 200m freestyle event. Beating her previous time Vicki won 2nd place in the 45+ category

with a PB of 2:53:49 and Gillian a new PB of 2:39:60 and 4th place.

Finally at the end of the days racing saw the longer distance races in the 800m freestyle event. Racing again the Torrevieja ladies took first place in both the 65yr + and 45yrs + categories with Beth and Vicki storming home with times of 14:14:44 and 12:15:24 respectively.

In the next two weeks the team will be training hard in preparation for the Spanish Winter National Competition. Well done to all and good luck to the team in Barcelona.

For more information regarding Torrevieja Swimming Club please contact Rosa - 665 454 126 or President Felipe on 609 418 776 or by e-mail on [emailprotected]

TorreVieja SwimmerS

64 members took part in today’s competition, 24 January at La Marquesa Golf Course which was a Walz. The weather started off quite calm but quickly deteriorated into a wild windy day with the ball having a mind of its own, going in all direction, dependent on the wind at the time of taking the shot, making it an interesting round. Lots of debris on the course , trees blown over, bags and trolleys being blown over or running away in the wind, buggy covers acting like sails and blowing

off at every opportunity. Well done to those members who managed to complete the course.

However, it was disappointing to find that only 4 people in the prizes were there at the end of the competition for the prize giving Please try to make the effort to support the Society, its there for your benefit and you have to play your part too. Happy birthday to Terry Glazier who was 80 this week.

The Match Secretary pulled a blinder today by re-arranging the teams so that he could

go to Oscar’s for breakfast instead of playing golf.

The results were as follows:

Winning Place Team

Doug Spiring, Harry Armstrong, Beverley Fairhurst and Connie Parker 75 points c/b

Second Place Team

Pino Perito, Colin Hobden, Orlando Ferrol and Phyllis Venables 75 points

Third Place TeamJohn Barraclough, Ray

Porter, Peter Sanderson and Janet Tocker 73 points c/bNearest the Pins5th Alan Venables11th Terry Sayers15th Tony Stanley 17th Nico BakenFootball Winners:Ian Turner, Alec Relph,

Beverley Fairhurst, Sue Gillett. TOFF’s Results for Tuesday

22 January 2013 Overall Winner – Paul ManningGold Division

1st Paul Manning 40 points2nd Tony Stead 36 points

c/b3rd John Barraclough 36

points Silver1st Bruce Gordon 36 points2nd Bob Shorley 36 points3rd John Holland 33 pointsBronze1st Phyllis Venables 34 points2nd Morag Turner 33 points3rd Brian Green 32pointsNearest the Pins5th Malcolm Foskett, 15th

Roy Lowe, 11th David Gregson, 17th Robin RichardsBest Front Nine:

Robin Richards 19 Best Back Nine: Tony Hitt 23

The Manning’s have had a mixed week with Paul playing a blinding game of golf but forgetting to lock the door and Gloria forgetting her club when going to take a shot. Getting old is wonderful, isn’t it?

euroGolf, la marQueSa

Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (47)


SporTGolden opportunity goes

begging for disappointing SaintsC.F Sporting de San Fulgencio

0-1 S.C.D CarolinasSan Fulgencio missed out on

the chance to rise up the table after a poor display against the mid-tabled Carolinas of Alicante. The only goal of the game arrived at the half-way point of the first period and the visitors held on, despite having 10 men.The hosts had the first clear

chance of the afternoon when Gary Williams was played through, but the coach/player was denied by the onrushing goalkeeper. Carolinas almost opened the scoring moments later, but the long range effort just about cleared the crossbar.The deadlock was broken

soon after and the Saints can only blame themselves for some poor defending. The ball wasn’t cleared and a cross from the left took a deflection off Enrique Serrano and Carolina’s midfielder calmly slotted past Jose Navarro.

