Chattanooga Daily Times from Chattanooga, Tennessee (2024)

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Chattanooga Daily Timesi

Chattanooga, Tennessee

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THE DAILcir rrna-Esi CE-TATTANO 0 GA pAy L-FEBEttl4RY 9 1888 IL PIII7111110 Jr JA DAYTON -TE1111 iv IW IL 711 11" RTi to) 01iiiTICIts 24 W' est -Ninth Street KALI ESTATE BROKERS the water of a ism' all stream and it will biro when lighted with a motels' A college of high standing that will cost many thousand dollars will be built here or at Rugby soon Rugby has been keeping very quiet for the last few years but it cannot be kept quiet any longer and boring for oils and gas znanufacturing of all kinds of lire clay work and coal mining will soon commence PERSONAL Col Robert Walton is in Cincinnati this week lion Dixon returned from ans extended visit to the Northwest last night Hon Wm Fowler who owns several steamships has returned home from an extended trip to New York and New Orleans with his family TENN Our sales In the last forty days have aggregated One Hundred Thousand Dollars This has had the effect to bring a large Hit of property to ug for sale until we now have one of the finest Lists of Improved and Unimproved Central and Suburban Farm Mineral and Timber Lands ever offer ed to the public We do not list any property that is not a bargain Remember the Place-24 West Ninth Street noogs- 41 SLT-Lonis railway depot will be opened The mayor was instructed to summon a jury- and eondettin the property through winch it run The jury rummoned to condemn the prep erty of Et Cabanise and in order to secure the extension of Randolph street returned a verdict of condemnation giving Mr $100 and Mr $25050 which was adopted and the mayor authorized to tender said amounts The board has decided to build an iron bridge across Pinhook creek the contract to be awarded next Friday If AClay a leading farmer and large capitaliat of Jackson county wnsin the city yesterday Mr A Clough representing the South published in New York has been in the city several days In a few weeks its publishing house will have out a pamphlet on Iluntsvile handsomely embellished with cuts from photographs taken on the spot They will be of the Monte Sano hotel mountain views public buildings in the city and beautiful private residences It will be very elegant in all its details Policeman Penticost arrested yesterday two colored young Americans Arthur Eason and Tim Anderson for shop lifting They had better be put to lifting rock for the city First National Ba ONATTANOOCIA TENNESSEE i PAID UP CAPITAL STOCK al 0 MO In la 82001000 SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS i S250000 WOODWORTH IL BMWS RATEBITILN r4 3ATM31711 Chtliagar Am Kxr I YAM a VLWOON I BuzT MONTAGUE Pres Ideate Ho CHAMBERLAIN Vloe-Presklest 1 RATHBURN Cashiers BARR Ant Cavalier A record for prudent and successful management for twenty-one years with a steady growth every department commands the patronage of business men seeking safe banking facilities Third National OW' -AfiaTC)CDCI Atth 1IsTM1 46bAniM111ell11 2142178) 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 00 00 OPIPICMECS: JOHN A nAirr President ItilESI 1s1 Viee-Presideint IC HART 2d VieeProsident 130AELEI OP 1311CICOTOI-LS: smArrr IC RIM CREED BAUM HILL 1311L HEAD HART JOHN A BART JOHN IEWINes Designated Depositery and Thiancial Agent of the United Kates Receives Deposita deals In United States Bondi and Foreigurand Donald 12 Exchange Drafts drawn on all European vointa Our faciliti es! tor making collections at all ao3emib1e points are unsurpassed G3Fi: I RI' PHERCIE CIO lo9 WHOLESALE ONLY StovosITIliwarolgioollswarolglasswarodoolouwafo 1To- 65 3v141-1RICT1 NEW FIRM FRESH COODS PROMPT SHIPMENTS-TRY US Chattanooga Tenn 0 B4FIRE1177 Cashier CIASIElial Ass't Cannier NO PARKER 11 Mouldings etc etc Ga Railway Eighth Street Adams Block Mo M14-L1-11t-L1-o furnished up boffikr Savings Bank At City Deposits of Fifty Cents or to them stamps for the amount NATTERS OF INUREST IN THE GROW INH CITY A $erious Charge by a Clausen to Follow Untglat proceeds so Blows D'A rmond DAYTON TENN Feb 8--Specia1--The uikIiflg (if the church South in again retarded for lack of lumber The building committee is