communication (2024)


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When people communicate with each other, they exchange various forms of meaning, such as ideas and information, through a common system of symbols. Typical communications can include writing in a diary, watching television, talking with friends, and speaking on the telephone. It has been estimated that people spend more time communicating than they spend on any other complex activity in life. Human communication takes place on many levels, from the simplest interpersonal and small-group exchanges among friends to mass communication, as experienced in public speeches, magazines, or news broadcasts.

Communication is not limited to exchanges between people. It also refers to activities that do not involve people—for example, the word communication may be used to describe the ways that animals relate to each other. Similarly, it is often said that electronic devices communicate with each other. All such communication happens because participants in the process share an understanding of certain symbols and exchange them in a systematic or orderly way.

The Use of Symbols

Unlike things, feelings and ideas are difficult to exchange. People wishing to exchange physical objects may simply hand them to each other. Feelings and ideas, however, are without physical substance. They cannot be handed directly to another person. Rather, they must be exchanged through the use of symbols—things that represent or stand for other things. Language is therefore a system of symbols that are either written or spoken.

Sound Patterns as Symbols

In oral, or spoken, communication sound patterns are used to stand for other things. The secret to learning an oral language is to discover which sound patterns are associated with which meanings. Very young children often point at objects as they say “Dat?” They have learned that the word dat, which is their way of asking the name of something, causes older children and adults to help them learn the sound patterns that stand for objects they wish to identify. As children start to associate sounds with meanings, they are acquiring language.

Oral communication, however, involves more than just language. In the above example, young children learn to use intonation—a higher pitch at the end of the sound “dat”—to show that these sounds are intended as a question. When people use such a vocal characteristic to help clarify the intent of the sound patterns being used, they are said to be using paralanguage. Since “para” stands for besides, or in addition to, paralanguage may be defined as the vocal characteristics—rate, pitch, loudness, and so on—that accompany sound patterns and help to indicate meaning. For example, a change of meaning has occurred if the child shouts “dat” with no elevation in pitch. “Dat” now is being used to stand for “Give me that.”

Nonverbal Communication

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Sound patterns may also be accompanied by nonverbal symbols. When people speak, they use facial expressions, gestures, and eye contact to make their meanings clear. When a child says “dat” (meaning “give me that”), he or she is likely to look at and point to the object in question. If the child’s request is not answered, an expression on the child’s face will indicate disappointment that “dat” has not been provided.

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In addition to enhancing sound patterns or language, nonverbal symbols may also be used by themselves. When members of a winning sports team wave their hands high in the air, lift their best player above their shoulders, or dash around the playing field hugging each other, the spectators know that the athletes are proud of their victory. In baseball, the catcher makes signals to help the pitcher decide what type of pitch he should throw. Many other gestures convey meaning without requiring conversation. People who have serious hearing problems, or who cannot communicate through sound patterns, become unusually skillful in signing—the use of hand signals—to indicate their meaning. They also clarify meaning or enhance signing through eye contact and facial expression. (See also deafness; American Sign Language.)

Visual and Graphic Communication

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Nonverbal communication may also involve the use of objects or designs rather than gestures, facial expressions, or movements. Traffic lights and highway road signs are examples. So too are religious symbols, national flags, and corporate brand names and logos. Symbols are the basis of written communication. It is important to recognize, however, that human communication begins with oral language. Starting with those early ways of asking “What is that?” children develop a varied vocabulary. They continue to rely on spoken language several years before they learn to read and write. Still, nearly one fifth of all the people in the world over the age of 15 are illiterate—incapable of reading or writing. No matter what their reading abilities may be, all people use language, paralanguage, and nonverbal symbols to communicate with others.

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Just as humans use spoken language in their earliest communication, so cultures, too, begin with oral languages. Only later did humans seek to represent the language of their group, tribe, or region with written symbols. One of the earliest examples of public writing is seen in the ancient Babylonian Code of Hammurabi, a set of rules etched into rock in roughly 1750 bc. Many societies, however, do not have written languages. Of the approximately 2,800 languages in the world, fewer than half have been transcribed into written symbols. The cultural heritage of these societies is passed on to succeeding generations through oral communication. In North America there were once 300 Indian languages. Many of these languages have been lost forever because those who spoke them died before the languages could be transcribed.

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A written language uses printed symbols to stand for sound patterns. In English the 26 letters of the alphabet are the main symbols used to represent sounds. As there are approximately 47 sounds in the English language, however, the letters of the alphabet used alone cannot represent all of the sounds. Consequently, various groupings of letters are used to represent some sounds. For example, the letters t and h are used to represent the first sound in the word “thinking.” Some letters and combinations of letters may stand for more than one sound. In the English language, all of the vowels (a, e, i, o, and u) stand for more than one sound.