Jose Bonmati almost conjured up an instant equaliser, but his ferocious strike was brilliantly kept out by the visiting keeper. Minutes later Alexander Hall produced an excellent last-ditch challenge to keep the Saints in the end to end contest.A few minutes before the

break San Ful were handed a lifeline when Carolina’s goalkeeper saw red for handling outside the area. Gary’s attempted lob hit the hand of the unfortunate keeper.After the break San Fulgencio

improved as Hector Silva and Jairo Sousa had some half chances before Gary got behind the defence and looked certain to score, but his shot agonisingly smashed off the inside of the post. Some of the loyal fans were beginning to think it wasn’t going to be our day...Marco Aurelio then had a

glorious opportunity, but his effort was thwarted by the substitute keeper.S.C.D Carolinas almost

doubled their lead in bizarre circ*mstances with just over 15 minutes remaining. With one of visiting players down ‘injured’, the Saints decided to play on. When the ball was cleared by Carolinas, it didn’t go out of play and with everyone focused on other things, Bonmati was on hand to clear the danger.

The home side continued to attack, but the visitor’s second keeper was on form to keep out Gary and then Giacomo Marcello.

As tempers began to fray, Giacomo, who had only been on the pitch for a matter of minutes, saw his marching orders for a late kick at the man who was marking him.

That was that; a great win for Carolinas but a big chance missed by the Saints.

Thank you to Telecom 900 and the rest of our sponsors!

Our next game is away against C.D Cox on the 3rd!

Match report by Jordan Lucas

c.f SporTinG de San fulGencio

LEAGUE KO CUPThe second round results

showed mixed results with the Panthers holding the Bandidos by 4-3. El Presidente, won away to the Peaco*cks by 5-2, Dominos Red won at home to Torre Bears by 5-2, the same score saw Freebooters win at home to San Miguel. Castillo Cannons also won by 5-2 against Dominos’ Dragons. The Belgium teams fared well with Amigas Belgas 2, winning away to Buddies Bar by 6-1. Amigas Belgas 1 proved too strong for Peaco*cks Blue winning by 7-0. The final match went to Torre Del Moro away to Danish Vikings by 7-0WEEK 8 DIVISION 1Leaders Rocajuna, increased

its lead with a 6-1 victory over Los Balcones, leaving Los Balcones in 7th place. Lakeside Lakers, in second place ,slipped up at home to the current champions Castillo losing by 3-4, the return of skipper Ray Hayes, making the difference. Lakeside Vagabonds, faced the Buccaneers, this was well matched with the Vagabonds taking a 4-3 win. Blue Lagoon made full use of home advantage defeating

XPS by 5-2, which left XPS in bottom place, this division is becoming very competitive, and apart from the dominance from Rocajuna, the remaining 7 teams have plenty to play for.DIVISION 2.Amigas Belgas, remain in

top place with a 5-2 win over Torre Bears. In second place are Dominos Dragons, who won away to Castillo Caballeros, by 5-2, they hold a 4 point lead over Dominos Red, who recorded a 5-2 win at home to the Corsairs, DIVISION 3.High flyers this week are

Florentilles who won away to Castillo Comrades, by 7-0, this moves Florentilles into 3rd place. Leaders Danish Dynamite, proved to strong at home to San Miguel, who won by 6-1. Second placed Lakeside Hellcats visited El Rancho to play El Presidente, they came away with a 5-2 victory. Danish Vikings won away to Buddies Bar by 4-3.DIVISION 4.The Bandidos are

maintaining good form, they won at home to Danish Friends by 6-1 to stay top. In second place are La Dolores Red, they slipped up at home

to Laguna Vista, losing by 2-5. With Laguna Rosa, the Danish and Swedish team winning 5-2 at home to Hideaway, this makes them joint second. Freebooters, won at home to Peaco*cks Blue by 5-2. Hideaway , and Peaco*cks Blue are rooted in the relegation zone.


Torre Del Moro, the all Swedish team are still leaders they won away to Dominos 3, by 6-1, they are 4 points ahead of Amigas Belgas, who won at home to the Panthers by 6-1, both look certain to gain promotion with Torre Bears in 3rd place despite a 5-2 away win over Torre Del Agua, they trail by 7 points. Daya Vieja, are improving well they won away to El Raso Bandits by 5-2. All eight teams are new to the league .


This attracted a good line up with the eventual winners Michelle and Jean Santiago, from the Belgium Amigas Belgas club in San Luis, (photo) shows Michelle and Jean being presented with cash prizes from Jackie Lopez of the Rocajuna club

Roger Seymour

laS SalinaS peTanca leaGue

Match Report, TMGS Villamartin 23rd January, 2013.