composed of Allen chairman Todd John Abel sod Ault men who are rarely deceived in business transactions and who have a reputation for taking care of No 1 Thin tittle they are left however for about 12000 feet of lumber and after a full inves- I tigation of the matter your correspondent 1 in nietere in his convictions that there is Pomething very rotten in the Netherlands The committee is of the same opinion and at a meeting this morning Chairman Allen was ordered to take a warrant for the arrest I ot Ewing White and at this writing he has gone before I Holt Esq to charge White with breach of trust and obtaining goods under false pretense Mr White came to Dayton more than a year ago and is one of the leading contractors and mechanics in the city and has been in the best society In an interview with him' today he says he is here and cannot express his ideas for being charged with So grave an offense The matter has caused much excitement today and the high standing of all the parties will cause the case to be watched with great interest LEVY MADE Deputy Sheriff Tom Knight proceeded with his executions today and skipped all personal property and made hill levy on the only lot of defendants and for lack of time to sell returns the executions to the next term of Polk county circuit court where the validity of the levy will be tested FOUNDRY BLOWS IN The foundry erected by Dickson White on Second avenue will be ready for business this evening and the steam will be turned on for the new machinery to give an account of itself The building is not yet complete but ordersfor work are coming in and to meet the demand is the object of the gentlemen in pushing into business MOROANTOWN On a brief trip through Morgantown yesterday your correspi ndent was surprised to find the people so happy and comfortable The little suburb has three neat stores with a great many beautiful residences and a number of new ones are being added Mr Cooper of I Merriam 4' Co is interviewing our merchants today Foust is in the office of and Allen wrestling with Uncle William Blackstone CLEVELAND Amateur Actors Guild Married Died Pond Personals CLEVELAND TEN Feb The young men of this city assisted by Mr aud Mrs Frank Dean and Miss Ida Austin will give an entertainment at the opera house Monday night The play is entitled The Miner's Oath or Rich and Poor The following young men of this city will take part: Marshall Charles O'Neal Lee Kelly Davis John Holdam John Gray Frank O'Neal and Cyrus DeLany The Guild will give their regular monthly entertainment at the institute to-morrow (Thursday) night An unusually lug has been prepared and a delightful entertainment may be expected Columbus Hollifield and Idiss Mary Patterson were married last evening Rev A A tStokale officiating son of George Vaughn six miles southwest of this place aged three months Also Charlie Harris on of Henry Ilarris eight miles northeast of the city aged four years Mr A McClellan who has been dangerously ill for several days is reported to be considnAbly worse today and his recovery is despaired of ikir Peter Humphries was stricken with heart disease yesterday evening and is in a critical condition We hare it from a reliable source that the majority of the board of mayor and aldermen are in favor of draining the Fifth ward pond if the property owners in that neighborhood will bear a portion of the expense The total cost of draining the pond will not exceed at the outside $150 That it should and in fact must be drained is admitted by all and we are confident that the citizens in that locality are willing to bear a portion of the expense The matter will probably be acted upon at the meeting of the city council next Monday night It is to he hoprt that the council and the eithens will act i harmony upon this important subject an thereby get rid of this awful nuisance Aiken Esq left today for Athens to attend chancery court Mr Cate came up from Chattanooga today Will Sykes left today for Bristol Mrs Layne is visiting relatives at Athens Tenn Letcher Pickens is up from Chattanooga Real estate transfers today: 3ohn Coffer to Coffer 320 acres: $2100 Hartdegen 41: Lowry to Taylor Fetzer lot $350 ROCK WOOD flops st new chaotic Labor ROCKWOOD TENS Feb S--Special--- The young people