In addition to using letters to represent sounds, a written language contains punctuation marks that express the things we normally hear when a question is asked or a demand is stated. Such intonations are known as paralanguage. For example, a period and a comma in writing are equivalent to a pause in speech, while a question mark is expressed through a change in inflection, or pitch, and an exclamation point can be heard as increased volume and intensity.

Nonverbal aspects of oral communication have no direct counterpart in written language. Charts, graphs, pictures, and drawings, however, may be used to help the reader understand the printed text. Pictures and other illustrations may hold meaning for people who speak different languages and who come from different cultures. Some fast-food restaurants in China and other countries display their menu choices with color pictures, thereby permitting people to select a meal without requiring literacy in the local language.

Most forms of human communication, however, require that people share the same symbol systems. The meaning of language, paralanguage, and nonverbal symbols must be understood. In addition, people must share the same knowledge of what in a language can be used properly under various social situations. This varies from one culture to another. So, when learning a second language, it is also important to learn about the people who use that language.

Communication Media

Each medium of communication, collectively known as the media, represents a means through which messages are encoded or transported between people. There are only five possible ways that messages may enter human consciousness: through sound, sight, touch, smell, and taste.

Primitive Means

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In earliest times people came together in groups to avoid loneliness, to help each other hunt and gather food, and to protect themselves from ever-present dangers. In order to live and work cooperatively, they needed to find ways to communicate with each other. They were largely limited to things that could be heard, seen, or felt. They used sounds, gestures, and touch as symbols. A grunting sound might have indicated that a rock was too heavy to lift alone, or a gesture might have stood for “come here” or “get back.” Over time a language developed that stood for the objects and actions needed for survival in a hunting society.

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Primitive people also expressed their feelings through art and dance. Some of the earliest surviving examples of art are the cave paintings in Lascaux, France, which were drawn some 27,000 years ago and depict animals of the time. It is not known whether these pictures were created for the purpose of religious ceremony, dramatic storytelling, or even the simple tallying of hunters’ conquests, but they show that primitive people had both a need and a talent for self-expression.

Human communication developed to serve many purposes. As societies advanced, people learned to grow crops, organize groups for fishing or hunting, and raise animals, they needed symbols to stand for new objects and actions required by such activities. Also, as people did different kinds of work, they needed to trade products with one another. In order to keep records of their transactions, they made notches on sticks and scratches on stones or shells. The Inca Indians recorded information on quipu—a set of knotted strings. Such primitive devices represented the first attempt of humans to record information visually.

Primitive peoples were limited in their ability to communicate across distances. Smoke signals, drums, and fires were used to stretch the boundaries of human sight and sound. Nighttime bonfires were used in early societies as beacons to guide ships at sea. Later, lighthouses were built to extend the range of fire signals. The marble Pharos at Alexandria, Egypt, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, was an early attempt to reach out to those at sea. On land, communication at distances greater than the limits of sight or sound was no faster than the speed of the swiftest runner.


Although oral language was a major achievement for humanity, it had limitations. It was an imperfect means for transporting messages over distance and time. A message sent to far places or passed to succeeding generations was only as accurate as the memory of the runner or the tribal elder. With the invention of writing, ideas could be recorded, copied, and sent by several runners to people in distant places. Ideas could also be passed on with little or no distortion to succeeding generations.

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The first forms of writing were little more than crude pictures strung together in messages called pictographs. Each picture stood for a simple idea. With time pictures were combined to represent more complex ideas. These combinations, called ideographs, expanded the variety of ideas that could be represented. The Chinese ideograph for wife, for example, consisted of the pictures for woman and broom. Even later ideographs came to represent sounds, and the forerunner of modern alphabets was born.

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The invention of alphabets enabled people to send signal messages by torches. Using this technique, the Greeks organized their alphabet in five rows with five letters in each row. By lighting torches in one rack to indicate row and torches in a second rack to indicate the letter in the row, they could spell out messages. Navy signalmen indicate letters of the alphabet with flags and by blinking lights that stand for letters.

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With the invention of writing, people sought materials on which symbols could be written. In early times symbols were recorded on flat stones, bark, and animal skins. Some symbol systems were adapted for the materials on which symbols were recorded. The Babylonians wrote on clay tablets and large flat stones. The Egyptians wrote on a fabric made from the papyrus plant, and the Greeks wrote on parchment made by treating the skins of sheep and goats. Eventually paper, invented in China, was used to record symbols throughout the civilized world.

Writing represented a major breakthrough in the way that messages were encoded. It did not, however, change the way that messages were transmitted. Any written message still had to be transported by conventional means. In roughly 550 bc, Cyrus the Great of Persia sent messages across the land by relays of men on horseback much as Pony Express riders carried messages cross-country in the American West.