Let it blow Horatio. By heck did Horatio let it blow too. I don’t think any of us have played in wind that strong here in Spain since Captain Alan Rickers was in nappies, but did they have nappies back in his infant days or did they just go commando under their loin cloths back in the days when Julius Caesar was a figment of his Daddy’s mind? I am digressing, sorry.

It is fair to say that the wind was a little bit on the strong side and many shots were a 2 or 3 club difference to what we would normally use and without doubt, the scores on the doors reflected the conditions of the day with only 2 players actually breaking the 30 point barrier and one of those was Colin “Ice cream man” Marsden who took the Silver Division with 30 points and it has been noted that this is his second win in consecutive weeks. Coming in as runner up and only 1 point behind ‘Mr Softee’ was our Austrian lady member, Olga Haubner with one of our Norwegian

contingent, Per Skarnes sneaking into 3rd place with 28 points.

Only Captain Alan Rickers broke the 30 point barrier with, what was an excellent score on the day of 35 points, a full 8 points in front of the Runner Up, Steve Higgins with 27 points with Richard Wale sneaking into 3rd place on the countback system with 26 points. Poor Richard, ever since his “quack quack” escapade at La Finca, he has this bird problem and knobbed one off of the tee when he saw the resident geese coming up to him. Photo is Gold Category winners

We would like to thank Vincent of Pro Clean, the golf club cleaning service for the

donation of two of the NTP prizes which were won by Peter Wells at Hole 6 and Steve Fleet at the tortuous Hole 17. The only other one to win a NTP prize was Sandra Twentyman on Hole 13.

Our next match see’s us travelling to Hacienda Del Alamo for our away day on 30th of January so if you fancy a game with us, book in with us at or call our Match Secretary on 966 719 604. We will welcome you with open arms.

We also run mini Friday games at Villamartin and once again, we welcome anyone to play in the fun spirit of the way the Friendly Friday events are enjoyed.


Mazarron’s unbeaten run came to an end with a 5-2 defeat at second placed Jumilla but the score line certainly flattered the home team. Once again the game hinged on two controversial first half decisions by referee Manuel Martinez Tirado.Mazarron were without

top scorer Jose Ruben and Alfonso, both through suspension, but started the game in lively fashion with Barrachina enjoying his new role as an attacking right winger. On 22 minutes a lovely ball from the hard working Cecilio found Barrachina clear on the right and he ran on before hammering the ball into the corner of the net to give Mazarron a well deserved lead.Ten minutes later Cecilio won

the ball outside the Jumilla penalty area and this time found Panocha on the left and the young winger coolly slid the ball under the Jumilla

keeper’s legs for what should have been Mazarron’s second goal. Amazingly the referee awarded a free kick for a foul by Cecilio when he had clearly won the ball fairly.Then three minutes before

half time Cecilio was put clear by Santi and was brought crashing to the ground by the last defender. Instead of awarding a free kick which would have meant an automatic red card for the Jumilla defender, the referee waved play on. Jumilla cleared the ball straight down to the other end of the field and from the resulting cross Navarro out jumped Pollo to head the ball over Jose Iker and level the scores at half time. Jumilla took the lead eight

minutes into the second half when Pollo was again found wanting defensively and the left winger squared the ball across the goal for an easy tap in. Jumilla were then

reduced to ten men when one of their defenders was dismissed following a second booking.Cecilio shot over the bar

from a good position and a clever free kick from Panocha deceived everyone with Diego just failing to make contact at the far post. However, Jumilla virtually settled the game after 76 minutes with two goals in rapid succession, the second of which was clearly offside. In between the two goals captain Diego, once again Mazarron’s best player, was inexplicably substituted much to the disgust of the Mazarron supporters.Mazarron still created chances

and with ten minutes left, Santi’s cross was hammered against the post by Cecilio and then Santi broke clear and rounded the keeper only to try to pass inside to Cecilio with an empty net in front of him and the ball was cleared.Jumilla made it 5-1 in the

89th minute and substitute Perico scored a consolation goal for Mazarron on his debut in injury time.Team: Jose Iker, Pollo,

Diego (Perico), Pepelu, Urrea, Barrachina, Diego 2 (Fran), Baeza, Santi, Panocha, Cecilio.Man of the Match: Diego Mazarron’s next home game

is at home to Corvera this Sunday, 3rd February, kick off 4.30 pm.

jumilla cd 5 mazarron fc 2

Blanca B263 - [PDF Document] (48)



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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.