enjoyed a hop at the Edde house last night Music furnished by the Rockwood band Miss Lillian Coffman who has been at tending the musical college at Cincinnati has returned home to the delight of her mans friends John Mcnu*tt of the law firm of Mc Nutt 'Welcher left last night tor Cincin nail on busineps Mr Stewart of Chattanooga has sold his Rockwood property the brick hotel to Mr Wright of this place 1 The Tennessee Labor News published here is a new veuture in journalism with Mr Shelly as quill driver Mr Finney and family of Chattanooga passed through the city yesterday ea route to Crossville where he goes for his health less will be entered on Stamp Deposit Cards by attaching deposited No deposit of leEs than Ten Cents will be received Our Safety Lock and Deposit Vault Is now complete and Boxes are for Rent CITY SAVINGS' BANK RYAN Presideni CASKILL Secretary ancrTrissurei East Tennessee illdan ufactu ring Co Is now prepared to fill orders for Builders' Supplies Manufatturers and Ilea leris In HILLLSBORO't ALA Cotton Political Aspirations IIILLsuono' ALA Feb 7---Special-- The cotton season is about over last year's crop having been brought to town and sold Three thousand bales is about the extent of the crop This is considerably less than some former crops Some good disobrners of the signs of the times predict that the time is not tar distant when this beautiful level and productive Tennessee valley will be filled with a thrifty industrious population and become what it once wasAn ante helium days the "garden spot of the South" Agricultural lands ffre expected to advance three or four fold in value and the Tennessee valley to "blossom as the rose" The great activity in every line of business at Decatur our near neighbor engages the attention dour citizens and some fear that agricultural interests will suffer from labor being taken from our fields along the valley but all agree that the building of a good town there will be of great permanent advantage to all the contiguous country and every sign of improvement and every new development is hailed with delight by the people of this section The Hillsboro' academy flourishes under the successful management of Prof Wood and Miss Brubaker recently arrived from Scottsboro Ala The name of Capt A Bailey a prominent citizen well known democrat and successful business man of Hillsboro chairman of the county democratic executive committee will be presented to the state democratic convention as a candidate for state treasurer Ile would make a good officer and Alabama's finances would be in safe hands if he should be chosen to fill that office EADSDEN Tax A Year Incandescent MaahniC Fatal Accident GADSDEN ALA Feb Christian started out last Monday over the county to assess the taxes The value of real estate has increased wonderiully within the last twelve months and the county and state taxes will amount high up in the millions The familiar face of IL Haralson can be seen on our streets again The leap year party at the elegant residence of John Rails Jr last Wednesday 1 night was a recherche affair The rosy fingers of the aurora were holding back the curtains of dawn to let the sun peep in 'ere the sounds of music and merry peals of laughter ceased to wake the echoes of night with their joyous sounds No one who attended will look on any brighter page in the records of their life's pleasures than the one recorded on that night at the leap year party by the young ladies of Gadsden Hollingsworth who recently retired from the mercantile firm of Hollingsworth tit Tolson has bought up a considerable amount of eleetria stock and he and Lay who own a controlling interest in the Gadsden Electric Light company will increase the capacity and Gadsden will hare the incandescent 'lights which are much needed They will begin immediately to prepare to put in the new plant The next enterprise in order will be a dummy railroad from this city via Sulphur springs and Nachulola falls to Attalla Some of our business men are now discussing the filing of an application for a charter with much encouragement from capitalists The route is a good one and will pay any company to build it Property in Gadsden is steadily advancing each upward advance being simply in answer to'the general forward