One of the great contributions of the Roman Empire was a network of roads from Rome to the far reaches of the empire. In addition to transporting armies, these roads were used to send messages by horseback or horse-drawn chariots. The network of Roman roads is sometimes credited with promoting the spread of Christianity in the early years of the church; the same roads that carried the Roman armies were also traveled by Paul and his emissaries bearing letters to the churches at Corinth, Thessalonica, and Philippi. But it still took weeks and sometimes months for people and messages to travel between places.


Writing enabled people to record ideas on a single surface, but it did not provide the basis for making multiple, inexpensive copies of materials. Additional copies of writings required long and tedious work by scribes, people who copied documents by hand. Consequently, the writings of earlier times were not available to most people and, given the lack of reading materials, most people had no reason to learn how to read.

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The origin of printing dates back as far as the 2nd century ad. By inking covered marble surfaces and placing paper on them, the Chinese were able to “print” designs and writing. By perhaps the year 500, wood blocks were being used in some parts of Asia to reproduce writing and illustrations. In block printing, each page of a book requires its own specially carved block. By contrast, movable type consists of individual pieces of type, each with a single raised character, that can be rearranged and reused to print different texts. Movable type was first used in China in the 11th century and was applied more extensively in Korea during the early 15th century.

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The modern era of printing began in the 1450s when German inventor Johannes Gutenberg created a printing press that used movable metal type. This invention made it possible for printers to produce thousands of copies in less time than it had taken a scribe to produce one. It was the first time in history that large numbers of people could have access to written materials. Soon the art of engraving made it possible to print publications that featured pictures as well as words. The single invention of printing encouraged more and more people to learn to read, especially as reading became the primary means of learning.

While printing made written materials available to more people, societies had yet to establish a means of distributing any kind of publication. It was still necessary to send printed messages by traditional forms of transportation. For most of the history of humankind, the printed message could be transported with no greater speed than that of the fastest person, animal (such as a carrier pigeon), or sailing ship.

Then in the 1700s the development of steam engines added speed to transportation, making it possible to send printed messages across continents by steam-powered trains and across oceans by steam-powered ships. Equally important, steam-driven presses caused greater numbers of books, pamphlets, and journals to be printed more quickly and affordably than ever before. Newspapers and magazines consequently grew in number and circulation, especially as people came to depend on them for news, information, and entertainment.

Electric Media

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In the early 1800s inventors made great progress in sending symbols via electrical impulses over wires. By 1832 Samuel F.B. Morse had invented the telegraph. In the years immediately following he perfected a dot-dash system for encoding and decoding telegraph messages. By 1844 Morse’s telegraph spanned the 37-mile (60-kilometer) distance between Washington, D.C., and Baltimore, Md. The Western Union Telegraph Company was established in 1851. Soon wires crisscrossed the United States and cables were laid beneath the Atlantic Ocean. The telegraph had, at long last, freed long-distance communication from its dependence upon transportation. Messages could be transmitted instantly across great distances. In some cases news from across the world could be published in newspapers on the day it happened.

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In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell was awarded patents for his telephone, a device by which the voice could be transported over electrical currents carried by wires. By 1880 about 30,000 telephones were in operation in the United States. The electronic revolution in communication had begun.

Broadcast Media

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Electronic advances in the 1900s made it possible to transmit messages without the use of wires. In broadcasting, messages are encoded on electromagnetic waves that travel through space. By 1901 coded messages were sent across the Atlantic Ocean via wireless telegraph (early radio). When Lee De Forest patented a vacuum tube in 1906, music or voice could be encoded on electromagnetic waves. Radio as it is known today became possible. By 1920 radio receivers began to appear in homes across America and throughout the world.

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Television broadcasting is similar to radio broadcasting except that more signal space—called bandwidth—is needed to carry the complex video signal with the audio signal. Although television was demonstrated as early as 1926 and was used experimentally in the 1930s, the popular use of television did not begin until the late 1940s because of the intervention of World War II. Color television emerged in the mid-1950s and became dominant over black-and-white television in the late 1960s.

Digital Communication

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Instantaneous communication of text, audio, and video information became a reality when digital technology made it possible to compress, store, and transmit large volumes of data efficiently. This development increased the speed and reduced the cost of distance communication for offices and homes. Business teleconferences with people in faraway cities became affordable and routine. Friends increasingly keep in touch with instant messaging or send each other pictures through their telephones. Computers link offices, families, and friends through e-mail, Web sites, and intranets. Electronic fund transfers give banks and businesses great flexibility in managing money. (See also facsimile; office equipment; digital sampling.)

New technologies have created opportunities in the entertainment industry as well. Increasing numbers of households receive their television programming through coaxial cable or satellite signals. The many methods of recording television programs for later playback increase both the quantity and variety of materials people may view in their homes. The actual content of entertainment also changed as computer animation created entirely new styles and visual effects in cartoons and films.