movement of all other things lone-eighth interest in Wood-lawn was sold to a Kentucky capitalist yesterday for 30 per cent above the boom price that was paid for it eight months ago This shows a healthy state of realty The work of securing stock in the Masonic temple goes on splendidly The building will be three stories high capitalized at $10- 000 In a little while a showing will be made that will put success beyond peradventure John Lovejoy of Dadeville Ala has leased Mrs Foster's place near the new car works and will establish a stock farm and dairy The Boston Quintette club will be here on the 2s th inst The announcement will convey a great deal to all lovers of good music About 6 o'clock yesterday evening a horrible accident occurred on the Rome Decatur railroad which resulted in the death of George and seriously crippling Jim Blount a negro and breaking the arm of another negro They were on a hand car running at a rapid speed and when nearing the depot in the city one of ths negroes put his foot on the Vrake and jumped off George was thrown violently in front of the car and had his skull crushed in a terrible manner Ile never spoke death was instant Jim Blount got his back broke George was about thirty years old and his family consisting of a wife and five children live at Bayler Jefferson county Ala The corpse will be shipped to them The negro White who threw on the brake and jumped off escaped unhurt and he was placed under arrest this morniog Miss Mary Brown a lovely young lady of Lebanon Tenn is visiting Miss Alice Holliugsworth in this city They were schoolmates at Nashville Four new dwellings are contracted for on Fourth for John Dalleall and two for Chadwick KUNTSVILLE Cming HUNTSVILLE ALA Feb 8--Special)-- During the latter part of this month our people will be favored with two excellent musical treats the Mendelsshon Quintette club appearing on the 17tn and the Bo8ton Star club on the 20th under the auspices of the A Our city council had an interesting meeting last night A petition from a number of citizens waa presented through Lawrence Cooper Esq asking the boardto condemn the colored Baptist church and extend Williams street offering to loan the city the money for three years without interest necessary to reimburse the church when the property is condemned and also for opening the street The petition was referred to the street committee Mr Cooper also stated that he was authorized to make a proposition to the board with the view of purchasing from the city the system of water works This proposition was referred to the waterworks committee A new ordinance was passed requiring dirt hauled through the streets to be done only in close bodied wagons Clvveland street to the Nashville Chatta "LLD 113 7fft IED Inventions of the 110th Century The steamboat the reaper the sewing ma- chine CAN running by night and by day Houses lighted by gas and heated by steam And bright electricity's ray The telegraph's click speeds like lightning releaked Then the telephone comes to excel it And to put on the finish the last but not least Is the famed little Purgative Pellet Last but not least is Dr Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellet because it relieves human sufferingadds to the sum of human comfort and enables the relieved sufferer to enjoy all the blessings and luxuries of the age we live in The Unita of St Agues will give an entertainment at the rectory this evening at 8 o'clock All invited Dissolution of Copartnership The copartnership existing between Long and Cole -dealers in carpets etc is this day dissolved by mutual consent Cole retired The business will be continued at the old stand 722 Market street by Long where he hopes to meet all the old and many new customers J- Long assumes all liabilities and collects all bills due the late firm LONG f1-3t COL Dancing School Prof Osborne will teach his class in dancing as usual on Monday and Tuesday afternoon and night and will give a soiree on Wednesday night Poss Hall 9-4t THE BEST YET OFFERED SECURE ONE OF THE BEST RESIDENCE LOTS IN THE CITY One-Fifth Cash Bakstnee in One Two Three and Four This Moat Extraordinary Opportunity for a Bargain CEDAR STREET 110 06 100 0 71" CD I Ps' 0-3 0 CA 100 A a 110 Three of the most desirable residence lots in the city of Chattanooga are for sale and upon excellent terms The lots are situated at the southeast corner of Cedar and Fifth streets each 45x100 to a 10-foot alley Every convenience of a residence in the city is here secured water gas sewer sidewalks etc No more desirable neighborhood could be wished for The lots are level and situated upon a high elevation but easily accessible and convenient These three lots will be sold at reasonable prices one-fifth cash balance in one two three and four years with interest at 6 per cent per annum 'von deferred payments Titles perfect For further particulars apply to BEN FRANCK 29-tf Second Floor Loveman Block If you want to rent a house or rooms in the city apply to A Sharp dc Co No 18 East Ninth street 122-t1 Looter Bros From this date our restaurant will keep open day and night Sunday included Meals served at 10c 15c and 25c at all hours 17-6t To Sell Five hundred thousand good pressed brick Also a complete set brick making machines good as new Apply to John Ferguson Dayton Tenn at If you have property to sell or desire to invest in lots or lands anywhere in Chattanooga or suburbs call on A Sharp Co No 18 East Ninth street p2-tf Aeug Specialist piles fissures and fistula treated without knife or ligature Cure guaranteed or no charge Consultation and examination free Office at Palace hotel If you have nouses or rooms to rent put them in the hands of A Sharp Co No 18 East Ninth street j22-ti To Tax Payers Your state and county taxes for 1887 are now due The tax books are in my bands for collection of same Respectfully alit: A gltsvrosr Trustee For Rent or to Sell A large foundry with boiler and engine with aide track running into building Also 200 fine building lots -for sale Address John IL Ferguson Dayton Tenn 3t Sash Doors Blinds Shingles Laths OFFICE AND Ave anti Va7te CITY OFFICE: 108 East Telephone 250 The Loomis HartreManufacturing Co Mannfatu of Zzi MITE MVZoatelails Correspondents solicited and Mills and Lumber Yard on River tont el Pine and Cedar Streets Sash Door and Bi Ind Worstease and up-town Milne II5'W 8th St Furniture Warehouse and Principal Woe oar 3d and Market St LUMBER CO Catalogues and Estimates Mnufactur6ra of and Dealera in Sila czta-n-cl- 0E3licarnexo' PRICE LIST ESTIMATES eta on application TELFPHONE 714 CHATTANOOGA TENN liwnoRmionimmommwmmr Ir UN a COODNIAN iDEALZR LeatherBoolaShoe SaMT431 Egg Boot and Shoo Uppers SHOE MAKERS' MATERIALS Orders aolidted and promptly attended to Will pay the higheat market price for Hideo Furs Wool etc 114 and 116 Market St CHATTANOOGA TEM serillustratod Catalogue of 2oot It Shoo Uppers oft application The Art of Advertising For SIG we will insert FOUR lines (32 wards) in one million copits of pally Sunda er Weekly News- papers The work will be doL in tea days bead order and check to EO ROWELL CO le SPRUCE ST "In he age Newspaper Catalogue mat by teie fl tat Micta 700 cS Co-Car 8th and Broad Streets Chattanooga Tenn clicrirres Burden's Boiler Rivets Knowles' Steam Drills Emery Wheels Pump Works LaBelle Tool Steel Hairs Leather Belting Verona Track Tools Boebling's Wire Ropes znicautzzins LI411 RAIWAY0111111110 AND FURILICEBSUPPLIES 404 Powder Dynamite and Fuse Shovels Picks and co*ke Forks Iron Pipe and Fittitage Mtas AELtEifiS nails and SiolkeeZtrar Iron and aHs Nuts aud Vekuihers Coil Chalwo it A RUGBY i Getting Ready for De ErGBY ROAD NS1117C11178--SpeCial 1 bOdeeiktlehhaillpiree0 -1000 summer a hile have aluc'bweeenleaa supilnegnudPidastUreMtnetsearardesPore resort but Di sgullicnc'mhe riti hecaerescreenattly ga haevnejgasecit iL i one of the finest depots at this point that i they have on their line and intend to have I one of the nicest parks around it that can be had in East Tennessee The Rugby 1 People imtend to have the addition for flowt er gardens and tropical plants which will dt as biake this place the beauty of the moans 4 tains Some of the New York capitalists are go-mg to bore for oil at this point during the summer They are sure they will make a succesa as glu and oil have been found lo paying quIntitics not far from beret and Sal at litiS plat the oil Call be found on.

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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.