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Computers are an increasingly important part of the communication process. Large computers in central locations store enormous amounts of information and permit other computers to use it if desired. Internet connections permit people to see information from a library or other program source.

No matter what technical advances in communication may occur in the future, the actual meaning of any communication will still exist only in the minds of people. Technology is a means of helping people to share ideas and feelings, but it will never replace the fundamental human need to exchange and interpret information.


Communication serves five major purposes: to inform, to express feelings, to imagine, to influence, and to meet social expectations. Each of these purposes is reflected in a form of communication.

Informative Communication

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When people share knowledge about the world in which they live, they are participating in the process of informative communication. Informative messages attempt to present an objective—that is, truthful and unbiased—view of the topics being considered. For example, if a sports fan reads accounts of a baseball game in two different newspapers, it is reasonable to expect that the reports will agree on all the significant details and facts of the game: the final score, the winning team, hits, runs, errors, and other happenings.

Informative communication is an important part of life. Young people are exposed to informative messages throughout their school years; it is the main type of communication at all educational levels. As students mature, they are expected to grow in their ability to understand and create informative messages. When reading or listening to such messages, students are expected to recognize the subject or purpose, identify the main points, pick out important details, summarize information, make some assumptions, ask relevant questions, and draw additional conclusions.

The working world depends on informative communication. Nations such as the United States were once called industrial societies, as most people worked in industries that manufactured products. Today these nations are often called information societies, as an increasing number of careers involve the processing of information rather than the fabrication of products. People who work with things rather than ideas, however, also must use such job-related informative messages as parts manuals, job descriptions, catalogs, inventory reports, instructions, warranties, contracts, and invoices.

Young people and adults also use information away from school and work. They seek information about the weather, sporting events, available entertainment, or local, national, and international news. People need information in order to conduct their lives intelligently.

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Fortunately information has never been more available than at the present time. Much can be learned simply by consulting reputable Web sites. Libraries remain among the best sources for information, and free public libraries are available in most parts of the world. The reference sections of libraries contain materials such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, dictionaries of geographical places, biographical dictionaries, printed or online indexes such as The Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature, almanacs, and handbooks and manuals on how to make things.

General-interest publications also contribute to informative communication. Magazines, books, and newspapers provide information for general audiences and for people with special interests. Many of these periodical publications may be received through subscriptions or purchased in bookstores, drugstores, newsstands, and supermarkets.

Technological developments have changed the way people receive daily news. Just as radio broadcasts replaced newspapers as the main carrier of breaking news, so television news eclipsed radio. Television has become one of the most important sources of news information in the United States. In the early 21st century, however, people were just as likely to turn to multiple sources for their news. Newspapers, magazines, Internet news sites, radio, and television in combination provide humans with more information than they have ever before encountered.

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Information is rapidly becoming even more available because of these advances in technology. Personal computers, cable television, DVDs, and video recording devices are finding their way into more and more homes, classrooms, and businesses. Computers have already dramatically changed the storage, analysis, and retrieval of information by students, teachers, businesses, and governmental agencies. Individuals can receive such items as sports scores, weather reports, and stock prices through their cell phones.

Affective Communication

Affective communication is the process through which people express feelings about things, themselves, and others. Expressions of positive and negative feelings about places, objects, events, policies, and ideas are called opinions. Expressions of feelings about oneself are known as self-disclosures. Expression of both positive and negative feelings about others is vital to maintaining close relationships. Expressions of positive feelings let friends and loved ones know that they are valued. Expressions of negative feelings serve as a safety valve in a relationship.

Affective communication also contributes to the formation of self-concept—what one thinks of oneself. Through affective exchanges children form opinions about themselves. As students attend school, interactions with teachers and other students continue to influence their self-concepts.

Affective communication is of major importance throughout life. Employers value employees who get along well with other people, who take criticism well, and who are open and honest in their relationships with others. Affective communication is also important to a happy family life. Psychologists and family therapists stress the importance of open communication in the home. Members of supportive families feel free to talk about positive feelings of love, joy, and appreciation as well as negative feelings of anger, fear, and disappointment.

Affective communication skills are of central importance in certain careers. Psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, physicians, and nurses all need to see the world from the perspective of their patients. But affective communication skills are equally important to most others, including teachers, judges, police officers, religious leaders, school principals, and bank tellers.

Imaginative Communication

Imaginative communication may be defined as the process through which invented situations are created and, in most cases, shared. Whenever people invent jokes or stories, speculate, daydream, or make believe, they are engaged in imaginative communication. People also engage in imaginative communication when they appreciate fictional messages found in books, magazines, newspapers, films, television dramas, plays, and conversations.

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Imaginative communication plays a major role in the lives of all people. Preschool children watch television cartoons and “read” picture books. They appreciate stories read to them by older children and adults. They play “house,” “store,” and “school” and create imaginary castles and mountain roads in their sandboxes.

In elementary school, children encounter an increasing number of imaginative messages as they learn to read and explore literature. Through writing activities children create their own literature. Using the works of others as models, students create poems, stories, plays, and cartoons as they express their individual creativity. Creative dramatics and role-playing enable students to re-create history or understand present events. In their free time elementary and middle school students continue to enjoy television cartoons and dramatic programming and may develop an interest in sports programming.

Secondary school students are introduced to important literary works and, in some schools, to quality films and media programs. In many high schools, however, students receive little encouragement to create imaginative messages of their own. Gifted students find a creative outlet in debating, drama, journalism, creative writing, and media activities. The vast majority of students, though, are merely exposed to the imaginings of others through literature. In their free time secondary school students enjoy televised sports, drama, and cartoons. Their interest in music and films usually grows dramatically during this period of their lives.

Persuasive Communication

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Persuasive communication may be defined as the process through which people attempt to influence the beliefs or actions of others. In many cases persuasive communication involves people who are important to each other—parents influence children, children influence parents, and friends influence each other. Persuasive communication such as advertising frequently involves strangers. Those involved in designing ads or producing commercials will attempt to “know” the target audience, but this is generally limited to a few important details about potential customers, such as where they live or how much money they are expected to spend on certain items in a given year.

People begin to influence others early in life. Preschool children learn that they can influence other children and adults by crying, smiling, whining, pointing, tugging, and, eventually, talking. By the time children enter school, they use a variety of strategies to influence others.

During elementary school years children grow in their ability to adapt persuasive messages to the people they wish to influence. Research has shown that kindergartners and children in the first grade tend to use the same strategies when trying to influence different people. Children in grades two and three adapt their persuasive messages by adding words like “may I” and “please.” Children who are in the fourth and fifth grades begin to adapt their messages to specific people. For example, they begin to use strategies when trying to gain favors from teachers that differ from those they use in trying to gain favors from friends.

By the time most students are in the sixth grade, they can adapt their persuasive messages to specific listener characteristics. In one study, most 12-year-olds used different strategies when trying to get a ball back from the yard of an angry-appearing man than they did when addressing a pleasant-appearing man.

In high school, students continue to grow in the number and sophistication of persuasive strategies used. The average high school senior, for example, anticipates and responds to arguments that disagree with his or her own. High school seniors, however, still have much to learn about influencing others and responding critically to attempts to influence them. Since persuasive communication is complex, learning about it is a lifelong process. Much of that learning can begin by participating on school debate teams and studying rhetoric.

Persuasive communication plays a central role in a number of professions. Lawyers, salespersons, advertising specialists, public relations experts, and politicians must use persuasive communication. While persuasive communication may not be the central ingredient in many careers, most people need to be able to influence others in work-related settings.

The most prominent form of persuasive communication in contemporary life is advertising. Consumers are confronted by advertisem*nts from a variety of directions. While newspapers are thought of as informative sources, local, national, and classified advertising take up about 65 percent of their average total space. In many magazines 45 to 50 percent of the space is given to advertising. As people drive to and from work, radio advertising rides with them. The roadsides are filled with billboards, neon signs, or banners in store windows that compete with traffic for attention. After arriving home and sorting through the advertisem*nts in the day’s mail, people view numerous commercials on prime-time television and attempt to filter e-mail advertisem*nts (known as “spam”) from the e-mails they wish to read.

Ritualistic Communication

Ritualistic communication is the process through which people meet social expectations. The word ritual comes from the Latin ritualis, meaning “pertaining to rites.” At one time rites were seen as acts of religious or public ceremony. People were expected to perform the rites in a certain way. People still have strong expectations about how others should act in a wide range of social situations.

Ritualistic communication is important because people who violate the rules and customs of social interaction may have difficulty relating well to others. They can also be seen as weakening the unity of the social group. Children who do not recognize when other children are “kidding,” or overreact when other children are “teasing,” have difficulty adjusting to school life. Teenagers who have difficulty in engaging in light banter and responding to put-downs are considered by their peers to be odd. Adults who seem too stiff and formal or too loose and informal have difficulty in relating to other adults.

Social expectations differ greatly across different cultures. In some cultures men are expected to embrace one another and kiss each other on the cheek. In other cultures such behavior is considered peculiar. In American culture most people feel free to express many of their feelings openly. In some Asian cultures the open expression of feelings causes embarrassment or shame.

There are many different kinds of social rituals. In modern life people are expected to engage in such everyday speech acts as greeting one another, small talk, leave-taking, teasing, and joking. It is also expected that people use social amenities, or polite expressions, when relating to each other. People are expected to use such polite expressions as “May I please...,” “Yes, you may,” “Thank you,” “You’re welcome,” “May I be excused,” and “Pardon me.”

People are also expected to introduce others gracefully, use telephone etiquette, demonstrate good table manners, and write thank-you notes. In conversation it is expected that individuals take turns, change topics skillfully, and demonstrate interest in the ideas that are expressed by others. In group discussions, participants are expected to share leadership roles, meet the emotional needs of other group members, follow agendas, and compromise.

In written communication people are also expected to conform to social expectations. Personal letters, business letters, letters to editors, limericks, sonnets, ballads, haikus, invitations, responses to invitations, short stories, novels, and editorials are all governed by rules or expectations.


Communication contexts consist of a blend of the audience being addressed and the social settings in which communication occurs. While audiences and settings may be discussed separately, they may also be discussed together.

Intrapersonal Communication

Intrapersonal communication involves communication with oneself. People normally communicate with themselves when they are alone in private or semiprivate places. When people talk to themselves aloud in crowded, public places, others find such behavior strange.

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People communicate with themselves for a variety of purposes. They inform themselves by making grocery lists and by jotting notes of upcoming events on calendars. Before writing essays, they may inform themselves about how to proceed by making outlines. People also express feelings to themselves. Diary writing, for example, grows out of the human need to express feelings to oneself. People also address imaginative messages to themselves. They daydream and fantasize for pleasure. Students doodle creatively as they sit in class. Some people write poetry or prose that they never intend to share. Finally, people engage in ritualistic communication with themselves. Silent prayers and devotions often involve memorized rituals. Many athletes do this as they prepare for a game or contest. Some basketball players, for example, will go through a routine as they get ready to shoot a free throw.

Interpersonal Communication

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Interpersonal communication involves one-to-one exchanges between people. It is the most important and frequent context for communication. It is important because it is essential to forming and maintaining significant relationships between individuals.

Two types of interpersonal communication exist. The first is impersonal in nature. When people react to each other according to the role they are playing, the context is impersonal. For example, in the relationship between a customer and a clerk, the customer may say “I’d like this item,” and the clerk may say “That will be 79 cents.” The most important type of interpersonal context, however, is personal in nature. When people react to one another as unique human beings with special needs and interests, a personal context exists and close relationships may develop. Such things as attraction, self-disclosure, and trust seem to play important roles in establishing and maintaining long-term social relationships.

While most interpersonal communication involves face-to-face exchanges, telephone calls, e-mails, and letters are also forms of interpersonal communication. When friends and loved ones are separated by space, they still feel the need to communicate with each other. People use personal language and paralinguistic cues to convey friendship or affirm their feelings across distances.

Small Group Communication

Small group communication involves give-and-take exchanges between a relatively small number of people. A small group involves at least three but has no precise upper limit. The important thing is not how many people are involved but whether the people are aware of each other as individuals and are able to participate in the discussion.

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The first small group in which most people communicate is the family. Family communication often occurs around the dinner table, in the living room, and in the car. As children mature they become members of other small groups: peer play groups, church or synagogue classes, and day-care center or preschool groups. When children enter school they become members of classes. As they progress through school they communicate in an ever-increasing number of groups: scouting, dance classes, musical groups, athletic teams, and school clubs.

As adults people begin families of their own, become members of groups of people who work together, form friendship groups, join recreational and athletic teams, and become active in community groups. Throughout life people continue to participate in small-group contexts.

Scholars often classify groups by function. Examples of functional groups include those that are organized for the purposes of learning, socializing, therapy, problem-solving, political action, and worship groups. Given the variety of functions, effective participation in groups requires a variety of skills. In family and therapy groups, for example, effective communication might be judged by a participant’s willingness to show empathy toward others. In learning groups, people draw upon an array of skills needed for posing questions, sending and receiving information, and interpreting the concepts being discussed.

As group members, participants must learn to help others accomplish the group’s purpose or function. Their behaviors toward this end are called task roles. But people must also help each other to feel good about group membership and participation. Their behaviors toward these ends are called group maintenance or social roles. In addition, group members must become aware of individual actions that interfere with effective group functioning. Good group members are team players—they sacrifice self-interests for the welfare of the group.

Organizational Communication

Many small groups are also part of a larger group called an organization. An organization is, simply, a body of people organized for some specific purpose. Among the major organizations in society are churches, temples, schools, colleges and universities, businesses, corporations, libraries, military services, service organizations, and city, county, state, and national governments.

Because organizations are complex, it is important for each to establish a formal communication network. The communication network in a business or public agency is often drawn up in an organization chart that identifies the titles of people who hold positions in the organization and indicates who reports to whom. While the organization chart identifies the path formal communications will travel, it is understood that informal communication networks will develop without conforming to any chart. These two types of communication networks thereby provide for both formal and informal exchanges of ideas.

It is important in organizations that communication networks provide for a two-way flow of information. It must flow from a company president’s office to all of the individuals and groups who need that information. But it should also flow in the other direction. Workers are more satisfied when they feel that their ideas are being heard by persons higher in the organization chart.

Organizational communication is also important because conflicts inevitably arise between individuals and groups. Engineers in a company, for example, may produce product designs that shop foremen consider too difficult to make. When such differences arise, the communication network must provide for conflict resolution—a system through which workers can settle their differences.

Public Communication

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Public communication involves face-to-face exchanges between people in situations where speaker and listener roles are relatively fixed. A lecture, a theatrical production, a concert, a religious service, a political debate, a court trial, and a legislative hearing are all instances of public communication.

Since public communication is essentially a one-way process, those who play speaker roles have a special responsibility. Speakers need to prepare carefully for such occasions. The message must be clearly organized. Audiences in public communication contexts expect competent speakers who are well-informed and articulate.

Mass Communication

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Mass communication may be defined simply as messages transmitted through electronic or print media and directed at great numbers of people. Many features of mass communication distinguish it from other forms of communication. Mass communication messages are prepared by groups of people working for an organization, be they a staff working for a newspaper or a group of volunteers writing a press release for a service organization. A local television evening news program, for example, involves the three or four people who are seen at the news desk, but it also involves many people who are never seen on camera—camera operators, script writers, engineers, business managers, and many others. Mass communication is also directed to a relatively large and anonymous audience—“to whom it may concern.” The message must appeal to a large number of people, or those producing it will not remain in business. Because of the expense of communicating to large audiences, nearly all forms of mass communication depend on some source of funding, be it through subscription, advertising revenue, or charitable support. Finally, the source of the message is remote—separated from the audience by time or space. As a consequence, those being addressed do not attend to the message as intently as do those in the company of the message source. For example, television viewers generally feel free to talk to each other, leave the room to get a snack, change channels, or fall asleep.

The fact that mass communication is a business in America has important implications. The mass media are in competition with each other for sales dollars, advertising revenue, or both. With advances in technology the number of alternatives is increasing. People have a greater variety of communication products from which to choose. Cable television, videotapes, and subscription television programming, for instance, offer an increasing number of options to television viewers. As some people turn away from regular network and local-station programming, advertisers may be unwilling to pay the prices asked for advertising time. In the past, competitive pressures caused magazine publishers, film producers, and radio stations to aim their messages toward specific audiences. Television is the latest example of the general disintegration of a mass media audience in favor of a number of smaller, more focused audiences comprising people who share common interests.

Communication as a Process

It is important to understand communication as a process—a series of ongoing events that include sending, receiving, and interpreting a message. It is a mistake to think of communication as a thing. Books, encyclopedias, CDs and phonograph records, DVDs, and magazines are indeed things. But each of these things is, by itself, not communication. Each represents, rather, a message that is but one part of the whole communication process. This process begins when a person feels a need to communicate. For example, a student may feel that his or her hair looks messy after gym class. To check it out, the student encodes, or places into sound patterns, a message: “Does my hair look messy?” Person two hears the sounds and decodes, or assigns meanings to, the message: “Chris is worrying about messy hair again.” The friend then encodes a response into sound patterns: “Your hair looks great, Chris. Stop worrying.” Chris hears the sounds and decodes their meaning: “Oh, great. Pat thinks my hair doesn’t look messy.” This illustration shows how the communication process works for one person-to-person exchange involving a single idea or feeling. In ordinary conversation the communication process is unlikely to stop with a single exchange.

In the preceding illustration the communication process was interactive—person one and person two exchanged ideas directly. Still, not all communication is interactive. For example, in some cases communication is a one-way process. Radio and television programs, newspapers, films, and magazines are usually one-way messages created by teams of people. In all of these cases, a great deal of communication has taken place between people as they planned for, encoded, revised, and edited the message that is read, seen, or heard by listeners, readers, or viewers these people will never meet.The ideas conveyed in a one-way message seldom remain solely in the mind of the receiver. Students use information from encyclopedias to create their own oral and written messages. People often encode messages about other messages as they talk with or write to others about things they have seen or read or heard. Consequently, a single communication process is often linked with other communication processes.

Additional Reading

Agee, Warren Kendall, and others. Introduction to Mass Communications, 12th ed. (Longman, 1997).Bettinghaus, E.P., and Cody, M.J. Persuasive Communication, 5th ed. (Harcourt Brace College, 1994).Johannesen, R.L. Ethics in Human Communication, 5th ed. (Waveland Press, 2002).Kent, Deborah. American Sign Language (Watts, 2003).Langs, Robert. Unconscious Communication in Everyday Life (Jason Aronson, 1993).Mattern, Joanne. From Radio to the Wireless Web (Enslow, 2002).Nelson, R.L. Communication Then and Now (Lerner, 2003).Platt, Richard. Communication: From Hieroglyphs to Hyperlink (Kingfisher, 2004).Samoyault, Tiphaine. Give Me a Sign! What Pictograms Tell Us Without Words (Viking, 1997).Streissguth, Thomas. Communications: Sending the Message (Oliver, 1997).Williams, Brian. Communications (Heinemann Library, 2002).

communication (2024)


What is your definition of communication? ›

What is communication? Communication is the sending and receiving of information and can be one-on-one or between groups of people, and can be face-to-face or through communication devices. Communication requires a sender, the person who initiates communication, to transfer their thoughts or encode a message.

What are the 5 basic communication skills? ›

  • WRITTEN COMMUNICATION. Convey ideas and information through the use of written language.
  • ORAL COMMUNICATION. Convey ideas and information through the use of spoken language.

What are the four types of communication? ›

The four types of communication are verbal, non-verbal, visual and written communication. No matter how we communicate, start by thinking about what the reader/listener should think, feel and do once they've heard or read our message.

How do you define good communication? ›

Effective communication is the process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, opinions, knowledge, and data so that the message is received and understood with clarity and purpose. When we communicate effectively, both the sender and receiver feel satisfied.

What is the best way to define communication? ›

Communication is the act of giving, receiving, and sharing information -- in other words, talking or writing, and listening or reading. Good communicators listen carefully, speak or write clearly, and respect different opinions.

What are the 5 C's of communication? ›

For effective communication, remember the 5 C's of communication: clear, cohesive, complete, concise, and concrete. Be Clear about your message, be Cohesive by staying on-topic, Complete your idea with supporting content, be Concise by eliminating unnecessary words, be Concrete by using precise words.

What are 7 good communication skills? ›

The 7 Cs of Communication help you to communicate more effectively. The 7 Cs stand for: clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete, and courteous. Though there are a few variations. You can use the 7 Cs as a checklist in your written and spoken messages.

What are 3 examples of good communication skills? ›

Here are some skills to keep in mind:
  • Active listening.
  • Adapting your communication style to your audience.
  • Friendliness.
  • Confidence.
  • Offering and taking feedback.
  • Volume and clarity.
  • Empathy.
  • Respect.
Sep 5, 2023

Which one is considered to be a poor communication? ›

Poor communication often occurs when there's a discrepancy between what one person says and what another person hears. In other words, the person being communicated to misunderstands what you're trying to tell them, so there's no mutual understanding.

How to be a better communicator? ›

Whether writing or speaking, give your full attention.
  1. (2) Communicate with intent. Before you speak or write, take time to think about what your intention is for the message and how it might be received. ...
  2. (3) Listen or read to understand the intention. ...
  3. (4) Be clear and direct. ...
  4. (6) Align your body language and words.
May 16, 2024

What are the 5 A's of communication? ›

The 5As (Ask, Advise, Agree, Assist, Arrange) are a clinical tool recommended for health behavior counseling in primary care.

How to communicate properly? ›

10 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills
  1. Listen, listen, and listen. ...
  2. Who you are talking to matters. ...
  3. Body language matters. ...
  4. Check your message before you hit send. ...
  5. Be brief, yet specific. ...
  6. Write things down. ...
  7. Sometimes it's better to pick up the phone. ...
  8. Think before you speak.

What are the 4 blocks of communication? ›

- Four building blocks create the foundation for successful communication: the people, the message, the context, and effective listening. The four elements are at play in every communication event, whether you're presenting in front of 1,000 people or making small talk with a coworker.

What is the best communication style? ›

The assertive communication style is widely considered to be the most effective. This style is direct and straightforward without being domineering. Assertive communicators know how to get what they want, but not at the expense of others on their team.

What is the best definition of means of communication? ›

Means of communication are used by people to communicate and exchange information with each other as an information sender and an information recipient.

What is communication in one word answer? ›

Communication is defined as as exchange of facts, opinions between two or more persons resulting in the creation of common ground of understanding.

What is the best definition of communication skills? ›

Communication Skills involve the methods used in conveying, receiving and processing information through verbal and non-verbal means. It includes speaking and listening effectively, interpreting gestures, body language, and emotions and being able to use the right communication on the right occasion.

What is communication in your own words essay? ›

Communication is the act of transferring or exchanging information from one place, person or group of people to another. In other words, it means sharing information or ideas by talking or writing and receiving information by listening or reading. It is basically an interaction between two or more people.

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.